Chapter 150 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (44)

Shu Anyang retired successfully and settled the important matter. When he left the mining area, he passed the noodle shop and saw the proprietress, mother and son, packing their things.

She chuckled lightly and said, "Sister, my family lives in Yandian Village, my name is Shu Anyang, and my man's name is Mo Haoran, who works for the transportation team of the mining area..."

Hearing Mo Haoran's name, the proprietress smiled and said: "Oh, I didn't expect the girl to be the target of Brother Haoran!"

"Brother Haoran is a hero in our mining area, helping the big guys solve many difficult problems."

"My guy was originally a small captain, and he has a pretty good relationship with Brother Haoran. When my guy was killed, Brother Haoran took the risk to go down the well to save people... Although my guy didn't survive, he was also killed. Brother Haoran carried it out...During that time, Brother Haoran ran for our mother and son before letting us get this noodle restaurant, otherwise, we would be bullied to death by our children's grandparents..."

"At that time, I was thinking, what kind of girl can match the hero of our mining area?"

"My sister is blessed, brother Haoran is even more blessed!"

Shu Anyang heard others praise Mo Haoran, his heart was sweet, and he pursed his lips and chuckled lightly: "Because our mining has caused an area of ​​the provincial road to collapse, so the higher authorities diverted the provincial road to pass by our house... Miss free You can bring your kids to play with me..."

The proprietress nodded again and again, and then she remembered that she forgot to introduce herself: "My name is Ye Fangjuan, and this is my son Sheng Zhiming! From now on, I will be cheeky and leave my sister as a relative."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Shu Anyang said goodbye to them and joined Mr. Mo.

She was walking too fast, the proprietress wanted to pack some things for her to take with her, but she didn't catch up...

"Master, have you eaten yet?" Shu Anyang asked with a light smile.

The old man nodded, "I ate it. When I passed by the supply and marketing cooperative, they happened to sell meat buns. They were big and thin. They were delicious. I bought a few and ate two myself. Here, this is yours."

He handed over two steamed meat buns wrapped in oiled paper.

Shu Anyang glanced at the corner of the old man's mouth, it was very clean and did not reflect light in the sun, how could it look like he had eaten meat buns?

"I don't believe it," she snorted. "Here, you eat one and I eat one, or I won't bring you with me next time I come to town!"

Hearing her tone as if she was talking to a child, Mr. Mo thought it was funny, but he didn't shirk it. He cheerfully took a meat bun and gnawed it curiously.

After he finished eating, seeing that Shu Anyang hadn't eaten yet, the old man said: "Grandpa bought a lot of meat buns, hurry up and eat."

Shu Anyang smiled lightly: "You must have bought it for the children, I will save this one for my grandma."

Mr. Mo was so comfortable in his heart, how could this be a granddaughter-in-law, it was obvious that the two of them had an extra granddaughter.

"Then buy more meat buns next time, everyone has them!" He wanted to buy them again, but the buns in the state-run restaurant sold out quickly, and I'm afraid they were gone by now.

Shu Anyang nodded, and said in a low voice, "When Brother Haoran comes back from the devil's capital, I'll give you a big red envelope so that you can buy delicious food for the juniors when you come out."

She really likes the feeling of being pampered, especially the love and care of the elders, which makes people bubbling with happiness!
The old man happily replied: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

The grandpa and grandson sat one by one and drove the other, leisurely heading towards the village.

But it said that Mo Haoran and Li Minglang followed the Zhaoyang Coal Mine team to Shanghai. After unloading the cars, most of the cars had purchased some things and returned, while Mo Haoran and Li Minglang were waiting for Manager Zhao from the sales department to finish their business negotiations.

After finishing their official business, Mo Haoran and Li Minglang did not dare to delay for a moment. Under the leadership of Li Minglang, they bought all the money in their hands into the "Electric Vacuum" stock, which was 91 yuan per share.

Mo Haoran bought two thousand 520 eight shares.Li Minglang bought five shares of 610 for Hao Xuemin, while Li Minglang himself only bought 33 shares due to limited funds!

When they first came, they carried heavy banknotes on their backs, but now that their backpacks are empty, even Mo Haoran's heart beats fast.

Li Minglang took a deep breath, "Brother Haoran, I am interested in stocks, but I usually play rationally, and the gains and losses are within my tolerance."

"Now I put all my money into it."

"I've never been crazy, this feeling is so sour!"

Mo Haoran also looked at the big sun above his head, and said with a smile: "I also earned this money through hard work. Recently, I have studied stocks. When the electric vacuum stock was at its highest, it cost more than 140 yuan per share. Now that it has fallen to 91, it should be time for a rebound.”

There are various periodicals in the library of the mining area. Before leaving the car, he went to read the financial publications in Shanghai, which contained introductions and analysis of electric vacuum stocks.

In less than half an hour, he understood the general idea.In fact, stocks are still very profitable, because the economy is developing rapidly now, and some stocks have already made a good start, so the possibility of electric vacuum bottoming out is not small.

However, he hesitated about the 800 yuan his wife said.

How can it be easy to rise from 91 to [-]?

And he listened to his daughter-in-law's words, this is still rising in a short period of time!

No matter what, he was going to sell all the stocks in one go when he left Shanghai.

After buying the stock, the two men had nothing to do, so they walked around for a while. When they passed by the company, they couldn't help but come in and take a look around. Unexpectedly, the stock went up to [-] yuan in just a short while!

Mo Haoran was a little bit psychologically prepared, but Li Minglang, who thought he was familiar with stocks, had never encountered such a sharp rise, and was directly blinded in place.

"Brother, we, let's make a move quickly! Such an increase is too amazing, could it be that the staff made a mistake?" Li Minglang grabbed Mo Haoran's arm, his first reaction was ecstasy, and the second reaction was fear In an instant, the face value of the stock fell to the bottom.

"We who play stocks must set a limit for ourselves. Don't just hold on to the stocks because they think the stocks are going up. Otherwise, after this point, the next moment will fall to the bottom!"

Li Minglang kept dragging people to go inside, and tried to persuade him, for fear that Mo Haoran would be deeply involved.

Mo Haoran held him back with a helpless smile: "Mingming, I think you fell into it. Do you still remember when we came here, what was our plan?"

Li Minglang was stunned for a moment, let go of him, wiped his face vigorously, and said with a wry smile: "Yeah, we are all planning for the worst, all the money will be in vain."

"Then we will work hard to see if we can sell it in time when it falls..."

(End of this chapter)

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