Chapter 157 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (51)

"It's a matter of time before Jiang Xiaofang and I get to this point..." Hao Xuemin frowned and sighed slightly, "I have struggled in this marriage for more than ten years. If this incident hadn't happened, I'm afraid I would have continued to waste time. go down."

But it was 6000 yuan, and the Jiang family couldn't wait to jump out. Hao Xuemin was full of sarcasm.

Mo Haoran smiled and said: "Brother Hao is a blessing in disguise. In the future, without the Jiang family holding you back, your career will definitely be smoother."

Hao Xuemin waved his hand and chuckled: "In fact, I don't have much ambition in my career, I just want to do my job well, and I am worthy of the salary I receive."

"By the way, I'm looking for you. I actually want to discuss with you. Because the Jiang family is here, our stock purchases will definitely spread like wildfire. When the big guys see the news about the skyrocketing electric vacuum stock a few days ago, I don't know what to do. miss us."

"I feel like it's been two days..."

Mo Haoran raised his eyebrows and said: "Let's just say that we didn't expect the electric vacuum stock to rise so fast on this day. We first went to buy special products for our family, and then bought stocks. We waited in line for more than 300 yuan, and waited for our turn. It's already 500 yuan, a small profit... We have to be half-truths and half-false when lying, making money is making money, but not making much..."

"When it reached more than 600 yuan, Minglang couldn't take it anymore. I was afraid it would fall, so I sold it in time, so we only made [-]% of the profit."

Hao Xuemin directly took out the pen and paper, wrote down the key points, nodded repeatedly and said in a low voice: "Then I will tell Minglang this again, so that the three of us won't get different answers later."

Mo Haoran responded with a smile.

After leaving, Hao Xuemin went directly to Li Minglang, and relayed Mo Haoran's words, "Minglang, I think you should not go to Shanghai in the near future. The stock price has risen so much, it will definitely fall back slowly..."

Li Minglang smiled and nodded: "Okay, brother-in-law, do you understand this? I think so too. This time the stock market is really abnormal, and the increase is astonishing."

"When we were queuing up to sell it, we heard a lot of people discussing it... Anyway, before the face value of the stock has dropped to the bottom, I don't plan to go to Shanghai anymore..."

Hao Xuemin hummed, "The next time Haoran comes to look for you again, you can tell my uncle...not only will my 40 yuan not stay, but I will continue to save money, and then I will play with you..."

Li Minglang naturally responded.

However, after Jiang Xiaofang and Hao Xuemin divorced, they ran around trying to rescue Jiang Xingwang, but the nature of this incident was too bad, and the leaders paid a lot of attention to it, so there was no possibility of activities.

Who wants to attract the attention of the higher-ups for a little guy?

Jiang Xingwang knew that he couldn't get out, so he looked at Jiang Xiaofang who came to visit the prison viciously: "Sister, I'm going to jail for you. If I don't stand up for you, how can I stay here for 20 years?"

"So you must rescue me!"

Jiang Xiaofang wiped her tears and looked at her younger brother's bare head, feeling distressed and guilty, "Xingxing, my sister also wants to, but my sister doesn't know anyone... I have also looked for those people you mentioned, but they all I don't want to touch it."

Jiang Xingwang sneered: "Of course they don't want to get involved, so why don't you just bring some fruit to the door? Heh, everyone is a big boss, so how can you value that eighty-cent thing?"

"If you really want my younger brother, for the sake of me going to jail for you, why not..."

He hooked his hands behind Chongjiang Xiaofang behind his back.

Jiang Xiaofang's heart skipped a beat, and she leaned over to listen.

Jiang Xingwang said indifferently: "Sister, how many nights do you spend with the bosses, how about changing your younger brother to come out a few years earlier?"

Jiang Xiaofang was so frightened that she stood up abruptly, "Xingwang, you..."

Jiang Xingwang sat grinningly, squinting at her and gritted his teeth in a low voice:
"What's wrong with me? I can't eat or sleep well in this iron cage. I can't finish the work every day. Isn't it just to let you lie down and do some work? What's the meaning of pushing? It's not a big girl!"

"Or is it that your chastity is more important than my freedom? If you think about it, I've found the woman I love, and I'm going to talk about marriage right away, but I'm here to suffer for you... My whole life is ruined..."

Jiang Xiaofang felt distressed when she heard that, yes, she was married and had children, if her younger brother hadn't stepped in for her, Hao Xuemin wouldn't have sent her in.

Jiang Xingwang is such a good child, young, smart and capable, with a bright youth and a bright future, all of which were delayed by her.

She bit her lip and made up her mind: "Okay, Xingwang, you, who do you want to find!"

Contempt and disgust flashed in Jiang Xingwang's eyes, and he told her personal information. "By the way, you should pay attention to the stock market in Shanghai. It's best to spread the news about Hao Xuemin's [-] shares... Oh, we can't get it, so don't make him too happy!"

Coming out of the prison, Jiang Xiaofang only felt dizzy from the sun.She walked in a daze, but she didn't expect to reach the former family courtyard. Seeing the sneering smiles of the neighbors, she hurriedly covered her face and turned away.

She walked faster and faster, and even started to run while wiping away her tears.

Jiang Xiaofang was afraid that she would regret it, so she went back to her mother's house to make up a little, and took a car to find Manager Zheng from the security company.

At the beginning Jiang Xiaofang was good looking, not to mention a flower in the mine, but she was also pretty and had many suitors.

After she married Hao Xuemin, she didn't suffer much in life. Even after she gave birth to a child, she was still in her early thirties and had little to do with beauty.

Moreover, a woman of this age has a charm that little girls don't have, and she is used to pretending to be weak and wronged, which makes men want to bully her.

Jiang Xiaofang went in neatly with her bag of clothes, and when she came out in the evening, her eyes were red and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were a little torn, and even the collar around her neck couldn't cover up the bruises.

However, she had a look of joy on her face, and she touched the thin gold bracelet on her right wrist with her left hand.

Shu Anyang's daily schedule is very regular. He wakes up naturally after sleeping, washes and eats, and then starts training the women of the Mo family to cook.

She first led everyone to try tricks one by one to see who was good at what, and then taught them in detail.

The women of the Mo family are not good at cooking, that's because there is no one to lead them, and Professor Shu Anyang's methods are all error-free and easy to operate, as long as they are willing to put their heart into it, there is nothing they can't do!

The big guys are very enthusiastic about doing business, not only the women have to learn, but also the men have to learn after they build the house.

The Mo family is used to one command and one action, and they are not very good at doing business.

If they are allowed to think about what kind of business to do, what are the purchase channels, what is the purchase price, and what is the selling price, they can only do a well-regulated business, and they may not be able to manage it well.

Now Shu Anyang is teaching them skills, as if pointing out the direction for them, and they just need to run along the direction.

(End of this chapter)

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