Chapter 192 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (86)

Mo Haoran hurriedly stopped, "Grandma, in fact, I have already applied for welfare housing at work after I got married. After the first month of the month, I will simply decorate it and add things to it while drying it..."

Shu Anyang looked at him suddenly, "No wonder you said that the work unit is busy and you don't come back at noon, so it's because you are busy with work?"

Mo Haoran nodded with a low smile, "I asked your opinion, and you agreed, but I was worried that the family business was not on the right I will prepare in advance."

"It can't be said that you nod now, and if I'm busy with this matter, I'll delay it for a month?"

After finishing speaking, he said to his family: "It seems that there are quilts, sheets and quilts on the bed, and all the toiletries are complete. The only thing missing is my wife and a few clothes."

"I can take almost one trip on a motorcycle... These beddings are still at home, and when we come back to live on the weekend..."

Shu Anyang glared at him, and said with a smile: "Grandma and parents must be worried about us, so go and see what's wrong?"

"There are rules for moving into a new house, and when people in the city move to a new house, they also have to ask their relatives and friends to warm the pot together, which means that our days will be prosperous and lively in the future!"

Mother Mo patted her thigh, "Yes, yes, living in a new house requires a lot of attention, and I have to choose an auspicious day to move in... I have to prepare a lot of things, and I will pay my respects to all the gods..."

Mo Haoran held his forehead and looked around, but everyone nodded in agreement.He said helplessly: "Mom, then hurry up and see which day is suitable for moving to a new house!"

Mo's mother went to the house and took out the old almanac of the red book, looked at today, and said in surprise: "Today is suitable, but it's already in the afternoon... how can we move in the afternoon..."

Mo Haoran hurriedly asked: "Mom, I cleaned the house before I came, and the garbage is still in the house and I haven't had time to throw it away! As long as we have someone pass by, we will be considered as moving."

Mo's mother thought about it, looked at Shu Anyang, "Anyang, what do you think?"

Xiahua people are very particular about major events, and the older the generation, the more taboos they have.

Shu Anyang smiled and said: "Mom, these rules actually depend on the individual, how comfortable they are. The sun is in full swing, and the yang energy is very strong, so we won't delay the move. It happens that we have a hot pot in the afternoon, and the big guy returns in an ox cart. ..."

"The main thing is that the new home has all the things, and we are considered to have moved when we arrive..."

The days are long in summer, and you won't feel drowsy until the big guys get home.

Mrs. Mo said directly: "Let's do it today, take off the sheets and quilts, and bring the food and necessities at home in the car... Just after we pass by, we will pay homage to all the gods, and cook some delicious meals for the neighbors." Let's share..."

There wasn't much business at the moment, so there was only one person left in each shop, and the rest went to Zhaoyang Coal Mine in a bullock cart.

The Zhaoyang Coal Mine is quite famous in the local area, and it is one of the main economic forces of the town. Whenever the family members go out and spend a lot of money, people will ask if it is from the mine!

And the family members nodded proudly, holding their chins high, unable to resist being held up and spending more money...

In the early 90s, there were horse-drawn carts and ox carts on the road, but for the sake of environmental sanitation, the big guys hung plastic bags behind the livestock to prevent their excrement from burdening the cleaners and affecting the travel of residents.

The Mo family has a large number of people, a dozen or so people, sitting in two bullock carts, which in the eyes of Mr. Mo, is particularly respectful, waving whips in the air, and shouting loudly and proudly: "Drive !"

At the beginning, when they met villagers and passers-by, they all cast envious eyes.

Whoever has cows and who has a large number of people is a sign of prosperity and abundance. After all, the price of a cow is not cheap.

It's just that as they approached the small town and met the people in the city, even Mr. Mo could feel the contempt in everyone's eyes, and even the aunt directly covered her nose!

Mrs. Mo couldn't help but said with a hot face: "Hao Ran, otherwise I will let your parents ride your motorcycle and go home with you... We, we have a lot of people, your house of more than 60 square meters may not Can fit us..."

"Besides, our village is very close to your unit, we can come and see you anytime..."

Shu Anyang smiled and said: "Grandma, the more people there are, the more lively it will be when moving to a new house. If they want so many people, they still can't invite them."

"Our cattle are well taken care of by my grandfather. They are all shiny, strong and strong, and have no smell at all after being washed... What do they dislike? Could it be that the flour and rice they eat are not plowed with cattle? "

"The fields are full of farm manure, they are just out of sight and deceiving themselves..."

"If you want me to say, people from the city and country, the organization says that everyone is equal. If you simply define a person's status by work, it is that person's superficiality and small structure... Those who have the ability to compete with people in big cities In comparison, they might have to dig a hole to drill in by then... We are dignifiedly relying on hardworking hands to plant the land and eat, and if we don't eat a grain of rice from them, why can't we hold our chests up?"

"Only those who have no ability will improve themselves by despising others..."

Her voice was not too loud, but it was just enough for the aunt who was covering her nose to hear it, and the pedestrians on the road could also hear her clearly.

They looked embarrassed and quickened their pace.

Old Mrs. Mo smiled and nodded at her, "You girl can see clearly. It would be great if everyone thought like you."

"Okay, then grandma will have the cheek to go to warm the pot with you..."

The Mo family was also comforted by Shu Anyang's words.They no longer bowed their waists and blushed in embarrassment, but straightened their waists one by one, laughed and talked, admiring the changes in the town, regardless of the eyes of others.

The mentality of the Mo family has changed a lot nowadays. In the past, they really had to face the land and their backs to the sky.

Even if they came to the town, they came and went in a hurry with a very strong purpose. How can they enjoy everything with confidence like today.

With Mo Haoran leading the way, the big guy quickly passed through the mining area and arrived at the north area of ​​the family courtyard.

This is a newly built row of brand new family buildings, red and white colors, especially bright and beautiful in the sun!
"Hey, who's relative is this? Why are you so unqualified, and came in with a bullock cart... I said why it smells so bad... I thought someone's toilet was blocked... "The woman who went downstairs to dry the quilt held the bed brush, pinched her waist and sneered.

The big guys just had dinner in the afternoon, some came back from the cafeteria, and some took advantage of the noon time to wash clothes and dry bedding.They all laughed silently when they heard it, and their expressions of watching the excitement and contempt were full.

Shu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, hugged his chest and said with a smile: "Brother Haoran, is there no one cleaning our family courtyard in the morning? Why do I smell that someone didn't brush their teeth and spray manure?"

(End of this chapter)

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