Chapter 205 The 90s hero, his aunt (2)

Mother Liu came from the countryside to take care of her, and every time the original owner came to deliver things and replace Mother Liu, she would be reprimanded.

If it wasn't for the selfishness of the original owner, who moved from home to the staff dormitory, and didn't share the housework with Liu Anlian, Liu Anlian wouldn't be too tired to die.

The original owner also blamed herself, but she has tried her best to help her sister outside of work.It's just that the brother-in-law's family is holding on to her sister in all tasks, no matter adults or children, if the soy sauce bottle is down, they have to wait for Liu Anlian to help them.

On the one hand, the Jing family is lazy and greedy, and on the other hand, Liu Anlian thinks too much of her husband and children.

The hearts of the whole family are twisted!She disagreed, but she had no position to criticize. She could only silently bear the grief of Mother Liu's impending loss of her daughter.

Seeing her sister becoming thinner and sallow day by day, the original owner felt very sad, but the whole family resented her, only Liu Anlian held her hand and wept.

"Anyang, sister is willing to part with anyone, but you and the children..."

Qiu Anyang pursed his lips to hold back his crying, "No way, my sister is so good, how could she commit such a crime? You can definitely survive it, don't say anything depressing!"

Liu Anlian chuckled and coughed for a long time: "Our parents have an elder brother and a second younger brother in their hometown, I don't worry... your brother-in-law, he works hard to take care of the family, and has a great sense of responsibility. Without it, I can find a better one." of……"

"But my three children don't have a mother, and their father is so busy making money, how can he have time to love them? And you, little sister, have been protected by me since I was a child. After I left, who will take you to heart?" Does it hurt?"

"How is my sister's health? The doctor has given me a medical certificate. It's the same everywhere. Don't lie to me, little sister..."

Qiu Anyang burst into tears at what she said.

At this time Mother Liu also washed the dishes and came in, snorted coldly, but didn't speak.

Liu Anlian hesitated for a while, took Qiu Anyang's hand and said, "Anyang, you, can you promise me something?"

Qiu Anyang nodded again and again: "Sister, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

Liu Anlian gritted her teeth and said, "Can I take care of your nephews, nieces and brother-in-law for my sister?"

Qiu Anyang froze for a moment, a little confused about what she meant.

Liu Anlian continued: "Anyang, sister knows that I am selfish about this, but there is nothing I can do... I, I am not willing to go... I can't watch you get married and have children, and I can't watch your children grow up healthy and happy... Why do I have to let other women pick up the ready-made baby after spending so much time with your brother-in-law?"

"Sister also wants to be selfish for a while!"

"I know that your brother-in-law is only a junior high school student, and is ten years older than you. He is still a rough man. He only knows how to work in the mines, and he has no interest or vision... But, Anyang, you are still too young to know Living this life is different from falling in love... Your brother-in-law will love others, and he is honest and has no crooked intentions..."

"The children are with my aunt, none of us are worried...Anyang, can I just be a sister and beg you?"

Qiu Anyang looked at her in disbelief.

This is the elder sister who claims to love her since she was a child, but now her elder sister actually pushes her into the fire pit!

Mother Liu stared at Qiu Anyang: "This is your sister's last wish, do you want to refuse to let her die in peace?"

"Your sister loves you so much, but when you really need you, you don't reach out?"

Liu Anlian covered her eyes: "Mom, don't say it, it's my fault. I, I also said the wrong thing in a hurry...Little sister has a great life, how can she be dragged down by our family?"

"'s my fate, I'm finally getting through the days, but my body can't hold it anymore..."

This time Mother Liu directly took Qiu Anyang to beat her, "Why are you so stubborn, girl? Even if you just trick your sister, let your sister go away with peace of mind... You girl has been cold-hearted since she was a child. , I don’t understand the difficulties at home at all, whoever refuses to let you go to school is like killing you!”

"It was your sister who secretly saved money and paid for your tuition and food expenses... But how do you repay her?"

"This is your own sister, she is going to die soon! Besides, if you don't want to, I believe your brother-in-law will not make things difficult for you... Now that the children are sensible, there is no need for you to stare at them 24 hours a day... you can just When I get married more than ten years later..."

"It's not that I want you to pay for it forever... At most, I will return your sister's kindness to you to the children..."

Liu Anlian also looked at Qiu Anyang eagerly.

The latter nodded his head unbearably.

Since then, she has been a substitute.

At first, Jing Wenshi respected her quite a bit, but there are not many rooms in the house, and the children need to study and rest, so she shares a room with Jing Wenshi.

You can't let Jing Wenshi lay the floor in winter, right?So the two are sleeping on the same bed.

Once Jing Wenshi was drunk and forced her to take advantage of his alcohol.This matter has one thing and two things, she endured the humiliation, but Jing Wenshi really had nothing to say to her.

All wages are given to her.Whenever he got home, he would help with some work, and with his honest appearance, she couldn't say anything bad.

After a long time, Qiu Anyang resigned to her fate, but who knew that she was pregnant, and before she could tell Jing Wenshi, the pregnancy test stick was found in the trash can by her eldest niece.

Without giving her any time to hesitate, the three children teamed up and knocked her onto the table...

The child in Qiu Anyang's stomach was gone, and she was completely disqualified from being a mother because of the serious injury.

For the children who were almost as big as her, uneasy, and guilty, Qiu Anyang's grievances and hatred were all gone.

She is like a walking dead, continuing to live the days of her sister's devotion to her father.

As time passed, the badness of this family of four was exposed.Jing Wenshi was afraid that she would be too beautiful and restless, so he forced her to quit her job and become a housewife with peace of mind.

The three children were more rebellious and selfish than the other, and she could not be beaten or scolded. When the children's grades in the middle school and college entrance examinations were not satisfactory, and it was difficult for them to find a job, the whole family blamed her for not giving enough.The harsh words made her numb.

After all the children worked, got married and had children, the original owner wanted to divorce Jing Wenshi no matter what.

She was fed up with his rudeness, lack of self-motivation, machismo, pickiness and shamelessness, and the children's white-eyed wolf behavior.

However, in just over 20 years, she was in her 60s, like a [-]-year-old woman, and she left this world with great regret and unwillingness before receiving the court verdict.

The original owner is really high-minded, but she has been relying on her own efforts to climb up.

But she didn't expect that the sister who helped her all the time ruined her life!
She hated and had no choice but to do it all over again, to live her life well, instead of being a substitute for her sister...

(End of this chapter)

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