When the village chief said these words, he felt a lot more relaxed, as if he didn't know which way to go in the maze. Now that he has chosen the direction, he just needs to keep his head down and move forward.

"But Anyang, you take the money back. If you go to live and study in the city, it will definitely cost you a lot. They support you and hope that you can use the money in the right place."

"Although our village is not rich, we can still build plastic greenhouses on two or three acres of land. Besides, we don't know if this will be possible. There is no need to waste too much..."

As the head of the village, he understands the thoughts of the villagers very well. The big guys value money very much, and wish they could break a penny into two halves and spend it.

They would rather farm conservatively and save a little money than take the risk.

So it was difficult for him to mobilize everyone in the early stage, and it was almost because he paid for this project.

Qiu Anyang naturally thought of this too.She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Uncle Village Chief, I also have more confidence in our greenhouse vegetable technology. I think that as long as we work hard enough to grind an iron pestle into a needle, we will be successful if we prepare the preliminary work. After all, this technology is not too much. Disaster."

"Since this project is sure to succeed, I can't invest ahead of time and just wait for the dividends?"

"Uncle Village Chief, I am grateful to the grandparents, uncles, aunts, aunts, brothers and sisters in the village, but I'm not stupid, I can't spend money in vain."

"Every penny is hard-won. I'm not 500% to [-]% sure. I definitely won't give you [-] yuan in one go."

"What's more, from the very beginning, the vegetables in the greenhouse can be well-received, and we villagers will be more willing to join in..."

The village head looked at the thick pile of money, took a deep breath, frowned and thought for a while, before reaching out to take it: "Okay, then I will accept the money first."

"If we have learned about greenhouse vegetables and sent people to Zhusanyuan Village to learn from them, and we have a good chance of building plastic greenhouses to grow vegetables by ourselves, then I will invest the money in it."

"Otherwise, let's verify in a small area first..."

Qiu Anyang smiled lightly and said, "Uncle Village Chief, risk and profit go hand in hand, the greater the risk, the more profit you will get. It can't be said that the risk is borne by you, and you call me to join the group when there is profit, right?"

"Since I can give this money, I have already prepared for the worst. Uncle Village Chief, let's do our best and don't think about anything, and show the momentum of fighting to the death. At most, we will start all over again. !"

"Of course, the profit from the money I invested, after deducting the cost, I get a [-]% dividend, okay?"

The village head smiled and nodded, "Yes, of course you can. If you want me to say that you can get [-]% or [-]% of the money."

"You're right. Uncle Zhan thinks too much. Just keep working hard. At worst, start over!"

After leaving the village chief’s house, Qiu Anyang went to two other houses that usually take good care of the original owner, each of which warmly invited her to dinner, and was still informed that she would go to the city with her sister, even if the family was in trouble, they would give her money .

Qiu Anyang felt relieved for the original owner. Although her relatives treated her badly, most of the villagers in the village were doing their best to help her!
Back home, Qiu Anyang ate another meal of sauerkraut and bacon buns before returning to the house.

Greenhouse vegetables are not difficult, you only need to master a few key points, and then observe other people's techniques, basically there is no problem.

She hopes that the villagers can grow vegetables in greenhouses and earn a lot of money this winter!

The original owner didn't have many clothes, and the cotton clothes were taken down and washed every year. After the cotton was fluffed, they were filled with a handful of new cotton from that year, and they continued to wear after mending.

The summer clothes were also tossed together by the dexterous original owner.Right now, every household still has clothes with patches, but the size of the patch can represent the poverty level of the family. The original owner's creativity is definitely a weather vane for the offspring. It looks good and foreign, but at the moment, the big guys look at her with eyes full of Deep compassion.

Qiu Anyang bite the bullet and reluctantly picked out two sets of old clothes Liu Anlian gave her, planning to spend money on clothes when she arrives in Yanqiu City, or if she doesn't have good-looking clothes, she can buy cloth and make them herself.

The original owner washed the clothes clean every time, and also made some small designs. After all, although Jing Wenshi had to support the family, Liu Anlian couldn't eat too good food, and she could still eat three-in-one steamed buns.As a result, Liu Anlian's body is relatively strong, and the original owner's clothes are too spacious, so she has to tuck in her waist.

The original owner thought that there was a 90.00% chance that he would be admitted to university this time, so Liu's mother said that when the relatives' children borrowed books, they generously gave them all out. The room was empty and there were not many things to bring.

Qiu Anyang took the patched army green canvas bag and packed her clothes, while she carried the money with her.

One night without dreams, Liu Anlian called her to wash and eat at dawn.

Knowing that Qiu Anyang's temperament has changed a lot since he went on a hunger strike, and he has higher requirements for food.

Liu Anlian made egg and radish lump soup for her and her children, served it with some hand-rolled noodles, and after a simple meal, she took all the things she had bought with Liu's mother and her neighbors.

There are a lot of things, there are three sacks!
"Anyang, I'll carry two, you carry one to lead Xiaojun," Liu Anlian struggled to grab one with each hand, threw it on her shoulder, and walked out first.

At this moment, some people took advantage of the early morning heat to go to work, but no one from the Liu family came out to see them off.

The remaining sack was not too heavy.Qiu Anyang was holding one in one hand, and was going to drag Jing Zhenjun.

Jing Zhenjun snorted: "I can walk by myself, don't let the bad aunt lead me!"

Qiu Anyang ignored him and followed Liu Anlian with big strides.

There are still three blood marks on Jing Zhenjun's face, from the right forehead to the left eyelid, nose to the corner of the left mouth.When he opened his mouth to speak, he could drag it a little bit, the pain made him hiss, and he trotted to follow.

Not long after walking, the bullock cart wobbled up from behind.

The fifth uncle in the village was going to take the village head to the town to do errands, so he happened to take them to the car.

The bus station in the town is not big, and it is still a bit dirty and old. The passenger car has a strong diesel smell, the seats and windows are dirty, and there are even other people's vomit that has not been cleaned.

There are many passengers going to the city in the morning, the smell of sweat, stinky feet, chicken excrement, etc. are mixed together. Some people eat pork and green onion buns, leek boxes, green onions and garlic. The mixed smell is almost gone. Let Qiu Anyang spit it out.

The problem was that she didn't have a seat yet, so she could only hug a railing and hold her breath. Every time she took a slow breath, she was so smoked that she rolled her eyes.

It takes an hour to get from the town to the city, and they have to change trains in the city for another two hours...

When he arrived in Yanqiu City, Qiu Anyang felt as if he had been reborn!

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