Qiu Anyang is very familiar with Zhaoyang Coal Mine, even though it is what the original owner remembered more than 20 years ago.

Ever since the original owner learned that Liu Anlian was terminally ill, she couldn't stop thinking: If she could give up the benefits of her physical examination at work, and her sister had a full body examination earlier, would she have been able to find out that her health was inappropriate and get treatment in time? , so that she doesn't have to pay the Jing family for the rest of her life?

So as time goes by, the memory of this time period is actually the most persistent period of the original owner!

She found the guest house, checked in, and took the keys and things to find the room.

There are two floors in total, but there are fifty or sixty rooms, and she got the auspicious number 666. Seeing the number on it, Qiu Anyang shook his head helplessly, how could opening a room trigger the good luck skill?

She looked at the room number and walked over. No. 666 may have just been cleaned, and the door was ajar.

Qiu Anyang pursed his lips with a faint smile, pushed open the door and walked in, only to see a tall and handsome man just took off his vest, revealing tight, smooth and explosive muscles.

She hurriedly withdrew from the room, and the man's beautiful eight-pack abs still appeared in her mind!

She felt her cheeks were inexplicably hot, and she couldn't help fanning the wind with the hand holding the key, and tilted her head to see, it was indeed three sixes.

No, she suddenly looked at the three nines diagonally opposite, stepped forward to try the key carefully in embarrassment, and it actually opened!
Before the people in the room came out, Qiu Anyang hurried in and let out a long breath.

The specifications of the guest house are similar, a bed, a pair of bedside tables, a set of tables and chairs and some daily necessities.

She spread out the bed sheets that were about to dry at Jing's house, opened the windows for ventilation, and the sweltering room was slightly cooler after a day of drying in the sun.

At this moment, Qiu Anyang was lying comfortably on the bed, thinking that tomorrow would be the weekend, so she would visit Qiu's house after breakfast to see if she wanted to recognize relatives.

The original owner's wish is very simple, that is to completely get rid of the Liu family and live a happy life with his own efforts.She is still thinking about her Bai Yueguang, and wants to continue her relationship with her.

It's a pity that the original owner was stingy, remembering that Bai Yueguang's name was Ji Ling but he didn't show her his appearance!
Maybe it was because she had just entered the plane not long ago, and there were so many things that happened today that she couldn't sleep well and even dreamed.

She completely entered into the original owner's memory, and saw the acquaintance and shallow friendship between the original owner and Ji Ling.

Ji Ling is the son-in-law from Kyoto. Because he avoided the marriage urging of his family, he was admitted to Zhaoyang Coal Mine by virtue of his professionalism and became the youngest assistant engineer. He was responsible for optimizing mining, increasing production and solving various environmental restoration problems after mining. etc.

He is handsome, dignified in demeanor, and outstanding in his work ability. He is a well-known "Saipan'an" in and out of the factory.

Whenever he was on his way to and from get off work, there were always quite a few female comrades waiting for him, and the original owner was one of them.

At that time, the original owner had just been admitted to Zhaoyang Coal Mine and became a clerk in a branch factory.Every week when she came to visit her sister, brother-in-law and nephews, she would stand by the cafeteria just to catch a glimpse of him from a distance.

The original owner thought that she looked good, and had been admitted to Haida University. Even when she was in the city, she was full of arrogance. Only a man like Ji Ling could match her.

However, due to women's reserve, she has been silently standing and watching, occasionally making brief eye contact with Ji Ling.

During a festive gathering of colleagues, the original owner drank some wine and confessed his love to Ji Ling by virtue of the alcohol.

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment, and after a long silence, he said, "Comrade, if you still persist after sobering up tomorrow, let's discuss the following matters."

The original owner was overjoyed, acquiescing that Ji Ling agreed, and was afraid of his rejection, so she pretended to be his girlfriend, and today she sent chicken soup to his office while he was inspecting the mine; tomorrow she will knit a scarf Stuffed in the frame of his bicycle; cheered on when he was playing basketball the day after tomorrow.

Whenever Ji Ling approached, she ran away early.

So when Liu Anlian became terminally ill and the original owner was forced to marry, she left a letter to Ji Ling in despair, unilaterally announcing the breakup, and then married Jing Wenshi.

Later, the original owner secretly inquired about the news, and Ji Ling only stayed in Zhaoyang Coal Mine for five years before being transferred back to Kyoto.

It is said that he has made a lot of contributions, and even bought the coal mine around 2000, just in time for the ten-year golden period of coal, and became a leader among the coal bosses overnight, but he has been guarding his body like a jade, until she closed her eyes, there is no one. I heard that he got married, got a wife and had children...

When he opened his eyes, Qiu Anyang could still feel the wetness on his face.

Can you stop crying?The original owner has been deceiving himself and others, and has a fake relationship with himself!

No wonder the original owner hid it, but he didn't dare to show Ji Ling's appearance, and even hid this memory, and he wanted to continue the relationship with others...

Qiu Anyang sighed slightly, this girl looks fierce and fierce, but in fact she is Baozi himself, pinching her folds at critical moments, for fear that she would not be able to swallow her anger.

She shook her head to shake off the original owner's negative emotions.Now this body is hers, so it is naturally under her control, and she will never allow the original owner to influence her.

After all, the arrival of her as a tasker is due to the original owner paying a certain price and signing a contract with the Space-Time Bureau.

There are many types of contracts, roughly divided into two forms, some require the help of the tasker to achieve the wish, and some are reborn by the original owner, but the price paid by the original owner is different.

The original owner bought a Santana, why would he still want to ask Santana to fly in the air?

The more steamed bun people are, the less they know what they really want!
Qiu Anyang was determined, took a few deep breaths, and then ignored the remaining emotions of the original owner.

After washing, she changed into the beige cheongsam that she just made yesterday, because the fabric has dark patterns, which is especially suitable for making cheongsam.She also added some pink plates and bindings, which are elegant and vibrant at the same time!
She combed herself two centipede braids before going out with the finished clothes.

Coincidentally, just as she walked to room 666, the people inside also pushed the door out.

Qiu Anyang hurriedly said, "I'm just passing by, not waiting for you at the door!"

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but blushed. Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?

The man glanced at her lightly, closed the door and strode away.

Qiu Anyang waved his fist shamefully and angrily at his back, and then turned his head suddenly.

Her two arms were stiff in the air... If she waved her fists, she didn't wave them at the same time, but if she hugged someone's back like a nympho, she didn't make a fist, right?

Qiu Anyang started stretching exercises with a stiff face on the spot.

The man turned his head expressionlessly, and continued to leave with long legs.

When the person completely disappeared in the corridor, Qiu Anyang couldn't help stamping his feet twice, "He won't regard me as a stalker, will he?"

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