Chapter 238 The 90s hero, his aunt (35)

Afraid of being rejected, Lu Xingxian added: "I think Uncle Qiu and Aunt Qiu must also agree."

Qiu Anyang put away the books he bought, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and then he nodded helplessly.

Lu Xingxian said happily: "Come on, I'm here on a bicycle, and I'll take you to the Fusion Hotel!"

Qiu Anyang saw that he really showed the car master a wooden sign. After paying five cents, he pushed out a Phoenix [-] big bar bicycle with difficulty from the crowd of cars.

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Student Lu, you, you didn't come here by bike from the mine, did you?"

Lu Xingxian patted the car seat and said with a smile:

"I got good grades in the college entrance examination. I didn't want to be rewarded by my family at first, but this is not because my classmates organized remedial classes for everyone. I will definitely go to the mine every day in the future, so I have the cheek to ask for it."

"Besides, I don't have anything to do right now. Cycling to and from the mine is just exercise."

"Although it is convenient and not tiring to go to the city by bus, it is too time-consuming to walk around the city with only two legs..."

As he spoke, he straddled up and said with a smile, "Student Qiu Anyang, come up!"

He looks very generous, but in fact his hands are holding the handlebars tightly, his ears and neck are already red and almost ripe.

Qiu Anyang thanked him, sat up on the sidelines, and grabbed the iron frame of the back seat in a dignified manner.

Lu Xingxian felt a little lost in his heart, if it was an ordinary female classmate, wouldn't she be able to grab his shirt?

However, he quickly adjusted his mood, said loudly and left, then kicked suddenly, and the car rushed out.

And he also specially picked places with potholes and rocks to ride, but it's a pity that the little girl behind him seemed to have practiced, not to mention screaming and stretching her arms around her waist, she didn't even have a collision with him...

"Hey, Lu Xingxian, who is this beautiful female classmate?"

"It's still riding a car...Your speed is really fast..."

"Prettier than the stars on TV... How did we not know that you knew such a beautiful female classmate? Are you too mean?"

Those male students hooked Lu Xingxian's neck and said enviously.

Lu Xingxian's face was full of pride and pride: "This is my neighbor's younger sister. She just came to the mine two days ago and was also admitted to Haishi to go to university. I made an appointment to meet you, and I will come back later. Good company on the road..."

Everyone nodded excitedly: "You still have a conscience. Since you are our girl, you will definitely take care of it!"

The boys were excited and joyful, while the girls frowned and expressed reluctance.

"Student Lu Xingxian, we are a class reunion, how could you bring an outsider here, not even from our Yanqiu No. [-] Middle School."

"That's right, student Lu Xingxian, we haven't gotten along with her before, who knows what kind of character she is... You also know that many female students are not easy to get along with..."

"Besides, there are many universities in Haishi, and each school also has a ranking. There is a big difference between the front and the back... There is a saying called, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!"

Qiu Anyang asked with a light smile, "I don't know which school you got into?"

The girls held their heads high, and the girl in the yellow skirt smiled and said, "I didn't perform well this time, so my grades were about the same as that of Lu Xingxian's classmate. I was admitted to Haishi Polytechnic Vocational College... This junior college ranks among the national junior colleges. The top ten are better than the third ones, and even better than half of the second ones."

The girl in the green skirt fiddled with the ends of her braids, and said arrogantly: "I'm pretty stable this time, it's Haishi University of Medicine."

The girl in the floral skirt also chuckled: "Haishi Ocean University."

The boys boasted one after another, "Student Xie Xueqing's Haishi University of Medicine is the second degree. Didn't he go directly to a civilian hospital or an affiliated hospital to become a doctor?"

"Student Dai Lanmo is even better, Haishi Ocean University! There are three exams in our class, but Dai Lanmo is the best!"

After being complimented by the boys, the girls regained their face.

Generally, God is fair. If a girl is too beautiful, she will be distracted by various things, and will be lost in the impetuous pursuit of others. Of course, her grades will not be too good.

"So, female classmate, which university in Haishi did you get into?"

Lu Xingxian also looked over curiously.

Qiu Anyang smiled, "I'm not talented, Haishi University."

Mirage University?Is it the mirage they thought?
"Does Haishi University have junior college students? I heard that some first- and second-tier universities also admit junior college students," the girl in the green skirt asked curiously.

Everyone looked over in unison.

Qiu Anyang said indifferently: "Your female classmate who is said to be more powerful is admitted to Haiyang Ocean University?"

"The admission score of Haishi University is almost [-] points higher than that of Haishi Ocean University?"

"I don't know if there are junior college students in Haishi University. After all, I'm in the undergraduate batch."

"Children who come out of the mountains may not understand too much."

The big guys gasped, Haishi University, Xiahua two super first-tier cities, only Kyoto and Haishi, naturally Haishi University can be regarded as the school that all the students look up to!

If they can get into Haishi, they will be employed locally in the future, and if they have Haishi's household registration, they will already be smoked from their ancestral graves. How can they ever think about Haishi University.

Even Lu Xingxian didn't react for a moment.

He, he thought that Haishi University that Qiu Anyang mentioned was just a school in Haishi.

As a child from the countryside, even if she is admitted to a university in SH City, she will not be very good, and she can't compare with the students from Yanqiu No. [-] Middle School.

He admires her, and likewise, he has a faint sense of superiority in front of her!

Now Qiu Anyang is the existence they look up to, and being held down by a village girl from the countryside, for them who have been complacent for many days, that feeling is no less than a bolt from the blue, knocking them back to their original form.

Qiu Anyang sighed slightly: "Student Lu, I still have things to go first."

"Looking back, I told my parents that I'm used to doing heavy work at home, even if two or three strong men can't bully me, I won't have any problems going to Haishi to go to school by myself."

"There are always more good people than bad people in this world!"

The big guy's face is not very good-looking, there is something in this girl's words.

Lu Xingxian hurriedly whispered: "Anyang, I'm sorry, my classmates may be a bit xenophobic... They are just not familiar with you. If you don't like the atmosphere here, I will take you to eat delicious food elsewhere?"

Anyang?Are you familiar with it?
Qiu Anyang took a look at his skin, and understood that for some people, it is difficult to avoid the fate trajectory they should have?
Especially the male students who only read sage books, their attachment to love is tinged with fantasy, so let her use reality to puncture it and disintegrate it little by little!

She smiled and said, "Since it's time for me to have lunch, and I'm at the entrance of the restaurant, it's unreasonable not to go in."

"You eat yours, I eat mine."

(End of this chapter)

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