Qiu Anyang slightly hooked his lower lips, "Perhaps she wants to influence me with warmth, so as not to disturb her great cause of ruling the Qi family, right?"

Qiu Annuan curled her lips, "Don't she think it's too late? Why did you go before?"

"She thinks everyone is like her, and her eyes are only on the Qi family's property... Oh, people are just eating and drinking, how much money can they spend, as long as they are enough..."

Qiu Anyang pushed the car and said with a smile: "Everyone has a fluke mentality. From her point of view, I am just a girl who grew up in the countryside. Even if I have doubts about my life experience, she can tell me with a few words." sent me away."

"But it turns out that I'm not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if I made it clear that I have nothing to do with them in the future, it is related to her future. She has to treat it seriously, and even delayed returning to Beijing for your brother's surgery."

Qiu Annuan snorted: "I've never seen her be a mother like this. The child who was conceived in October was replaced by someone, and she was treated harshly for a full 18 years."

"She doesn't say to seek justice for you, but she will make mistakes!"

Qiu Anyang patted her on the shoulder: "Okay, since she's being courteous to me, I'll accept it."

"From tomorrow onwards, I will sell things for you. Anyway, you have seen that our trinkets are very easy to sell..."

"I'll also see how long her warmth can last!"

Only then did Qiu Annuan respond with a smile, "Sister, she doesn't know how to cherish you, that's because she is unlucky. Don't be mad at her!"

"She, she is irrelevant, you and us..."

Qiu Anyang nodded with a light smile.The big guy seems to really regard her as a delicate girl, even this girl said this to her.

Sure enough, Qiu Annuan spent two nights reviewing at home, and it was Qiu Anyang who went to the night market by himself to set up a stall. At noon on the third day, Ji Ling answered the phone and whispered to Qiu Anyang:
"Anyang, Qiu Gaohai has contacted Zuo Xuemin!"

"Zuo Xuemin is Lu Xingxian's brother-in-law. He is the team leader of the Mine Security Department. They will probably take action tonight."

His expression was cold, and there was a faint murderous intent in his eyes.

Qiu Anyang pressed his hand, and sneered: "Brother Xiao Ling, I want to see what they are going to do."

"After all, they really have bad intentions. We can also let the comrades in the bureau catch them!"

The original owner suffered so much, I am afraid that Qiu Gaohai used the pressure of public opinion through the hands of the Lu family to make the original owner fall into a passive and desperate state, without thinking about other things.

He did succeed, the original owner didn't know what he did wrong all his life, why his life was so bad.

The world is too bitter, she would rather not have been here!

Ji Ling was silent for a long time, "Although I am more confident in my skills, I dare not bet on you."

Qiu Anyang stood up, pushed Ji Ling onto the chair, put his arms around his neck from behind, and said firmly:
"Brother Ling, she is my obsession. I just want to see what they can do."

"In order to avoid future troubles, I can also take risks!"

Ji Ling sighed slightly, "I really don't know if it's right or wrong to help you."

Qiu Anyang lightly smiled and rubbed his cheeks, "Brother Xiaoling, don't worry, I never had any hope for her, so I will take good care of myself."

Although the two had known each other not long ago, Ji Ling felt very familiar with her and had a deep love for her.

He knew that the little girl was sometimes stubborn.Instead of blocking her, he might as well cooperate better.

Ji Ling tilted her head and kissed her, "If you are in danger and need help, you must call out!"

Qiu Anyang hummed.

As night fell, this time Qiu Anyang was still pushing his bicycle to set up a stall by himself.

Seeing her coming, Qi Hongyu stepped forward to help her lay out the things in the bag without saying a word, and sat on the saddle to guard one side to prevent some people from taking things in disorder.

Qiu Anyang ignored her as if he didn't see her, and greeted the customers with a light smile.

As soon as she got busy, she was a little "overwhelmed", collecting money, recommending styles, looking for styles, or displaying goods, etc., so she hummed confidently in desperation: "Then who, help me find the pink butterfly Hair ring."

Qi Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, and responded with a smile, quickly tossing out a pink butterfly hair tie and handing it over, taking on the responsibility of rummaging through the goods.

After a wave of customers left, Qi Hongyu shyly took out a kettle and whispered, "Anyang, I, I know that I am too unqualified as a mother."

"But child, you have never lived in the capital, nor have you seen the filth, ugliness, and swords behind the glamor of a big family."

"I don't want you to be involved... Your parents are good-natured now, they will love others, and their conditions are also good. If you stay here, your life will be peaceful and happy..."

"Xiao Hai...Qiu Gaohai is also able to live safely until now because he is not doing business all day long and has no future. Otherwise, he might have become a handful of loess long ago...I'm not scaremongering you..."

Speaking of this, there were tears in her eyes, and regret, misery and helplessness on her face.

"Kyoto is very big, and our Qi family is also on the list of aristocratic families. The organization promotes that women hold up half the sky, but in fact, we women are indeed inferior to gay men in some aspects... The Qi family has begun to decline...Every family There are hard-to-read scriptures, and people of every class suffer differently, but I hope to live in a small city, far away from the distractions over there..."

"Hey, let's not talk about this, I will go back in a few days, I can't stay with you for a long time... This is the herbal tea I made with fruit, put honey and ice cubes, it's cool and thirst-quenching, and it's delicious..."

Qiu Anyang has a keen sense of smell, and can smell a faint smell under the sweet and fruity fragrance. It is a kind of medicine that works on human nerves, making people dizzy for a short time, unable to think, and following other people's instructions Complete simple actions.

She lowered her eyes, but it was acting on ordinary people, and her body had been strengthened. Besides, it wasn't long after eating, energy was circulating in her body, and her defense against harmful drugs was [-]%!
Under Qi Hongyu's intense attention, Qiu Anyang took the water bottle and took a deep breath, "It tastes pretty good."

Qi Hongyu's eyes flickered and struggled, and she smiled: "If you like to drink, I will make more in the future."

The two were very close, she took out a palm-sized notebook from her pocket, stuffed it into Qiu Anyang's arms, and said in a voice that could only be heard by the two of them:
"Anyang, I don't have much skills. I'm just a dispensable little director in Qi's family, and I have to support your sisters...that is, your sisters got married in the past two years, and you...you The third uncle has been promoted, and the family conditions are a little better, so I have saved some money... I am a person who is going to be a grandma, how much money can I spend? I will keep these for you..."

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