Chapter 259 The 90s hero, his aunt (56)

Qi Hongyu turned pale when she saw the reporter behind Qiu Anyang!

The Qi family is one of the top ten families in Kyoto. Naturally, various commercial banquets are indispensable, and at the same time, there are some excellent reporters.

Reporter Situ is a well-known pen writer in the Kyoto Economic News, because she is not afraid of power and reveals the darkness, and every sentence is like a cold blade tearing through some people's hypocrisy, so that people from aristocratic families have to be courteous.

She smiled lightly at Qi Hongyu and pressed the camera shutter.

The flash light flickered two or three times before Qi Hongyu remembered to cover her face, but her dazed look had already been captured by reporter Situ!

Qi Hongyu wished she could bite her teeth, "Qiu Anyang, you are trying to destroy me!"

As long as Qiu Anyang doesn't have the participation of people from Kyoto behind her, she has the ability to use the connections of the Qi family to get herself out.

But if she makes too much noise, it will attract the attention of other members of the Qi family, and if the identities of Qiu Anyang and Qiu Gaohai are known, then she will really lose the fight for the succession of the Qi family.

But now, reporter Situ is here, which means that the scandal she has worked hard to hide for decades will be torn apart bit by bit.

At that time, the Qi family who has always cherished feathers will really be able to ruthlessly drive her and the children out of the family!

Qiu Anyang smiled and leaned aside with his arms around his chest, "Reporter Situ, there are still 25 minutes left, and I'll leave it to you."

Qi Hongyu clenched her fists, "I refuse to visit..."

Reporter Situ raised his eyebrows: "Ms. Qi, have you thought about it clearly, do you want me to tear the matter apart from the original to reveal more scandals about you, or after your retelling, I just simply report what happened recently?"

To tear apart one scandal, or to tear apart multiple pieces, but anyone with a long brain will make a choice.

Qi Hongyu took a deep breath, and found that Reporter Situ was just like the rumors, it was terrible!

Who is willing to take the initiative to explain their own scandals?As far as she said lightly, others had to make a compromise.

"Okay, I say," she said dejectedly.

Qiu Anyang calmly listened to Qi Hongyu talking about the events of that year.

"My body is relatively weak, and because of lack of nutrition, I fell again and had to go to the hospital to give birth... I was already in a coma before I gave birth... When I opened my eyes, I was told that I had given birth a son..."

"I'm very happy. After all, all the children in Anyang's generation are girls. Xiao Hai is likely to be the next Patriarch of the Qi family... I never thought that the kid from the Ji family would come and tell me that everything was wrong... I , I really can't bear this gap... You may not have experienced it, and you don't understand this feeling..."

"Where in this world is there any blood-related family relationship, it is all formed by getting along day by day... Xiaohai is my own son to me. I watched him grow up...but I have only known Anyang for a few days. She's very strange, especially since she's still the child adopted by my sixth brother..."

"I also try my best to accept this fact. After several struggles, I chose the method that I think is the best of both worlds... Sorry, I should discuss it with Anyang first..."

Qiu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile, "Qi Hongyu, in fact, you were awake when Aunt Liu changed the baby, right?"

Qi Hongyu took a breath, and firmly denied it: "How is it possible? I am from the city, and I am a member of the Qi family whose yin is flourishing and yang is declining. I don't have any idea of ​​patriarchy."

"How could I allow the Liu family to exchange my child? Taking a step back, I pretended I didn't see it, so can I show my heart to Xiao Hai?"

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows and looked at Reporter Situ, "Reporter Situ, I told you before I came in that people's micro-expressions are very strange."

"The breathing, the stiff expression, the turning of the eyes, and the direction of turning, all have very clear instructions."

Reporter Situ nodded, "I've read a similar book, and it's not much different from what you said. Qi Hongyu is lying!"

Qi Hongyu felt that she was just dynamite being stuffed in an iron bucket, and she was so angry that it would not affect others at all except for self-injury.

"Reporter Situ, I am the Qi family. Are you sure you want to make the whole Qi family an enemy for such a little girl?"

"The Qi family is very concerned about face. Do you think exposing me and increasing your resume will not anger the Qi family?"

Reporter Situ couldn't help laughing out loud: "Ms. Qi, you are really naive. It's not like you are the only one left in the Qi family, so you don't have to deal with me. Come here without 300 taels of silver, and make the stain even bigger. "

"Besides, do you think I have no one to back me up here today? Instead of worrying that I have made many enemies, why not think about who you have offended!"

"By the way, I will write the matter of your deception into the report."

As she spoke, she looked sideways at Qiu Anyang: "Comrade Xiao Qiu, I will trouble you to bring the newspaper of the day to Ms. Qi."

Qiu Anyang responded again and again, "This is what I should do!"

Qi Hongyu: She doesn't want to watch at all...

At this moment, she felt extremely remorseful. Ever since she had a son, she felt good about herself, everything was under control, and she was used to going smoothly. She didn't expect to fall into a big somersault in front of her biological daughter.

She hated herself for being self-defeating. If she hadn't been so greedy, being a stranger with her biological daughter wouldn't have involved so many things.

No, she looked at Qiu Anyang coldly.

Since he wanted to be a stranger, Qiu Anyang shouldn't let Ji Ling threaten her to come to Yanqiu City!
Wouldn't it be better for their mother and daughter not to meet each other in this lifetime?

Qi Hongyu sneered: "Qiu Anyang, do you think you won? Wrong, big mistake, you put yourself in the bull's-eye and wait to be swallowed alive by the Qi family."

"Without my protection, you are just a chick just hatched, only to end up being someone else's ration."

Qiu Anyang chuckled softly: "I won't bother you to worry about it. You should think about where my passbook is. In terms of our biological mother-daughter relationship, I allow you to keep it private."

"It's just that you almost murdered me in order to take away the passbook... Tsk tsk, this crime can be big or small, it depends on your sincerity."

Qi Hongyu was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that instead of taming Qiu Anyang, she would be generaled by her instead.

"You want to blackmail me?" She pointed to the tip of her nose in disbelief.

Is this still my little girl?How come there are more eyes than hers!

Qiu Anyang murmured, "I have a lot of witnesses and physical evidence. You are just committing an attempted crime. Whether it is intentional injury, intentional homicide or rape of a woman is hard to determine."

Qi Hongyu understands what she means, as long as the compensation is in place, Qiu Anyang can agree that she will be exempted from this matter.

"I have a welfare house in Kyoto, which I can transfer to you!"

Qiu Anyang didn't say a word, just looked at Qi Hongyu with a smile, but there was no smile in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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