Chapter 261 The 90s hero, his aunt (58)

Qiu Anyang smiled lightly and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and handed it directly to the comrades in the bureau: "This is the confession letter written by Aunt Liu. She dictated it. Since I was born, she took my own son to give it to me. Changed my life... Her son has become the son of an educated youth from a good family, but I have become a poor little Liu family father who doesn't love my mother..."

"As far as I can remember, it's been from this Aunt Liu who beat and scolded me. If I hadn't been strong-minded, I'm afraid I would have become a handful of loess by now... This is child abuse..."

"I had to do housework when I was three years old. When I was 12 years old, good-hearted people in the village and the village committee members came to my door countless times to denounce me, and then I had the opportunity to study in the classroom... She deprived me of the right to enjoy nine years of compulsory education, isn't it? To get an education?"

"Many of the scars on my body were caused by her," Qiu Anyang pointed out the old scars on his body one by one to the big guys, tears choked up several times, and the onlookers were all teary-eyed. Weeping with his mouth covered.

"I heard people say that knowledge can change destiny, so I studied hard, and after only six years, I was admitted to Haishi University... But my notification letter was intercepted by Aunt Liu and the others, and I turned around to exchange for many benefits. I found out in time and asked for help from the Qiu family, otherwise, not only would I not be able to go to college, but I would also be exchanged for a high-value gift!"

Mother Liu's eyes turned red with anger, "Qiu Anyang! Didn't you say you won't show this certificate?"

"You, you lied to me? Comrade, don't believe her! I'm an old lady, I can't read a single word, who knows what she wrote on it... She told me it was an ordinary severance letter, so I The fingerprints I pressed..."

Qiu Anyang said indifferently: "Aunt Liu, many people present at that time can prove that you knew that this paper was a confession, and you had heard every word on it. It's useless if you want to deny it. If you confess, you will be lenient and if you resist, you will be strict. It is not good for you to increase the difficulty of handling the case... You can't let the comrades in the bureau contact the people in your village to conduct investigations and collect evidence?"

Wouldn't it be embarrassing and thrown home?

Mother Liu hurriedly looked at Liu Anlian, "Xiao Lian, I, I am just a country woman, I don't understand anything... We have a lot of children in the country, and they are raised by rough people. As long as we can walk, we have to help the family with work... ...Besides, we all believe that a filial son can be born under the stick, so why is it still a crime?"

"I was a little harsh on her before, but our Liu family managed to bring her up, otherwise she would have been ruined by so many people..."

Liu Anlian was in a dilemma. If she had been in the past, she would have followed Liu's mother's words and led the big guys to accuse Qiu Anyang of being unfilial, but now she was afraid that Qiu Anyang would go crazy, and would implicate the Jing family.

She sighed slightly: "Mom, I think your problem can be big or small, it depends on how deep your understanding of your mistakes is."

"Little sister... What Anyang wants is not to let you squat through the prison, but that we will have nothing to do with her in the future."

"Think about it, when she asked you to sign the confession, she said that as long as we don't trouble her, then she won't come up with the confession."

Mother Liu has no knowledge, she can only play tricks, and when she sees comrades in uniform, her legs become weak and her mouth is not sharp, not to mention that the onlookers are all educated people.

She can't play well, so she can only rely on her stable eldest daughter.

Mother Liu hurriedly said to Qiu Anyang: "Okay, Anyang, let's just pretend that we haven't seen each other and don't know each other? Then can you..."

Qiu Anyang said coldly: "No! I hope this is the last time, otherwise, the single charge of child trafficking will be enough for you."

Mother Liu nodded in resignation, thinking about the past ten years, what benefits has she gained?

Seriously, wealth and honor do not belong to the Liu family, and it would be a disaster to force it!
The youngest son she has been thinking about has enjoyed 18 years of blessings, but has to spend more than 20 years in prison to pay back...

And she will also bear the criticism of everyone and the incomprehension and hatred of her family.

After leaving here, Qiu Anyang felt much more relaxed.The life experience of the original owner has come to an end.

Not far away, Ji Ling strode over with a chuckle, took her hand, didn't ask anything, but shared with a little joy that he had taken a few more big orders this morning.

How long has it been since the two of them have negotiated more than ten routes, each of which requires more than ten wagons of coal, and the delivery is still every other day, and the schedule is two months later.

At that time, it happened to be the beginning of a new round of customer demand!
In other words, their monthly profit is already more than 200 million, and they are the major customers of Zhaoyang Coal Mine.

If they continue to accumulate in this way, before the coal price rises in 2000, they will be able to save 8000 to [-] million yuan, buy their own coal mines, and become the ranks of coal bosses, and become rich in one step.

As for the Qi family, I believe that as long as she doesn't step into the capital and appear in front of them, showing the Qi family's desire for power, those people will not put her in their eyes as a little ant.

Qiu Anyang held Ji Ling's arm with his lips pursed, and listened patiently to what he had to say for a while, before suddenly asking: "Comrade Ji Ling, I wonder if it's not convenient for you to come with me to collect the certificate today? I'm treating you!"

"To commemorate the beginning of my new life."

Ji Ling froze for a moment, held her hand tightly, and said a little excitedly: "It's convenient, it's so convenient, let's go, let's go home to get the documents..."

He seemed to be afraid of Qiu Anyang's repentance, so he walked quite hastily, and finally he took her hand and ran.

The trees were lush and green, and the sun shone in patches, falling on their feet, on their clothes, and on their faces.


Lang Anyang suddenly opened his eyes from the nutrition cabin, panting heavily, and there was still a deep nostalgia and reluctance in his chest.

This time, regardless of her physical discomfort, she got up from the nutrition cabin, took a shower, put on a bathrobe and walked out.

Since she became an artist in Ziyun Time and Space Administration, she has her own office and a small assistant.

At this moment, the little assistant was already waiting, and he brought the food with a chuckle, and turned on the projector, which showed the TV series edited by Lang Anyang just completed the task.

She is completely unfamiliar with the people inside, just a disturbed rhythm, as if she is telling a projected story, which is indeed interpreted by her.

In the story, Qiu Anyang and Ji Ling's business has reached a large scale within a month, and they can be entrusted to someone they trust to continue to operate.

They took part of the profits and entrusted the mine hospital to conduct a comprehensive physical examination on the family members.It was during this physical examination that Liu Anlian was found to have a malignant tumor in her uterus. Because she discovered it in time, she had her hysterectomy removed and recovered quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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