The script of the control group was torn up by hand, and the female supporting role of the era awake

Chapter 263 Sometimes people's cleverness can become superfluous

Chapter 263 Sometimes people's cleverness can become superfluous...

Lang Anyang calmly took the meal to his brother, and told him with a chuckle that his artiste had a mission today, and she had just returned from serving.

She also briefly told the story with her brother.

My brother lacked ten years of experience, his physical growth was slow, and his intelligence stagnated even more.In just a few months, no matter how hard he tried, how much could he understand?
Lang Anyang told him this story, on the one hand to release his pressure, to have someone who can talk, and on the other hand, to let his brother grow up quickly!
she is so tired...

The next day, she followed her usual training plan and was not affected at all.

On the third day, as soon as she came out of the apartment, she was invited away.

Lang Anyang looked indifferent, followed the man, and when he passed the hall, he saw the man talking to his friend.

Although she had an encounter with Engineer Zhuang Da last time, she was only focused on apologizing and didn't see what he looked like.

But some people are so powerful, she only took one look at his back, and she was sure that the person in the hall was Zhuang Zai!
Lang Anyang glanced at him, lowered his eyes, and continued to walk outside.

It's just that there is envy hidden in her eyes, it's great, a child with parents protecting him, as long as he says he won't go home and inherit the family business, he can do whatever he likes outside.

She has never thought of wanting to be so rich, she just wants to live the life of an ordinary person, find a decent job, earn enough money for her food and clothing, and occasionally be extravagant, buy some gifts to reward herself, find someone who is about the same The husband of the family background, the two headed for one goal.

However, this is an extravagant hope for her after all. She has seen the beauty of the world, and relying on such a little bit of good memory, she just gritted her teeth and persisted until today.

She thought she was finally going to see the light, only to realize that this was the beginning of another nightmare!
Zhuang Zai is such a sensitive person, he can accurately capture the glances of others, and naturally he also feels Lang Anyang's.

However, there was no fluctuation in the way she looked at him...

He bowed his head and took a sip of water. If he did not admit his mistake, this person was from the side branch of the dealer, and the only person Lang Anyang was connected to was her biological mother.

Zhuangzai raised the corners of his lips slightly, as if things were getting more and more interesting.

"Hey, Boss, you are the one who said you were looking for a wife. Your family wished everyone knew about it, and you gathered the big families from the nearby [-] life spheres. As a result, you wanted to pick the pick? Wouldn't it be cheaper for those people? "The young man next to him stomped his feet anxiously.

Zhuangzai raised his eyebrows: "Who said I won't participate? One must have a partner after all, even if it's to marry a shield, I have to go..."

Yes, the dealer wanted to profit from his marriage, but why didn't the many people who were invited harbor evil intentions?

He is the direct descendant of the banker who is indifferent to fame and fortune, and he has become a ridiculous bait.

That being the case, if he doesn't marry himself a daughter-in-law, how can he be worthy of the beating of these people?
Lang Anyang was only wearing his usual practice clothes, a lavender half-cut-out t-shirt with fine diamonds shining on it, and the logo of the Ziyun Space-Time Administration on the chest.

Her hair was tied up high, without any broken hair. She wore a plaid shirt around her waist, white jumpsuits underneath, and white dance socks stained with dust.

The little girl has a straight waist, a pair of slender and long legs, and a fair and slender neck. Even if she doesn't wear makeup, she still looks like she has put on light makeup. Ashamed of myself!

Tong Meili was taken aback for a moment, she obviously didn't expect that her little daughter, who was once abandoned by her and thought she would not survive, turned out to be so beautiful.

She felt the gaze of the man beside her, and her face sank slightly, and it was the sister-in-law beside her who pulled her.

Tong Meili said anxiously: "Your child, you really have no one to educate you. You know that there is something to do today, so why did you come so late?"

"We got up in the middle of the night to dress are like this... well, forget it, just go with us like this."

Lang Anyang nodded lightly.She was a little confused about the operation of the Lang family. Since they needed her to replace Zhuang Linglong, why didn't they dress her up well?
Wouldn't it be easier for her to attract people's attention if she was like this? How could Zhuang Linglong come back then?
However, she was always vigilant in her heart, and there was a coldness hidden deep in her eyes.

When they arrived at the dealer, many guests had already arrived, all of them were dressed up, even the attendants were well dressed, only she looked like an ugly duckling who had strayed into a flock of swans.

Everyone took a casual glance and saw her existence.The disdainful eyes immediately became hostile and guarded when they saw her true appearance.

Lang Anyang understood what the little dealer meant.They don't give her the decency she deserves, leave her in the midst of insults, and help them with tasks.

"Hey, I said Mrs. Nineteen, what are you doing?"

The Zhuang family's direct line and concubine are ranked separately, and if the concubine and the direct line have the same name, then the title must be affixed with a small character.

Even if the small farmer thinks he is the most powerful among all the concubines, he still has to obey.

Moreover, for families that have already branched, the wife of the first wife is called the wife, and she, a daughter-in-law of a collateral son, can only be called the wife.

A name is the shame of her barely stepping into a wealthy family.

Tong Meili greeted the visitor with a light smile, and said angrily: "My daughter, who was spoiled since she was a child, knows how important today's banquet is, but our whole family can't find her... we are about to leave, I just found out, what kind of training class did she actually attend... It's really worrying..."

"We can't miss our dealer's banquet because of this wild girl, right?"

Several ladies gathered around, "Why do I look so unfamiliar to her?"

There are many children in each family, direct descendants, concubines, and even those who have not entered the genealogy.

Their own family may not know, so they just asked casually out of curiosity and didn't find it difficult to understand.

Tong Meili looked sideways at Lang Anyang, and said with a smirk: "When you get here, you have to be smart and follow closely. If you bump into a distinguished guest, we will not be able to save you."

Lang Anyang hummed, followed with a low eyebrow.

As soon as she walked into the hall, she didn't use her peripheral vision to take a good look at the venue, when a woman holding a glass of red wine seemed to be aimlessly approaching her.When the woman saw a familiar person, she immediately stretched out her arms in surprise and greeted her, and quickened her pace towards this side.

Lang Anyang has learned micro-movements and micro-expressions, and is good at observation and application, especially since she knows that this is a grand banquet, so she is [-]% vigilant.

Anyone who moves becomes the target of her attention!
Sometimes people's cleverness can become superfluous...

(End of this chapter)

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