Chapter 268 The True and False Phoenix of the 2s ([-])

Unexpectedly, the girl on the bed woke up, Xu Qinyun was taken aback, then remorse and disgust flashed across her face, and she said lightly:
"It's just in time for you to wake up. Since you have to bear the medical expenses yourself, you will bear all the expenses for Jin Yao's heart replacement."

"Our family treats you with the utmost benevolence, providing you with good food and drink since childhood, and even spending money to let you go from noble primary school to music academy. Which one is not an education that burns money?"

"We brought you up to be talented, but it's not difficult for you to pay back 80?"

Fei Anyang clenched his fists tightly, and said with an expressionless expression, "Ms. Xu, from the time when Mr. Fei brought me to the wine table as a commodity to please customers, to when he pushed me down the stairs and nearly fell to death when I disobeyed his arrangement. , I don’t think there is any friendship left between us.”

"You don't think that the dead can't speak, so you can let your family affection cover up your crimes?"

"I didn't sue you, I've done my best!"

Xu Qinyun stared at her, "Fei Anyang, if you hadn't occupied the magpie's nest, my family, Jinyao, wouldn't have dragged her sick body to serve your family in the countryside... You are a country girl, how much is a little life worth?" money?"

"It's only 40 to [-] yuan when a person is killed by a car, can it compare with our Jinyao's life?"

"For 18 years, you have been pampered and grown up by us. You are delicious and hot, but what about our Jinyao? Why don't you have any regrets or guilt?"

Fei Anyang pursed his lower lips, "In four years, I will give you back 100 million. From then on, we will never end our friendship."

Xu Qinyun unexpectedly looked her up and down several times. The little girl was as beautiful and proud as ever, and she was not overwhelmed by reality at all. Her confident appearance seemed as simple as she used to get a [-]% test paper.

She sneered and said, "Fei Anyang, are you spoiled by us, you don't even know how hard it is to earn money?"

"Forget it, because you can't wait to break up with us, I agree."

"As long as you can come up with 100 million within four years, then I will treat it as if I have raised a dog for more than ten years!"

In 2000, people's living standards had just started. How easy is it to say 100 million?

She knew that she couldn't squeeze any money out of this stubborn girl, so she might as well use Fei Anyang's keeping promises, not liking to take advantage of things, and not knowing the dangers of society, so she could make some money.

Fei Anyang held back his headache and nausea, and said word by word with a pale face: "There is no proof in words, and evidence in writing."

Xu Qinyun nodded with a sneer, "Even if you don't say it, I have to write it down, so as not to repay you!"

As she spoke, she took out a pen and paper from her bag, scribbled a few lines on it, and handed it over.

Fei Anyang read it twice, took the pen and signed his name word by word.

The "broken relationship letter" was in duplicate, and each of them kept a copy.

Fei Anyang did not need to open his mouth to drive people away after getting the "Letter of Broken Relationship", Xu Qinyun stepped on her high-heeled shoes with a cold snort, and left without looking back.

With tears in his eyes stubbornly, Fei Anyang looked at the doctor apologetically, and prayed softly:
"Doctor, you have also seen that no one will pay the medical expenses for me now, and I am still a student, and I have no job and I will not be able to work for the time being."

"Can I write an IOU to the hospital? When I recover from my injury, I can go out to work part-time to make money. Do you think it's okay?"

By the end she was crying.

The doctor said helplessly: "I will try my best to apply for you, and I can buy you half a year at most."

Fei Anyang hurriedly responded obediently: "Don't worry, even if I go to the construction site to move bricks, I will pay back the medical expenses in time!"

After there was no one in the ward, she let out a long breath, closed her eyes and endured the dull pain in half of her head.

She was uncomfortable at first, but just now Xu Qinyun's shameless look was outraged, and she forcibly read the original owner's memory, which made her feel even more uncomfortable and felt like vomiting.

"Anyang, the doctor said you were awake?" Suddenly the door of the ward was opened again, and three young people walked in quickly, asking in surprise.

Fei Anyang opened his eyes slightly, his vision was a bit blurred, he couldn't see their appearance clearly, and he didn't want to continue to use his brain.

She said lazily: "I'm hungry, which brother would be kind and buy me more food?"

As soon as she finished speaking, two people rushed out.

The young man next to her took her hand, put it on her chin, and rubbed it affectionately: "Anyang, you really scared me! I thought you..."

Fei Anyang couldn't figure out what was going on in front of him, so he could only follow his words and chuckle: "You don't think I'll just sleep forever, do you?"

The young man pissed a few times angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, you are awake now, let's eat well, rest and exercise, and we will definitely recover soon."

Fei Anyang hummed.

The young man looked at her and frowned, and asked nervously, "Is it uncomfortable? I'll call the doctor!"

Fei Anyang helplessly moved his fingers to hold him, and seemed to hold him back, "No need, the doctor came just now and said that he will be fine when he wakes up."

"Just tell me to add more nutrition, the fat on my body before has been almost absorbed..."

The young man pinched her cheek lightly with a smile on his face, "You are so skinny, when did you get fat? You have loved to be beautiful since you were a child, and you are afraid of getting fat. It is necessary to control the horizontal growth of appetite."

"As long as you eat more food, have some strength in your body, and you can't be pulled off by Uncle Fei, you will fall down the stairs."

Having said this, he was full of remorse, and mercilessly slapped himself three or five times!

"At that time, you were rescued in the operating room for more than ten hours, and you almost didn't come out... It's a shame that I went to Inner Mongolia on a motorcycle with my friends... If I had known this, I would have carried you with me no matter what... ..."

Fei Anyang lowered his eyes slightly, and his eyes were fixed on the hands that were intertwined with double shadows, his head hurt even more.

She is now a married woman, so she can't have a substantive relationship with people in the plane!

Young people should be more nervous, so they seem to talk a lot, and the topic has already jumped to a 3D online game that will be launched recently.

"Anyang, when you are well, let's go to the Internet cafe to play games... Your previous computer was broken by Fei Jinyao, so it can't be used anymore?"

"If you don't accept my gift, then let me take you to make money in the game... Xiaoye has already asked a friend to get a few places for the internal test, and I heard that the files will not be deleted... so when the public beta, Everyone is a new account, we have reached the full level, haha, you can collect money for taking people to brush dungeons, collecting materials, training weapons, running merchants, fishing, etc..."

Speaking of games, he became active, buzzing like a fly and making her uncomfortable.

"Shut up!" Fei Anyang yelled unbearably, because the opening of the mouth involved the nerves, and the headache made her numb all over.

(End of this chapter)

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