Chapter 270 The True and False Phoenix of the 4s ([-])

"Anyang, I'm going to class, see you tonight!"

At this moment, Fei Anyang's brain didn't hurt anymore, and looking at this note, she also pulled out from the memory of the original owner which number Xing Zhize was.

Fei Anyang's former family lived next door to the compound in Kyoto. Because she was pretty and her father was a bank executive, he often took her around the compound.

She can be regarded as growing up with the disciples of the big courtyard.

Children like to play in groups, and there is a clear hierarchy between them as parents.

Like Xing Zhize, his grandfather was the second-in-command in a certain army in the green camp, and he was a well-known figure in the compound. Naturally, he was the king of children since he was a child.

He said to the west, the big guy will never go east.

The original owner and Xing Zhize were childhood sweethearts, had a friendship for more than ten years, and established a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship after the college entrance examination.

The original owner was very strictly controlled by the adoptive parents, as if growing straight according to a ruler, and seemed not to care about anything.

But Xing Zhize loves to support her, but there are few people who can warm her heart.

However, Fei Anyang lowered his eyes and looked at the note in his palm. After all, he is a young Mu Ai who just likes the beauty and tranquility of the original owner, but he doesn't know the true meaning of love, and he doesn't look like a man who can grow up to be a lover who can shelter from the wind and rain!
Moreover, according to the memory of the original owner, Xingmu is relatively powerful. At the beginning, she turned a blind eye and allowed her son to play friends with the original owner. It was only because Fei Hongyi was a bank executive and the original owner's family had a lot of money. .

Falling in love is not getting married, Xingmu clearly distinguishes it.She just waited for her son to graduate and put away her playful heart before asking him to get married as she wanted.

Fei Anyang understood that this so-called boyfriend was also unreliable, and it happened that she didn't need to develop any emotional lines.

The most important thing right now is that she finds a way to make money, first fill her stomach and restore her body, and then figure out how to repay the debt and fulfill the original owner's wish.

Fei Anyang rummaged out the original owner's bag from the bedside table, which contained all the documents and the mobile phone with a cracked screen.

She charged the phone and turned it on. During the more than a month of her coma, there were hundreds of missed calls on the phone, and the messages on various social software were also full.

Fei Anyang quietly browsed through all the messages, but did not reply. Basically, except for her classmates, she would unilaterally cut off contact.

She pursed her lips slightly, and called the counselor: "Hello, Teacher Zhang, I'm Fei Anyang, and I want to ask you, can I still go to school?"

Counselor Zhang's voice was a little excited, "Student Fei, of course! I have already reported your matter to the school. What the leader means is that as long as you want to go to school, all tuition and miscellaneous fees will be waived, and you will be given 600 yuan a month. RMB living allowance."

The original owner had good grades and could obviously reduce the tuition fee, but Fei Hongyi and Xu Qinyun wanted to save face and liked to show off. Contrary to others, they actually paid her full tuition and miscellaneous fees, and the dormitory was also based on the standard of the best double room.

Fei Anyang thanked him again and again.

Counselor Zhang smiled and said, "Student Fei, our school leaders and staff feel very sorry for you dropping out of school."

"Peking University is one of the best schools in Xiahua. Our music school has a strong faculty and only recruits a hundred or so students every year."

"You are one of the rare good seedlings... So when you...your parents came forward to handle the withdrawal procedures for you, we kept your student status and registered as a suspension of school, thinking that one day you will understand it and come back by yourself... ..."

Fei Anyang smiled sincerely and thanked him.

There are still many good people in the world, but her relatives can't wait to push her into the abyss with their own hands.

The two spoke a few more words before Fei Anyang hung up the phone.

The original owner has a total of three bank cards, one is a secondary card, which is bound to Fei Hongyi's gold card. In case she has a large amount of expenses, after all, the original owner often plays with the children in the big courtyard; a card stores the original owner's small coffers over the years, which are all living expenses, lucky money, red envelopes, and prize money for participating in competitions.

She called to inquire, and as she thought, all the money in it was withdrawn, not even the cost of work left!

But she still has a card, which came with the university admission letter last year.

She just performed a simple activation and deposited the tuition and miscellaneous fees every year according to the regulations, so she didn't care about it anymore.

Fei Anyang took a deep breath and called to check the bank card again.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the 6 yuan deposited by Fei's family in two years, there is also an annual scholarship of 1 yuan, and bonuses for several activities she has participated in, totaling 5000 yuan!
The Peking University Conservatory of Music is a Sino-foreign joint venture, and the tuition and miscellaneous fees are much higher than ordinary ones.Similarly, the scholarship is also frighteningly high, and after deducting tuition and miscellaneous fees, there is still 1 yuan left, which is enough for students' living expenses.

Cary has 5000 yuan, and her sense of urgency to make money has been relieved a little.

Fei Anyang knew her body, so she went through the discharge procedures, bought a set of clothes in the supermarket next to the hospital to change into, and took a taxi directly to the vicinity of the school.

There are too many things to do in the dormitory, and she has some money now, and she doesn't want to wrong herself, so she rented a small apartment with one bedroom and one living room in the student apartment nearby.

It was already afternoon when she went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities, bought a notebook worth 1 yuan, and cleaned up the house.

Fei Anyang made himself a pot of noodles, and after eating, he sat on the bed with his notebook in his arms and studied ways to make money.

It is now January of 20, she looked at the date, January NO.[-]...

She curled her lips slightly. If her common sense remembers correctly, the next two years will be another big bull market in the stock industry!

Fei Anyang silently calculated in his heart that it cost 2000 yuan to buy a laptop, and [-] yuan to rent a house to buy daily necessities, bedding and clothes.

She kept [-] just in case, and the remaining [-] bought [-] Tianweibao stocks, and waited until the end of June to sell them all into Guangzhou Airlines International, and then in mid-October, [-] Throw it all.

In this way, 6 yuan can become 350 million yuan!

She didn't care about buying the stocks, but went to the official website to accept some translation work, which cost about 40 yuan for a thousand words, and those in small languages ​​would be more expensive.

The original owner is proficient in eight languages, so these tasks are easy for her, and she can complete the translation of [-] words in an hour.

It is equivalent to her hourly salary of 60 yuan!
While she was working with glasses on, the phone rang, and it was from "A Ze".

Fei Anyang hesitated, and turned on the speakerphone.

Before she could speak, Xing Zhize asked angrily: "Fei Anyang, you are really good!"

"You just opened your eyes yesterday, and you couldn't even stand upright. You have been discharged from the hospital now? Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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