Chapter 272 The True and False Phoenix of the 6s ([-])

Zou Le'an looked at Fei Anyang, surprised by half of the scar on her forehead, secretly thought it was a pity, but he still smiled and said: "Sister-in-law Anyang, I will take you there first... Yuxuan and Yiyun have already arrived..."

He led Fei Anyang to the innermost VIP room on the first floor.

This Qi Yuxuan and Xin Yiyun are the best friends of the original owner, the kind who talk about everything.

Qi Yuxuan loved to fight since she was a child, and she joined the army before graduating from high school. Two years later, she had just shed the skin of a recruit and had a long holiday for the New Year. She was like a wild horse running wild.

She just returned home yesterday, and in the Penguin app on the original mobile phone, she contributed more than 20 messages, including this dinner appointment.

Xin Yiyun was admitted to the Kyoto Film University. Because she is a child star and has a wide network of contacts, she has already taken over a campus idol drama at the beginning of her freshman year as the female lead. With her solid acting skills, she quickly squeezed into the second-tier The ranks of stars.

Since being admitted to university, the three sisters have had less contact with each other, and this is the first time they have met!
Yue Le'an and the others opened the hot pot restaurant, taking the high-end route. The VIP room is decorated extremely luxuriously. There is a large round table that can seat more than 20 people, and two waiters are waiting in the tea room.

Next to the table is a set of soft leather sofas, a marble coffee table with a set of KTV equipment, and a pool table on the other side!
When Fei Anyang arrived, there were already seven or eight people in the private room.

Qi Yuxuan and Xin Yiyun sat on the sofa talking and laughing, while looking towards the door.

Seeing her coming, they jumped up one by one, "Anyang, we can see you now! Really, I didn't reply to your message, and I asked your family, Aze, and said that you retreated for the exam month..."

The two of them started to tickle Fei Anyang's itch in dissatisfaction.

Fei Anyang's body is too sensitive, he can't bear a little itching, no matter how cold and cute he looks, it's like the wind on the surface of the lake, breaking into soft waves of a lake.

She giggled and backed away, "My good sister, I really didn't mean it...please forgive me..."

As a result, she retreated into Zhao Jingnian's arms.

The laughing people were stunned, and even those who watched the excitement shrunk their necks.

Zhao Jingnian is quite famous in the circle.He is tall and straight, handsome and handsome, he is a man of the hour wherever he goes, and he is so outstanding in every aspect that people look up to him and are incompetent!
Such a man with both talent and beauty is naturally stopped by people to hand over love letters, or a girl falls down in front of him for no reason.

However, he just walked over indifferently, and whenever anyone actually bumped into him, he took off his clothes in disgust and threw them away, or wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

He doesn't need to say anything, just let the other party walk away in shame and anger.

Zhao Jingnian is a casual master, even his family members have a headache, so he dare not interfere in his love and marriage easily, otherwise, with this master's temperament, they would not marry someone, but an enemy!
Fei Anyang also sensed that something was wrong, turned her head to meet the man's indifferent eyes, and jumped out quickly, because she almost didn't stop because she moved too fast.

It was Qi Yuxuan who grabbed her quickly, "Brother Jingnian, Anyang definitely didn't do it on purpose, we made her too much... She is a good girl, she already has a partner, and she will never have any thoughts about you! "

Xin Yiyun also followed up to explain: "Brother Jingnian, the relationship between Anyang and her family Aze is very good. The childhood sweethearts grow up, and they will get married when she graduates..."

Seeing their nervousness, Zhao Jingnian nodded without changing his expression, and just said, "Be careful next time."

This is a hot pot restaurant, if it's not him, but the steaming bottom of the pot, the little girl's face and body may be scarred again.

Thinking like this, he glanced at Fei Anyang's forehead before leaving.

When they got upstairs, they looked at each other and slapped their chests in fright.

However, Qi Yuxuan followed Zhao Jingnian's gaze just now, pulled Fei Anyang's arm and walked to the window, and asked angrily and distressed: "Anyang, why did you get such a big scar on your forehead? When did you get such a big scar?" Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Because of the retro decoration of the hot pot restaurant and the dim lighting, the big guys didn't see it clearly.

Now they gathered around one by one, only to find that half of Fei Anyang's forehead was covered with light pink scars!
How beautiful the little girl is, how hideous and disgusting the scar is...

Xin Yiyun also asked anxiously: "How many stitches did you have? Where exactly did you hit? Hyperplasia scars are easy to form after stitches, and it is difficult to get rid of... You have to go to a beauty hospital to sew..."

"It's been a long time since we saw each other, why did you toss yourself like this?"

The two little girls were in tears with concern.The rest of the people also shook their heads in regret.

Fei Anyang knew that the original owner's injury was well concealed by the Fei family, and even asked Xing Zhize to help hide it together.

She chuckled and said, "It's okay. I went out to eat with...Uncle Fei and accidentally fell down the stairs. It would be nice to save my life."

Xin Yiyun gently touched her scar, "Anyang, it's okay, now that technology is getting more and more advanced, what is this little scar?"

"I know a lot of people, so I'll find out for you later. Even if the newly formed scar can't be eliminated, at least it can be lightened... You can cover it with bangs later, and we will be beautiful beauties again! "

Qi Yuxuan was in a hurry and didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only nod her head repeatedly: "Yes, Yiyun is the most stinky, she must be right about this..."

Fei Anyang also understands that such a big scar will last a lifetime on whoever it is on.

She has a special physique, and after two or three years, she will not be able to see it at all, and Xin Yiyun helped her provide this reason.

Fei Anyang smiled lightly and grabbed one with each hand, "Okay, I'm fine, why are you still crying?"

"The doctor said, this is just right, so the scar looks ugly and hideous, and it will fade after a while... Besides, I'm not too old..."

Xin Yiyun directly lowered her head and opened the communication page, saying: "Then you shouldn't be too careless, I'll ask my friends to see if there are any precautions..."

The fact that the Fei family had the wrong child had already spread. After all, Fei Hongyi and Xu Qinyun were in a hurry to rectify their daughter's name, and spent all the resources wasted on Fei Anyang on Fei Jinyao.

The people who came one after another looked at Fei Anyang with pity and pity.

Fei Anyang lowered his eyes slightly.After the original owner knew his background, he already understood that he might not be around in this circle for long.

At this moment, a girl's nervous and weak voice came from the corridor: "Brother Aze, you pick me up on the motorcycle, my sister won't be angry, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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