Fei Anyang avoided it with a cold face, "Student Xing, please respect yourself!"

Xing Zhize's face was cold, he didn't care about the aisle here, even though it's class time, but the curriculum of college students is not uniform, there will still be students coming to the teaching building for self-study.

He directly pushed Fei Anyang to the wall, one hand could firmly fix Fei Anyang's two wrists on her head, and the other hand grabbed her chin, and his legs were even weaker but could not be refused. her.

"Fei Anyang, I think it's because I dote on you too much, so you don't know the heights of heaven and earth. Yes, you are beautiful. Among the people I know, there are few people who can match you... In Kyoto, women are beautiful. Original sin will make you fall into the abyss... Without my protection, you don't know who you are lying under right now..."

Fei Anyang's body is too weak.The original owner was forced by the Fei family couple to have no free time, and she was running around in various cram schools. She was severely mentally exhausted at a young age, and her body was not fully exercised. In addition, when she was reborn, the original owner's head was hit hard. , almost standing outside the gate of hell.

In two months, Fei Anyang has only adjusted his body to the level of an ordinary person. How can he compete with the trained Xing Zhize?

"Heh, Fei Anyang, do you think I can divert my attention even if I raise a rabbit and swallow the meat without plucking all the fur?"

The woman in front of me is as soft and beautiful as the mist in the mountains in the early summer morning. It is not real, but also like the trembling dewdrops on the flowers, full of fragrance.

Xing Zhize opened his mouth, facing such a beauty, and Xiao Qingmei, whom he had missed for more than ten years, how could he stand it?
He leans over...

Suddenly there was a clapping sound, and Xing Zhize quickly turned sideways to block Fei Anyang, glaring at him.

Zhao Jingnian put away his hands indifferently, and behind him were leaders of five schools, big and small, and their expressions were very ugly at the moment.

"Xing Zhize, if I remember correctly, your school is the branch of Kyoto College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Why did you come to our Imperial University and harass my junior?"

Xing Zhize's heart was full of resentment, he clenched his fists and said word by word: "Zhao Jingnian, Anyang is my girlfriend!"

Zhao Jingnian looked at Fei Anyang behind him.

Fei Anyang couldn't break free from Xing Zhize's hand, endured the pain of his almost crushing her wrist, and said in a muffled voice, "I'm not, I've already broken up, and he has a new friend..."

Xing Zhize immediately denied it: "No, that's because I'm mad at you!"

Fei Anyang sneered: "Xing Zhize, if you can be calm, I can still think about our childhood sweethearts, so we can get together and break up. But when did you start lying to me?"

Xing Zhize's eyes were full of remorse, "Anyang, I and... are just ordinary friends, and I have always liked you..."

Fei Anyang didn't look at him, and said coldly: "I feel disgusted! People are doing things and the sky is watching, don't take me for a fool!"

Xing Zhize's face was pale, "Anyang, which man has never made a mistake? I was plotted against... Can you give me a chance? There is no one in this world who treats you better than me..."

"Without me protecting you, the Fei family would have swallowed you alive... Anyang, you are a pretty little girl, how do you spend time in the capital? Relying on Zhao Jingnian..."

Fei Anyang couldn't bear it anymore and slapped him hard: "Enough, Xing Zhize, you are a man, don't you just break up, do you need to be jerk?"

"It was you who liked me from the beginning to the end, and I just followed the wishes of the Fei family couple, but now I have jumped out of the fire pit of the Fei family, so why should I continue to be your girlfriend against my will?"

"Don't think that you will be reincarnated. If you become a child of the Kyoto Grand Courtyard, you will be so great. Everyone is equal before love and life. If you don't like it, you don't like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it."

"I wronged myself for 18 years. Why did I put myself in a golden cage when I was free?"

"Let's just forget about it..."

Xing Zhize looked at her in disbelief, and slowly let go of his hand.

They were all good before, why suddenly she didn't want him?
His mind is full of her voice and appearance, and his previous life revolves around her.

In his mind, Fei Anyang belongs to him alone, even if the sky falls, she will not leave.

At this moment, he felt sore eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "But, I love you..."

Fei Anyang said coldly: "Then your love is really cheap, the heart and body can be separated."

Xing Zhize laughed suddenly, and looked at her coldly: "Fei Anyang, okay, I came to you with my heart in my hand, and you were riddled with holes. Let me see how far you can go without me !"

"I look forward to the day when I watch you beg me to love you..."

As he said that, he turned to look at Zhao Jingnian, and smiled casually as always: "Brother Jingnian has always been aloof, so he shouldn't bother picking up girlfriends that others don't want, right?"

"At least Aunt Zhao disagrees... Not everyone can dare to challenge the right family for the sake of love..."

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