Ju An's heart was beating fast, but she still met his fiery eyes, nodded with a smile, and wrote on the paper: "If we can be admitted to the same university by virtue of our strength, and at that time you If you still like me, then we can try."

Chang Zai was so happy that he wanted to do somersaults all over the floor to express his inner excitement, but he was not willing to let her go.

"Before then, you are not allowed to refuse my kindness to you! Also, you promised me and stamped on me, so you don't have to look at other people of the opposite sex."

"My appearance is a bit surly, but my heart is soft, innocent and conservative..."

Hearing what he said, Ju An couldn't help laughing, how could anyone praise himself so much?
Chang Zai emphasized: "Really, there are many rumors about me, but my first time was with you, holding hands, hugging and kissing..."

Ju An covered his mouth in embarrassment, not letting him continue.

Instead, Chang Zai smiled and covered her hand, kissing her palm.

Ju An knew that this person was aggressive, and buried his head in writing: "It's agreed, we will fall in love after college. If you continue to make trouble like this, I didn't get into the ideal university, and I don't have the time and energy to fall in love."

Chang Zai reluctantly took her hand off.With the other hand, he gently stroked her neck, and asked worriedly: "Isn't the cold gone early, why can't you talk?"

"Let's go to the hospital and have a look, shall we?"

In fact, now, Ju An also knows that he cannot speak because he is hoarse due to a cold, but because he has been too stimulated and his body has developed aphasia due to emergency protection.

She pursed her lips: "I may be sick in my heart and can't talk. Do you mind?"

Often pain in the heart.

He had figured out the situation of her family a long time ago. Three relatives were lost overnight. Uncle and aunt still stared at their siblings. The double pressure of study and life is unbearable for normal students, let alone she is gone.

"It's okay, let's take it slowly, it's not a big deal. It must be that you have experienced too many things recently, and you haven't recovered yet. After practicing martial arts to vent your emotions, you can adjust all aspects, and it will be fine."

He touched her face pityingly, "An'an, although we agreed that we can only be boyfriend and girlfriend when we go to college, but if you have anything, you must tell me in time."

"It's all about me."

A few simple words, but she, who has worked hard for more than ten years since her parents passed away, almost collapsed.

This feeling of being protected under the feathers is really good. Before she could respond, she already knew that after the two of them really wanted to start, she might not be able to bear their separation.

Ju An lowered his head slightly, patted his paw politely, and started to eat with the boxed lunch.

Where in the world are there so many ifs?
Let nature take its course, after all, she hadn't lived to be 30 years old in her last life, maybe she...

Thinking of this, she hurriedly dismissed such negative thoughts.

No, this time they will definitely die, live a good life, erase all regrets, and embrace all the good things in the world!

Chang Zai smiled and picked out the meat in the lunch box for her.

Ju An dodged and stared at him, he didn't eat too much, and the box lunch was enough.

Chang Zai didn't force it, instead, he passed the lunch box forward, "Give me what you can't finish, I have a big appetite."

Seeing how his brother-in-law is treated every day makes him sore.

Ju An felt sour and sweet in her heart. If she hadn't been so stubborn in her previous life, if she gave him a little hope to get close to her, would everything be different?
She smiled lightly, and called some for him impulsively, and called some for Ju Jin without favoring one another.

Seeing Chang Zai's brows and eyes widening to eat, Ju An silently thought, no matter whether the two of them are together in this life, she hopes that this boy who once liked her will be healthy and safe for the rest of his life, and die!
Chang Zai suddenly raised his head, grabbed her to peek at him, and said with a smirk: "Do you think your future boyfriend is very handsome?"

Ju An snorted with his nose, made an eight on his chin with his hand, and pointed his head again.

Chang Zai was a little confused, what did you mean by tilting your head?
Ju An ignored him, and quietly lowered his head to eat.

until school.Chang Zai still didn't understand what the two gestures she made were.

"Brother Zai, what are you doing? Why did you start thinking for the first time?" Shaoxing Xuejian frowned, and couldn't help asking amusedly, "If you have any questions, you can talk to the brothers. As the saying goes, three The cobbler tops Zhuge Liang!"

Chang Zai glanced at him, pondered and said, "What does this mean?"

Shao Xingxue also froze for a moment, followed by gestures, "Handsome? Head?"

Chang Zai's face darkened when he heard this, and he immediately understood what Ju An meant. This little girl called him handsome? !
Then he laughed lowly, the little girl who was no longer strict, soft and delicate, with a little bad temper, he liked it more and more.

Thinking of this, he looked at the English teacher who walked in from the door, and once again took out the brand-new textbook without his name written on it from the drawer hole, and listened to the class.

A few people from Shaoxing watched in horror, they kept turning their heads to look at him, and they looked at each other, and even couldn't help passing notes to each other.

"Brother Zai has been seduced by someone? Why can't I see through him more and more?"

"That's right, people in Gordo Man, how can there be a day when they are crazy about love?"

"Brother Zai is about to study hard. Is it so inspiring to have a girlfriend from No. [-] Middle School? I also have to search to see if there are any beautiful young ladies in No. [-] Middle School who will let me abandon my scumbag!"

While chatting, they couldn't help but start betting: "Love is precious, but women are like clothes, how can they wear one piece every day? I bet I'll stay single for at most three months, and then I'll continue to be single, study, three days of heat!" "

They are too aware of the anguish of studying, they can be hypnotized by reading a book, and they can learn Zhou Gong by listening to the class.

"Brother Zai is very serious this time, and it is also the first time he has been in a serious relationship. I bet if he persists for five days, the relationship will last at least half a year..."

Nong Zhiming pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and wrote: "No. [-] Middle School has strict management. I don't think Zai Ge may be able to embrace a beautiful woman. As for studying, it may be less than a day. The second year of high school may already be a bit difficult, no A solid foundation, hard to keep up with…”

Shao Xingxue couldn't help but retort: ​​"Impossible, brother Zai is actually quite smart, apart from studying, how is he worse than others? Brother Zai has a very charming personality, but whoever he likes, who can escape his pursuit?"

The corner of Nong Zhiming's mouth curled into an ambiguous smile: "Students, learning is the kingly way!"

He often reads books, but his mind is not here. From the corner of his eye, he looks at the notes Shao Xingxue passed to others, with a cold look in his eyes.

Indeed, the love between students, whether in the eyes of parents, teachers, or classmates, is a child's play, an indulgence of youth.

But for him, Ju'an, no!

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