Ju An looked at her blankly, letting the Second Aunt Ju's accusation that she hated iron but could not make steel, heartbroken.

After the monthly exam, not only the day students went home, but also many boarding students left the school. At this moment, there are not many students coming and going downstairs in the dormitory.

It's been a month since school started, but Ju An has already become a celebrity in the school.

Without him, she is beautiful, has good academic performance, has a miserable fate, and cannot speak, all of which make the students who are boring in study and urgently need to take in the nutrition of gossip.

Even the aunts in the dormitory felt pity for her, and couldn't help but come out aggressively when the second aunt poured pots of sewage on the little girl:

"Parent, please pay attention to your wording. As far as I know, Ju An is a student with excellent character and learning. It doesn't seem like he can steal money from the family."

"And why is she stealing money? She eats in the cafeteria and wears school uniforms all day long, except for studying, so she has no time to spend money..."

Second Aunt Ju was still complacent just now, the little girl in the city is thin-skinned, as long as she preemptively strikes, then Ju An's notoriety of stealing things will be confirmed.

If Ju An wants to study quietly in school, he has to hand over his real passbook.Otherwise, she will keep making noises, let's see what kind of intention this girl has to study.

However, where did this Cheng Yaojin come from?

Aunt Ju made an ugly smile: "Comrade, we actually didn't believe it either. After all, Ju An and her younger brother are children from the city, so they can't be so small?"

"It's just that they are not guilty. How can they not go home for a month? The family has less money, and my second uncle and I will definitely not move... Our two children are honest. It’s impossible to take the money now... I heard her mother tell her father before that it would be great if Ju An and Ju Jin were half as sensible and obedient as my children... I still don’t understand what’s going on... ..."

Listening to her nonsense, Ju An pursed her lips, and quickly lowered her head and wrote: "Auntie, help me to call the police. My aunt lost money, and it's okay to frame me, but there is less money, and the family's expenses are not enough. I can't let the second uncle and the family go to the police station." The younger brothers and sisters of the second aunt's family dropped out of school, right?"

The aunt who is in charge of the dormitory also needs a diploma, otherwise she has a low level of education, how can she issue some notices?

Moreover, the quality of the dormitory auntie is not high, which has some influence on the children.

The auntie in charge took a look, and immediately decided to listen to the second aunt's words: "The public is right and the mother is right. You can't bully the little girl and you can't speak. You are right."

"Let's ask the police to decide the case. They are the most fair and just. They will not wrong a good person, nor will they let a bad person go... Of course, for those who make false accusations and make out of nothing, they will not let her play public servants..."

"Also, you are making such a fuss, disturbing the law and order and affecting the students' study, you must pursue responsibility!"

Second Aunt Ju was so angry that when she was famous as a villain in the countryside, she was accurate. Even if the big guys knew that what she said was not entirely correct, they were happy to watch the show and were keen to be a gossip spreader.

"That's right, there's no need to call the police over this family matter, right? It's hard for an upright official to settle housework. What did you really find out? You sisters and brothers don't look good..."

At this moment, Ju Jin ran all the way over, protecting Ju An behind her, and looked at Second Aunt Ju vigilantly and resentfully: "Second Aunt, what are you rushing towards me? You can't speak when you bully my sister, and you can't say anything dirty. explain."

"Do you think you can get good by ruining our reputation in school? Later, we went to the unit to make a fuss, saying that not only did you and the second uncle fail to fulfill our responsibility to take care of us, but you also wished that we would drop out of school to support your two children..."

"When the time comes, we'll see if we didn't go to school, or if you didn't have a job and went back to your village to work in agriculture!"

Second Aunt Ju is really a shrew's ability, if it is useless, the children in the city will be on her lifeblood.

She pointed at the two of them, "Don't regret it, without the protection of adults, you will suffer sooner or later."

Ju Jin raised her chin slightly: "I won't bother you to worry about it, so I won't see you off!"

Aunt Ju stamped her feet and left.

Ju Jin turned to look at Ju An, "Sister, are you okay? Second Aunt is too bullying."

Ju An shook her head with a smile, looked at the back of Aunt Ju, her eyes were cold, and she lowered her head and wrote: "We are selling the house! I will finish it in a few days, and I can sell it without going through their hands." house."

"Later, you can go to the family home by bike and ask Aunt Dongmei, Aunt Meiying and Aunt Ai Ling if they have any intention to buy a house... The main reason is that they are very talented and their home conditions are not bad, so you can borrow a little money. After buying the house, I'm not afraid of Second Aunt and the others making trouble..."

"You greet them in advance and ask them to prepare money. On my birthday, we will go through the transfer procedures."

"Our house was bought for 2 yuan in [-]. We no longer have welfare housing this year, and commercial housing has become the mainstream, so the house price has at least doubled."

"We don't want too much, just 4 yuan, and they can buy it if they think it's right... I think it should be very easy to sell."

Ju Jin hummed: "In this way, the second uncle and the second aunt can only rent a house. At least two or three hundred yuan a month, only the money goes into their pockets, but if it is taken out, it is like cutting their money The meat of the heart..."

Thinking about this situation, Ju An also pursed her lips and smiled, and wrote: "More importantly, they thought that the house belonged to them if they lived there. As a result, we secretly disposed of the house, so they couldn't be mad? "

Ju Jin was unwilling to stay for a while, "Sister, hurry back to the dormitory, I'll go and ask some aunts if they want to buy a house."

This time the matter did not spread much, Ju An returned to the dormitory and buried himself in the questions, and there were still a few days before the preliminary round of the Mathematical Olympiad.

Ever since Chang Zai had the cheek to drag Ju An to the library to make up lessons, he was hit.He was also immersed in his studies, and he did not relax during the National Day holiday.

He wasn't stupid in the first place, but now he knew the meaning of learning, and with the guidance of the teacher, he started from the basics, and his progress was amazing.

I am always trying to get into the top [-] in the monthly exam in October, so I can save some face, and then I can discuss benefits with Ju An.

The school had a long holiday and the cafeteria was closed, so the siblings ate at a small restaurant outside the school.

Ju Jin reported the news to Ju An excitedly in a low voice: "Aunt Dongmei, who I asked first, knew what we were going to do as soon as the conversation started, and she patted her chest and said that I will get the money together this week."

"After the holiday, I'll wait for us to handle the transfer at any time. I, I have the cheek to ask for [-], saying that it can be negotiated. Aunt Dongmei cut it down to [-]!"

Ju An gave him a thumbs up with a smile on her lips, and took a notebook and wrote, "Ah Jin has grown up. At that time, I just wanted to get rid of the house quickly, and forgot to tell you a few more words."

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