Chapter 340 70s as a fine wife (11)

While Ming Anyang was trying to divert his attention, Shen Sishuo and the patrolling comrades had already caught three human traffickers who bought platform tickets and attempted to evade the fare by changing the city to get rid of the child in the suitcase. up!
The patrol personnel found the little girl in the trafficker's suitcase, and when they came to their senses, they couldn't find God Si Shuo.

At this moment, two police cars had parked silently and far away beside the station. Comrades in plain clothes first surrounded the small waiting room in all directions and began to check the passengers one by one.

"Team Wang, you are one step late. We have already captured the three traffickers, and there is also a missing little girl... But, we don't know whose family this child belongs to..."

The station security team hurried forward to explain the situation and carry out the handover.

Shen Sishuo picked up Ming Anyang and left in a rickshaw. No one said a word along the way, but their hands were intertwined, which seemed to be another kind of lingering.

When they arrived at the guest house, Shen Sishuo went through the check-in procedures and led Ming Anyang into the house.

"Daughter-in-law, you sit and rest first, I'll fetch water to clean the house, and buy food by the way... It's hot now, let's go shopping, watch movies and go to the night market in the afternoon..."

Ming Anyang hummed.She has been tense all morning, and she is indeed a little tired at the moment.

But she didn't lie down, she just sat on the bed, watching the people coming and going outside the window, while watching the men rushing in and out.

He called hot water for a while, made her a cup of brown sugar water, and brought a basin of cold water for her to wash her hands and face, and wiped the tables and chairs again.

Ming Anyang didn't even know that he even brought a set of sheets and towels to cover the bed!
Not long after, Ming Anyang felt that it was the same room, but there was a sense of comfort and peace of mind.

And she also washed up, lying on the bed and reading a magazine.

The man raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already past 12:30, so he hurriedly dug out the rice bowl and went to the state-run restaurant to buy food.

One serving of stewed chicken with mushrooms, one serving of scrambled eggs with cucumber, and one serving of stir-fried bean sprouts with green peppers, served with four bowls of white rice!

Ming Anyang only needs to dig into the rice in the bowl, the man has already put the ready-to-eat chicken and various vegetables into her bowl, and poured soup for her with a spoon.

She straightened up helplessly, and swallowed the food in her mouth, "Brother, why don't you feed me?"

Before Shen Sishuo could react, he had already nodded in response: "This is also fine..."

After finishing speaking, the two of them stared wide-eyed, their faces blushing!

Ming Anyang continued to hold the bowl and put the rice into his mouth, "Brother, what I mean is, the food is already enough, I can't eat so much."

"Also, I have long arms and hands, I can hold chopsticks, and I can hold whatever I want to eat. You, you don't have to do this..."

Shen Sishuo's jaw tightened, "I like to serve you."

Ming Anyang almost choked and coughed several times.

The nervous Shen Sishuo rushed to her side immediately, patted her on the back, and fed her with water.

Ming Anyang took two sips of water, recovered his breath, and stared at him with teary eyes, "You... what are you talking about! I don't need you to serve me."

Shen Sishuo hugged her tightly.He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. After getting along for a long time, he can feel that the woman rejects him less. It is better to say that she is shy than rejection.

Now that the two are in the same place, all the blood in his body is screaming, and he said in a hoarse voice: "But I like it, and there are many kinds of services."

Ming Anyang felt that the air was scorching hot, she pushed him, but the man sat as firmly as a mountain without moving at all.Instead, he held the hand on her shoulder and tried harder.

"Brother, let me go, I haven't finished my meal yet!"

Shen Sishuo let go regretfully, fearing that he would scare her, and returned to his seat, grilling the rice even faster.

After eating, he went to wash the dishes.After Ming Anyang rinsed his mouth, he walked around the house for a walk, thinking whether he would confess to him about filling out his volunteer application later.

She thought, as long as she said that she would live with him for the rest of her life, they would live apart for four years just for a better reunion. I believe he would understand, right?

He was on her side in the last life.

When the man came back, Ming Anyang gave him a nervous look, and said with a smile, "Brother, are you done with your work, me, I have something to tell you."

Shen Sishuo froze, clutching the jar tightly, as if his heart had turned cold all of a sudden.

Could it be that his previous feeling was wrong, but she was paralyzing him?

What can she say to him?
Shen Sishuo pretended not to care too much, wiped the jar clean and put it on the table, nodded lightly: "Well, I'm done, what can I do?"

"Don't call me brother in the future, you have your own brother, but I don't have a younger sister. You are my wife, call me Si Shuo, or A Shuo."

Ming Anyang's eyes glanced here and there, but he still didn't dare to fall on him, he couldn't help feeling guilty!
"I did something stupid in a fit of anger before, and now I'm confessing to you, Ashuo, can you promise me not to be angry?"

Shen Sishuo sighed slightly, sat beside her, pinched her chin, and forced her to look at him, "Anyang, since you know I will be angry, then don't say anything."

"It will be cruel... Now that you are my daughter-in-law, let's only look at the present and the future, okay?"

Ming Anyang blinked his eyes and was stunned for a while, where on earth was he thinking?

How could she not say it? Could it be that when the admission notice came, she would continue to ask her parents and elder brother to chant scriptures in her ears?
She pursed her lower lips, grabbed his arm with one hand, put her other hand around his neck, leaned forward and kissed his chin, "Ashuo, I'm sorry, I didn't apply for the Kyoto Normal University, but for the sea." Big history."

"I was angry before and didn't want to follow your arrangement, so I rebelled once. Now I regret it..."

Feeling the flattery of the little woman in his arms, that light and soft kiss seemed to ignite the explosives in his body, his mind went blank, and he couldn't hear what she said.

He just looked at her with dark eyes, those pink lips and the flattering smile in her fox eyes were pampering him.

And when he was about to come back to his senses, Shen Sishuo turned pale when he heard regret, "You are my man, and the one who received the certificate and was recognized by the organization is the woman my Shen Sishuo Mingmei is marrying!"

"Do you really think that if I like you, I can pamper you and take marriage as a joke again and again?"

Ming Anyang was taken aback, somewhat incomprehensible. In her previous life, her family knew that she had changed her choice after seeing the admission notice.

She resolutely refused to repeat the study, and her family had no way to call him to tell him about it.

Shen Sishuo rushed over the next day, looked at her in silence for a long time, and then took the initiative to do her parents' work.

So, was he actually angry at the time?
(End of this chapter)

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