After leaving the restaurant, Shen Sishuo let go of Ming Anyang, and said with a calm expression: "I'm sorry, it was a good class reunion, and I made it unpleasant."

Ming Anyang hadn't recovered from the joy of seeing him, he was half hugged by the man all the way, the blush on his face was still there.

She was so angry with this awkward and jealous man!

Taking a deep breath, she didn't argue with him. Instead, she held her arm with him and continued to walk out. She blocked the sun with her other hand: "Brother Si Shuo, why are you here?"

"My parents told you? Have you eaten yet? I've been shopping all morning by myself, and I'm so hungry that my chest sticks to my back. Let's go to a cheap restaurant..."

Shen Sishuo couldn't help but follow her words and glanced down, but he was not obsessed with the party just now.

He took her to another restaurant to eat roast duck.

Ming Anyang likes to eat roast duck the most, especially the spring pancake roll with a layer of scorched skin and tender duck meat, sticking with a slightly spicy sauce, putting crispy cucumber strips and shredded green peppers on it, it is called One satisfies!
Seeing the woman's eyes curled up, immersed in the delicious food, and having no time to talk to himself, Shen Sishuo shook his head helplessly with a smile, and rolled one by one for her.

"Brother Si Shuo, I can do it myself. Don't always take care of me. Eat it yourself!" After eating roast duck, Ming Anyang felt a little like a person from the future.

Shen Sishuo smiled: "You eat first, I will eat when you can't finish."

"I was full just now, and now I'm not hungry..."

Ming Anyang glared at him angrily, ignored him, and continued to work hard.

Shen Sishuo looked at it for a while, and then said, "I'm off work today, and I just came to pick you up."

Ming Anyang was stunned for a moment, then glanced at him embarrassedly, "Brother Si Shuo, I want to participate in an auction next week..."

Staring at the man's faint expression, she hurriedly recounted what she had done in the past few days, and said with a little complacency: "Brother Si Shuo, I feel that since I married you, my good luck has come."

"Although I like to read history books and know some knowledge about antiques, this is the first time I have put the theory into practice... Don't look at me pretending to be an expert in front of Shen Tiance, but I don't really know anything about it." In the end, the four sets of objects that were tasted were all treasures, and I was stunned..."

"I think, in addition to my solid theoretical knowledge, there is also a lot of luck involved."

"There are so many people who are more capable than me. How can I miss them when they walk around the antique street every day?"

Shen Sishuo was startled, his little daughter-in-law did something big without making a sound.

It is only seven or nine years now, how long has the spring breeze been blowing, the big guys are trying their best to make money, and the funds in their hands have not yet completed the accumulation of the first stage.

She has already started harvesting.

Shen Sishuo praised with a smile: "There is a saying that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared."

"If you don't have enough theoretical knowledge, even if the baby is put in front of you, you won't know it."

"What day is the auction? I'll ask for leave to accompany you, and I'll take you back to the courtyard along the way."

Ming Anyang could feel his urgency to take her home.She chuckled and said, "Next Friday, I will be the one who provides the baby. Actually, I don't need to be there."

"But I'm very curious about the auction, and I want to go to gain knowledge."

"By the way, I heard from Shen Tiance that there is still another part of this auction."

"It seems that the Department of Appreciation of Treasures got a batch of rough stones from nowhere, just for fun."

Shen Sishuo raised his eyebrows, "Then I have to take advantage of you to participate. I was very interested in rough stones when I was in college. I have read a lot of books. I don't know if I can open some valuable ones. jade."

Ming Anyang was an archaeologist in his previous life, so he really doesn't know much about the original stone.

"Okay, then come pick me up on Friday, and let's go to the auction together!"

After Ming Anyang finished his meal, Shen Sishuo ate the leftover roast duck, spring pancakes and side dishes.

After eating, Shen Sishuo sent Ming Anyang home, and then drove back to the family home.

No matter how special he is in the unit, he can't ask for leave every now and then.

Standing at the stairs, Ming Anyang looked at him eagerly, "Brother Si Shuo, why don't you go up and have a seat?"

Shen Sishuo felt uncomfortable too, smiled and rubbed her head, "No, if I go up with you, I don't want to go."

"I asked for two days off on Friday, just after attending the auction, playing in the city for a day, and going back to the family courtyard on Sunday."

"You can't refuse me this time, can you?"

Ming Anyang nodded, "I used to be at home and had some endless homework. Now that I've finished my college entrance examination, there's not much I can do every day except reading for entertainment."

When parting, the little girl was particularly clingy and reluctant to leave, and her watery eyes almost blinked into his heart.

"Why don't you go back with me, and we'll come back on Friday?" Shen Sishuo was annoyed as soon as he spoke.

The fact that the little girl has softened her attitude towards him does not mean that there is no grudge between them.

His proposal will definitely be rejected!

However, Ming Anyang's eyes lit up.Why didn't she think of it?

"Okay, my mother is talking about my three meals a day. Brother Si Shuo, please wait for me. I will go upstairs to get something and leave a note for my parents." Ming Anyang said. Run upstairs.

Shen Sishuo stayed silent for a moment, and then quickly followed him. The corners of his lips raised, obviously he was in a particularly happy mood!

Ming Anyang had nothing to pack, he just put some clothes in his bag, put some books on it, and ran outside.

Shen Sishuo had finished writing the note and put it on the key cabinet.

"Don't worry, drink some water first, let's go," he handed over warm water.

Ming Anyang pursed his lips with a smile and drank it all in one go.

When going back, there were not many people in the car, and Ming Anyang almost slept all the way leaning on Shen Sishuo's shoulder.

When they arrived at the family courtyard, they just heard the whistle of dinner, and there was a faint smell of food in the air.

Shen Sishuo held the bag in one hand, and led her domineeringly with the other to rush home.

They met many acquaintances on the way, and they nodded and said hello with a smile.

Acquaintances are envious of the newlyweds, who are well-matched in appearance and sweet in love.

No one thought that the magic of indifference would turn out to be like this after marriage, as if marriage was a switch that turned on his ability to laugh.

Back home, Ming Anyang changed his shoes and collapsed on the sofa.

There was still a faint fragrance of soap in the air. Needless to say, the man had already cleaned the house before picking her up.

But Shen Sishuo didn't stop for a moment, put down his things, took the meal ticket and rice jar, told Ming Anyang, and went to cook.

Ming Anyang got up to boil the water, and rummaged out the luggage by the way, and put the things back together.

During the few days she stayed at her mother's house, Ming's mother and sister-in-law Ming often stuffed her with things.The family courtyard of the Railway Construction Bureau was a little out of the way, and the things in the small town were old-fashioned, so she brought them all here bluntly.

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