Shen Sishuo's handwriting is as handsome and free as the person he is, and you feel comfortable just looking at it.

"Daughter-in-law, breakfast is in the pot. I'm off to work. I'll bring some food back at noon. Let's have a barbecue tonight?"

If it's very ordinary, if she has legs and hands, why can't she turn over the food in the pot?

It's the habit of the two of them that he brings food back at noon. As for eating barbecue, he can also tell her when he comes back at noon.

Ming Anyang held the note, stood on the spot and laughed out loud, as if the honey pot had collapsed in her heart, she was as sweet as a fool, and wanted to cry.

She could understand how he wanted to be intimate with her all the time, just like now, she just wanted to hug him gently and feel his presence.

The breakfast in the unit is very ordinary, pickled cabbage, beans and meat buns. I don’t know if it’s sour noodles or sour beans. She bit it down and her face was wrinkled. She didn’t taste the other flavors in the buns except the sourness. The salt was too much. not enough.

Speaking of which, it may be that during the time she was at her parents' home, she loved to eat every meal, so that now her appetite has been whetted, and she actually finds the food in the cafeteria a bit hard to swallow.

Ming Anyang's eyes rolled, she was still a month away from the start of school, did she have to buy some ingredients and condiments from the cafeteria, and cook at home?

The life of archeology is quite hard. She spends ten months of the year in sparsely populated places, or in remote mountainous areas or rural areas.

She learned to cook little by little, and this became one of the few interests in her boring days.For this reason, she specially bought a lot of recipes and studied cooking by herself.

Wherever she went, most of what she chatted with the local people was cooking.

Everyone says that the happiest thing for a cook is to cook for the one he loves, and seeing the other person like it, everything is worth it!

With this in mind, Ming Anyang bit the bullet and ate the steamed buns with the equally bland spicy spicy soup.

The sun had risen at eight o'clock, releasing the scorching heat. She gritted her teeth, changed into her shirt and trousers, put on a sun hat, and went out with her bag.

There are not many people in the family courtyard at this point, so she found the kitchen according to her memory.

By this time, there was no food in the canteen. The cooks had already washed the pots and were smoking and chatting under the eaves.

"Master, hello, may I ask the kitchen to buy meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables for the family?" Ming Anyang asked with a light smile.

The big guy followed the sound, and it was a rare thing to see a little girl with porcelain white skin at the end of July, especially her delicate eyebrows, gentle smile, like a painting, making people reluctant to hold a trace of evil thoughts .

"Yes," one of the chefs stood up and nodded with a smile, "There is a small market near our unit, but it doesn't sell all the things, and the unit is far from the town."

"The unit understands the hard work of the family members. When our kitchen is shopping for food, we can help you buy together... But, sister-in-law, you have to be considerate of us. The things we help buy are relatively limited, mainly for what the kitchen needs. What will you buy, it is equivalent to a drop-in thing, it is impossible to buy for you alone..."

Ming Anyang already knew these rules, so he listed the things he lacked at home.

When Shen Sishuo was buying a wedding room, no matter whether she knew how to cook or not, the kitchen utensils were fully prepared.

So what she listed were all condiments and ingredients, which were available in the cafeteria.

"Sister-in-law, just wait, I'll arrange everything for you right away," the cook greeted his apprentice, and they walked to the warehouse together.

It didn't take long for them to pack up a basket of things, and they were particularly enthusiastic about helping Ming Anyang take it home.

There was no man in the family. After Ming Anyang paid the bill, he just smiled and said that he would ask Shengong to treat them to dinner.

The things in the basket were relatively complete, Ming Anyang put away things by category, and there was a refrigerator at home, so she didn't need too many things.

After cleaning up, she tossed out all kinds of pots and pans and washed them, especially the cooking pots that had to be boiled with lard.

After finishing all these tasks, she looked at the time and saw that it was already ten o'clock, so she pursed her lips and got up again and walked to Shen Sishuo's office.

Shen Sishuo is the most capable assistant under the chief engineer of the project department. Many projects are completed by him alone, which is how many times better than the other one. In addition, he is young, highly educated, and knowledgeable, so he is very popular.

Anyone who sees him will call out "God Works", even Chief Engineer Zhuo will occasionally call out once or twice jokingly.

He has his own office in the office building.

In the previous life, Shen Sishuo had always emphasized to her that if she had anything to do, she could call him, or go to the office to find him.

He has to emphasize it every now and then, so that after such a long time, Ming Anyang still has some impressions.

What's more, she curled her lips slightly, and marked it on the note in the morning!

Ming Anyang registered at the guard, and then walked to the office building with his satchel on his back.She walked to the third floor and stopped in the room with the sign of Engineer's Office ([-]) near the landing.

She knocked lightly on the door.

A cold voice in the room responded, "Please come in."

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and pushed the door open to enter. Because the room had been sprinkled with water, there were two fans whistling above his head, so it was a bit comfortable and shady.

Shen Sishuo draws at his desk, holding a pen in his well-articulated hand, and can draw the picture very neatly without using a ruler.

After waiting for a long time when no one spoke, Shen Sishuo couldn't help but look up, and when he saw the pretty and lively daughter-in-law in the room, he was stunned for a moment, his usually clever brain stopped functioning.

Indeed, the place and time of Ming Anyang's appearance were beyond his expectation.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter?" He immediately put down his pen, walked around the desk, came over and took her hand and asked nervously.

Ming Anyang smiled and took out the washed peaches from his bag, and handed them over, "It's okay, I just went to the cafeteria to buy some vegetables and fruits after dinner in the morning, and I want to come to Brother Si Shuo to talk about it, let's have dinner at home at noon."

Shen Sishuo washed his hands, took the peach, and took a bite. It was sour, sweet, juicy and especially delicious.He felt that even if his wife brought sour grapes, he would still find them sweet!

"Why do you think about cooking? Is the food in the cafeteria not delicious?" He is used to eating in the cafeteria, and he doesn't have too much expectation for the big pot of rice. In his opinion, there are two types of meals in the cafeteria, with meat and without. Meat.

As for the texture and taste, he chewed it like wax. Every time he ate, it was as if he had completed a task.

In short, the food in the cafeteria is okay for two meals, but if you eat it all at once, you will have no sense of expectation and your sense of taste will be numb.

Thinking that his wife followed him to the family home to suffer, Shen Sishuo's face was filled with guilt, "Daughter-in-law, let's not eat in the cafeteria. I'll cook it for you after get off work!"

Ming Anyang smiled and said: "No need, anyway, I have nothing to do at home, except for reading, I really don't do any housework, let you take care of all the labor of supporting the family?"

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