Ming Anyang couldn't help being a little nervous, "Brother Si Shuo, do we need to prepare anything?"

"When you go to someone's house for the first time, you have to bring some gifts. It's not good to go empty-handed..."

Looking at her appearance, Shen Sishuo felt so soft inside. He pulled her into his arms domineeringly, placed his chin on her shoulder, and greedily smelled the fragrance of her body.

If she cared about this barbecue, why didn't she start to care about him?
"Then take a bowl of the braised pork that I made today. It's all colleagues and family members. It's not so formal."

Most importantly, he wants to show off his wife's cooking skills to the big guys.

Ming Anyang really thought about it, in this era, who would eat a meal of meat as if it were Chinese New Year, which shows how precious meat is.

"Okay, I'll steam some more date rolls. The price is not expensive."

Having said that, she couldn't sit still and went to make a face.

Shen Sishuo stood up immediately and didn't let her do anything. He was the one doing the dough making and jujube washing.

After reconciling the noodles, he told her again: "Daughter-in-law, I got off work early this morning and came back to steam the jujube rolls. It's hard work to make the noodles. How can I let my wife make the jujube rolls that others eat?"

"If it wasn't for the fear that others would look down on you, I wouldn't be willing to sacrifice a bowl of braised pork..."

Ming Anyang was so amused by him that he couldn't laugh or cry, and the unwillingness and regret from the previous life also surged up.

She couldn't help but took his arm, leaned her head against it, and smiled with the corners of her lips curled up: "I thought brother Si Shuo was a very boring person, he behaved rigidly in the world, like an emotionless robot. "

Shen Sishuo glared at her, "Daughter-in-law, which eye did you see? I have to kiss it to understand!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head to kiss her.

Ming Anyang laughed and avoided.

One of them dodged and the other chased. This was the first time she heard the man's hearty smile. It made her ears red and made her stunned and caught in her arms.

Shen Sishuo is not someone who treats himself harshly. Since he has obtained the right to have a kiss, he will naturally exercise it at all times.

He pressed her against the wall and gnawed on her. He always felt that his wife was made of nectar, so sweet and addictive!
Unfortunately, the lunch break was too short. The two of them chatted for a while and then got tired of it and it was time.

Shen Sishuo couldn't help but wailed while hugging her, "Why didn't I take the exam to be a teacher? Then I can have winter and summer vacation!"

Isn’t it nice to be with your wife?

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled. In front of her, the coldness on his face was completely gone. He was just a big boy who loved to act coquettishly and beg for hugs.

This feeling was very new to her, but she also liked it.

Ming Anyang's life is relatively regular, no matter whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, she must sleep for a while at noon, otherwise she will not be energetic for the next half day and night.

After waking up, she ate two pieces of watermelon while blowing on the fan, and flipped through two pages of the book before the man left work.

Shen Sishuo had been in the army, and even worked in the cooking class for two months, so he was very good at steaming flower rolls.

Ming Anyang was watching from the side.

Shen Sishuo also likes little women to hang around him, "Zhuo Gong knew that you followed me back, so he specially told my aunt to buy half a fan of mutton and give you kebabs and mutton chops in a luxurious way."

"Other people don't have this kind of treatment. I thought, there must be a lot of people later... You go and pretend to help in the kitchen, and then Auntie will definitely leave more for you..."

"Let's eat more meat, don't be reserved..." He told her all his eating experience in the past.

Ming Anyang chuckled and nodded, thinking about what kind of life he lived in the past from his words.

She wanted to spend her whole life trying to get to know him better.

Seeing that his wife was not impatient at all, Shen Sishuo picked up interesting things and talked a lot.

After getting things ready, the couple went to Zhuo Gong's house.

Zhuo Gong and the others live in a small two-story villa. The front yard is quite large, with two large round tables and a barbecue grill!

When they arrived, there were already employees and family members busy with work.

Before Shen Sishuo introduced Ming Anyang, Aunt Zhuo smiled and pulled Ming Anyang over, looking him up and down: "She really is a great beauty, no wonder we are the ones that Shen Gong always misses in his heart."

Ming Anyang's fair cheeks were flushed, which made people feel more beautiful than the glow of the sky.

"Go to the house with aunt to cook, let the men do the work here..." She smiled and led Ming Anyang into the house, and lowered her voice and said: "Aunt has just roasted some mutton and lamb chops, and also cooked mutton soup... "

"When there are more guests, Anyang, you will definitely not be able to overtake those women and children..."

There are two aunts in the kitchen, each of them is particularly enthusiastic about Anyang.

Ming Anyang looked at himself with ten skewers in one hand, mutton on one side and lamb chops on the other, he didn't know what to eat.

She didn't have a big appetite, and she felt full after only eating half of it.

She called the man, stuffed the remaining skewers, and watched him finish eating.

"Sure enough, I have a wife who loves me. Usually Zhuo Gong and my aunt love me, but they only give me two strings at most," Shen Sishuo smiled so much that his eyebrows rose.

The feeling of being cared about by her was so beautiful, more pleasurable than mutton chops.

By now everyone had arrived, men gathered around a table, women and children gathered around a table.

Although the Zhuo family prepared half a mutton, in fact, only a quarter of it was served to the guests.The big guys don't care about these, they eat roasted lamb chops, drink lamb soup, eat jujube rolls, drink and chat, and feel happy in their hearts.

"Hello, Auntie, I, am I here at the right time today? I made some mung bean cake today and gave it to Zhuo Gong and you to try. Summer is easy to get angry and suffer from heatstroke. This mung bean cake is sweet but not greasy, suitable for all ages. …”

Zheng Meijuan stood at the door holding a basket and holding the child in one hand and said timidly.

Aunt Zhuo smiled and said, "You are interested. Have you eaten? Zhengyang didn't come with you? Go and ask him to have barbecue with us. Even after the meal, we can have two drinks and talk."

Zheng Meijuan nodded with a smile and handed over the basket, "Okay, I'll call him right away."

Aunt Zhuo took the basket, turned around and handed it to a woman, asking her to share with the big guys.And she directly picked up Zhang Nannan, "Go call someone, I'll come and see Nannan... Nannan, do you still know Grandma Zhuo? Let's go eat mutton and drink mutton soup..."

Zhang Nannan was obedient and didn't speak. She just pursed her lips and showed a little smile.

This kind of small appearance made the mothers at the table feel a little pained.

"It's a crime..." There were so many people talking, they couldn't say anything, they could only sigh and shake their heads in a low voice.

Ming Anyang frowned slightly and looked sideways at Shen Sishuo.

The man was also looking back at her, giving her a soothing look.

Ming Anyang has a relatively straightforward temperament, doesn't like to turn around, and has a clear distinction between love and hate. To a certain extent, he is favored by his family and the god Si Shuo, and he will not force himself to suffer any injustice.

She smiled.Zheng Meijuan's matter is not simple. They have no direct evidence, plus the child was found in time, and Zhang Zhengyang helped cover up, so that this vicious woman is still at large.

But Ming Anyang knows that once some evil things start, there will be a second or third time!

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