Chapter 397 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (9)

Xu's mother is a relatively strong person. In the Xu family, she is often the one who fights for men and sons.

But outside, she is just a paper tiger that can be broken by a poke, a typical villain who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

When she saw Xu Anyang hiding behind a group of cadres, she gritted her teeth with hatred but was helpless.She really didn't understand what stimulated this girl, so she started to cut off ties with her family without saying a word.

It must have been some shameless person who said something in front of Xu Anyang.

Xu's mother quickly changed her smile and said with unprecedented gentleness: "Anyang, what are you shouting in front of the leaders?"

"Mom is worried about you. It's not like we don't have a place for you to live at home. Why do you want to stay alone?"

"It's better to live and eat at home, which is comfortable and affordable. Don't be petty. Remember to go home after work later..."

Having said that, when it came to the last sentence, she couldn't help but look at Xu Anyang viciously, giving him a warning.

It seems to be saying that it's okay if Xu Anyang doesn't go home, but he must be able to bear the punishment!

Xu Anyang was so frightened by Xu's mother's glare that she didn't know how her biological mother, who was more stepmother than her stepmother, would deal with him.

Seeing Xu's mother unable to hide her anger and almost stomping away step by step, Xu Anyang breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time, his face sank and became filled with deep sadness.

She is now equivalent to leaving the house without any confidence. It is quite irrational to break away from the Xu family.

But she has a strong personality, which is what she was used to by that man. She turned out to be a bitch, and she was allowed to be manipulated by her mother-in-law.

But after she married him, she suddenly found that she had room to be a monster. Like other female educated youths, she could let men do all the farm work, while she could write, draw and cook by herself, living a relaxed and comfortable life.

As a result, after leaving her man and returning to the city, she fell into the hands of the Xu family and continued to be a dumpling for four years!
If she hadn't heard that there was a new colleague named Zhong Jingtong among the college students, she would probably have continued to deceive herself and be enslaved by the Xu family, right?
Thinking about it, she only has five yuan in her hand now, and there is no relative or friend around her who can stand up for her. However, the three men of the Xu family each have a harder fist than the other, and they also listen to Xu's mother's words and hit wherever she points...

But when he thought about it deeply, Xu Anyang couldn't help but tremble all over.

She was probably too brainless to become a silk worker. Why did she break up with the Xu family before she had no way out?

Is it too late for her to admit her mistake now?Thinking about the more than 40 yuan she squandered, she probably won't do anything good...

Zhong Jingtong lowered his eyes slightly. He hadn't seen her for four years, but this woman was becoming more and more hopeless. She had only been so thin, and her face had completely changed since she was as thin as a mouse!

He raised his wrist nonchalantly and sighed slightly: "It's two minutes to eight o'clock. Director, if I remember correctly, the starting time for workshop employees is eight o'clock?"

Before the deputy director could answer, Xu Anyang's head almost split in two. One part made her run towards the workshop, and the other part made her turn to look at the man.

Her face, which was originally pale, was now extremely pale. That was Zhong Jingtong!
Xu Anyang almost showed his ability to compete for the championship. He sat down in his seat at the last second. As soon as he put on the protection and got ready quickly, the machine started to start.

She took a few deep breaths, got rid of any distracting thoughts, and started working seriously.

If anyone knows Zhong Jingtong best, it is Luo Zhixing who has been in the same dormitory with him for four years.

Taking advantage of the time when the deputy director was leading the introduction, Luo Zhixing leaned into Zhong Jingtong's ear and asked in a low voice: "Jingtong, do you recognize that beautiful female worker just now?"

Zhong Jingtong lowered his eyes slightly and asked calmly: "Beautiful? Her thin pointed mouth, monkey cheeks, and withered and rough hair. What's so beautiful about her?" What he didn't finish was that when she rushed forward, only bones were left in her body, and she hit him!

Luo Zhixing's eyes widened, "No, Jingtong, the female worker just now was a little thinner, but her eyes were big and bright, her face was oval, she had a standard celebrity look, and what else, she was highly recognizable... Of course, if she was a little bit If you are a little fatter, you can definitely be the school belle at our Imperial University..."

"No, Jingtong, your aesthetics are different from ours, right? No wonder there are so many beauties in our school who are department beauties, courtyard beauties, and school beauties, but you don't even look at them."

"In your eyes, what kind of woman is beautiful?"

Zhong Jingtong glanced at him coldly and rolled his eyes. Now that he and the woman were in the same factory, and the woman recognized him, there would definitely be disputes in the future.

In this case, there is no point in denying it at the moment.

Therefore, he shrugged, followed Luo Zhixing's example, leaned over and whispered: "Unfortunately, she is my ex-wife who abandoned her husband and son to return to the city."

"What?" After Luo Zhixing finished speaking, he immediately covered his mouth and looked at everyone apologetically.

The deputy director's voice paused and he continued to show the group around various factories.

"Jingtong, are you kidding? No, no, Jingtong, could it be that you knew she was here, so you gave up so many good units and chose this place alone?" If that's true, wouldn't it be a trap for him? ?

He came to the light with Zhong Jingtong, not to chase his wife with him...

No, just now Zhong Jingtong gritted his teeth and belittled other lesbians like a villain. It was clearly out of love and hatred, and he was probably just looking for fun.

No matter which way it is, Zhong Jingtong's ability and knowledge are here, and he can turn defeat into victory in any difficult situation. Besides, Zhong Jingtong is a sensible person, and he will definitely not make fun of his own future for the sake of a woman.

Zhong Jingtong snorted coldly: "I don't know where she went after I got the divorce certificate from her."

"I should have known she was here..."

Luo Zhixing coughed, suppressed his laughter, and suggested seriously: "Jingtong, it's not too late for us to change units."

Sure enough, he saw Zhong Jingtong's expression stiffen, and continued: "Am I the kind of person who would give in when she sees her here?"

"If she wants to leave, she must leave too!"

"She is the one who betrays her heart. She is not afraid. What do I, an abandoned person, have to fear?"

With such strong words, why did he never know that Zhong Jingtong was a deadbeat when it came to emotions?
That's right, Zhong Jingtong is a genius. He is always successful in every field he knows, but he only stumbles when it comes to women. Who wouldn't feel uncomfortable if he were to replace him?
Luo Zhixing nodded, "That's true, but I see that my ex-sister-in-law is not doing well... Sigh, she really has no vision, how could she give up on you when Jingtong is at his lowest point?"

"If she is still by your side right now, I don't know how lucky you are..."

Zhong Jingtong sneered: "What does an unimportant person care about?"

Luo Zhixing sighed, "I'm afraid that when she sees Jing Tong, now entering the venue as a college student, she will think of you again."

(End of this chapter)

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