"Comrade Zhong, are you at home?"

"The weather was getting warmer. I saw that Changchang's sweater was getting smaller, so I used the remaining thread to knit him a vest..."

The lesbian outside the door seemed to have no taboo at all and said with a chuckle.

Xu Anyang looked at Zhong Jingtong, feeling disappointed for a moment, then relieved.

Maybe they were wrong from the beginning, but now they are back on track.

Thinking of her only child, Xu Anyang would do her best to make up for it. She would discuss the child's affairs with Zhong Jingtong later.

She said to him silently: "I will hide..."

As she spoke, she looked around the small living room, spinning in circles in a hurry.

Zhong Jingtong sneered and pushed her into a bedroom.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Don't make any noise, I don't want to hear any rumors about the two of us!"

Xu Anyang looked greedily at the small bulging soft bag on the bed, and his heart felt soft. He nodded casually and responded.

Zhong Jingtong held her shoulders tightly and warned: "See if you can, but don't wake him up...otherwise I don't mind telling him how you abandoned your husband and son..."

Xu Anyang nodded, "I understand."

She really doesn't deserve to be Changchang's mother.Xu Anyang felt heartbroken and didn't know what to do to make up for the mistakes he had made.

The door was gently closed, and she had no idea of ​​eavesdropping. Instead, she squatted beside the bed and looked greedily at the little man on the bed.

Unexpectedly, the child she met in the library turned out to be her Changchang. She should have asked his name if she had known this.

No wonder she liked him so much the first time she saw him.

Xu Anyang looked at the little guy's features, eyes, nose, and mouth, and his heart was filled with satisfaction, joy, and unprecedented happiness.

She wished she could give him her heart.

It is said that motherhood brings strength. Her fear of being dominated by the Xu family for more than ten years when she got off work was mostly dissipated.

This is a new society. As long as she is careful enough and doesn't give bad guys an opportunity, the Xu family can't do anything to her.

What's more, how could she be afraid of them wearing shoes because she was barefoot? At worst, it would be a dead end in the end!
After settling the matter with the Xu family, she would learn how to be a qualified mother and make up for all the love she owed this little guy.

It turns out that there is a child connected by blood, and this is how it feels.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and touched his cheek gently, it was soft and elastic...

Zhong Jingtong opened the door, but he stood at the door like a door god, with a solemn expression.

He carefully put on the loose house clothes just now, and glanced coldly at the pink sweater in the woman's hand. "I won't bother you, Comrade Xin. Of course, Changchang's mother will help put together Changchang's sweater."

Xin Yunhui opened the sweater with a smile: "Comrade Zhong, I have knitted the sweater... The color looks a little pink, but Changchang has fair skin, and he is a little boy, and he wears it quite beautifully..."

Zhong Jingtong said coldly: "Comrade Xin, we are just ordinary colleagues. Apart from work, privately I don't think there is any need for us to be involved."

"After you knit the sweater, you can give it to others, or you can take it apart yourself... My Changchang is not so pitiful that he needs help from others to knit the sweater!"

The smile on Xin Yunhui's face froze.She is more bold and direct than other women, and she thinks that she is good-looking and well-educated. Among this batch, she is the only one worthy of him.

Besides, she didn't dislike him for being divorced and raising children. How could he reject her so rudely?

Xin Yunhui took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and went straight to the point: "Comrade Zhong, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I do have plans to have a relationship with you."

"I think we are a good match in every aspect. Why don't we try it for the purpose of getting married?" Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "Suitable? Is Comrade Xin so irresponsible about love and marriage?"

"If you don't have feelings and only talk about conditions, then your love life will be really sad."

"Besides, I'm not suitable for you. I hope I won't hear such words a second time."

Xin Yunhui's face turned red and she said angrily: "Zhong Jingtong, you will regret it!"

After saying that, she ran away.

After closing the door, Zhong Jingtong leaned on the door and sighed silently. He strode into the bedroom and saw the little woman staring at the child with good eyes.

"Come out!" He said calmly.

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and walked out without looking back.

As soon as she reached the door, she was pulled out by Zhong Jingtong, and then gently closed the door.

His movements seemed to trap Xu Anyang.

Both of them could smell each other's breath, and they deeply felt the difference between men and women, and their heartbeats suddenly went out of rhythm.

Zhong Jingtong let go of her and walked to the living room, leaning on the table with his arms crossed, "Just now Xin Yunhui knitted a sweater and vest for Changchang."

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why he said this suddenly. He thought he was announcing to her that there was someone by his side and asked her to put away her unwanted thoughts.

She nodded, "That's good."

Anyway, we are all in the same factory. If that comrade Xin Yunhui treats Changchang well, she will not interfere too much.

If Xin Yunhui was sweet-faced and bitter-hearted, then she would live alone with Changchang and not cause any trouble to them.

I believe that in a month or two, I will be able to support mother and son!
Zhong Jingtong gritted his teeth, "An outsider knows how to knit sweaters for Changchang. Are you really not going to care about him as a real mother?"

Xu Anyang looked at him suddenly and asked cautiously with expectation: "Zhong Jingtong, can I make clothes for Changchang?"

Zhong Jingtong sneered, "Why, do you think you can continue to pretend to be deaf and mute just because you have evaded the responsibility of being a mother for four years?"

"Even if you get divorced, you still have the obligation to support him. Do you need me to help you find the legal terms?"

Xu Anyang smiled and shook his head repeatedly, "No, I thought you wouldn't let me see Changchang."

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "Indeed, although Changchang is young, he is more emotional."

"Until your performance reaches my satisfaction, you cannot recognize him for the time being... Of course, if you have plans to remarry, then you should not recognize your child and let him be hurt again!"

Xu Anyang was extremely satisfied with this answer and bowed sincerely to him, "Thank you."

Looking at the woman's smiling face, Zhong Jingtong really wanted to dig out her heart, "Oh, no need. If you weren't Changchang's mother, do you think I would be willing to waste my time talking to you?"

Xu Anyang pursed his lips, "I'm sorry..."

Zhong Jingtong said with a cold face: "What I don't like to hear the most is that I'm sorry. Now that you know you're sorry for us, father and son, you should take action and just talk, who wouldn't?"

In spring, the days are still short and the nights are long. Everyone goes to bed early, and the sound of the courtyard door being closed and chained is particularly loud.

Xu Anyang whispered and said: "It's too late today, I'll go back first."

Zhong Jingtong took her arm and said, "It's too late, the door has been locked!"

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