Sister-in-law Xu's heart trembled, and she couldn't hold back her smile: "Really? I didn't hear my mother-in-law say this. I didn't expect that Third Sister and her parents would be so quarrelsome."

"You don't even recognize us relatives?"

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows: "Sister-in-law Xu, don't avoid the important and take the easy. Remember, the [-]-word article will be handed in next Monday!"

Sister-in-law Xu had always suffered a loss, but now she was being teased. She felt ashamed and angry like never before. She gritted her teeth and asked one word after another: "Third brother-in-law, why didn't I know that the union is in charge of other people's family affairs? "

"You just came to the factory and haven't started working yet. Don't bother the factory leaders with big and small things, so as not to waste all the favor. If something happens to you couple in the future, no one will help..."

Zhong Jingtong sneered: "Let me introduce myself, Zhong Jingtong, a man who lives in the same notebook as Comrade Xu Anyang. He graduated from Imperial University as a graduate student. He is now appointed by the factory director as the deputy chief engineer of workshop maintenance. He is also the team leader of the labor union responsible for factory development."

His voice was neither high nor low. Logically speaking, the cafeteria was noisy and few people could hear him.

But at this moment, everyone was very curious about the gossip about the new college student, Zhong Jingtong, the famous person in front of the factory leaders, and Xu Anyang, and they wanted to hold their breath and concentrate for fear of missing some key information.

Therefore, this area is very quiet, forming a sharp contrast with the surroundings.

So much so that everyone heard Zhong Jingtong's words clearly.

No, Xu Anyang suddenly turned his head to look at him. Did he just hear him say he was a graduate student?
Not only was she surprised, but others were also surprised.

College students are already very popular. There are more than 8000 people in a textile factory, and the number of college students is only a few dozen!

They only knew that a graduate student came to the factory two years ago and married directly to the daughter of the factory director's family. Now he is the deputy director of the finance department.

By taking one step, I have reached a position that many employees cannot reach when they retire.

Precisely because everyone knows the importance of academic qualifications, they are particularly interested in children's learning.

Sister-in-law Xu laughed out loud: "Hey, Xiao Zhong, are you bullying my sister-in-law and getting into high school in vain?"

"The people who entered our Kyoto No. [-] Textile Factory this year are all college students. You are from Imperial University. Why did you suddenly become a graduate student?"

"You want to raise your status, so there's no need to lie, right? It's April of [-], exactly four years after the resumption of the college entrance examination, when the first batch of college students graduated. What kind of graduate school are you going to?"

"Graduate students are all fake, and the leader of the labor union team is also a sinecure, right? Who are you trying to fool!"

Everyone nodded. Indeed, based on four years of college, this spring will coincide with the graduation of the group of students who took the college entrance examination in December [-].

How did he get his graduate degree?
Luo Zhixing heard it from outside the crowd and couldn't help but said loudly: "Comrade Zhong Jingtong is right. He is indeed a graduate of our Imperial University."

"They are smart, and their learning progress is several times faster than ours... The school is more humane, implements a flexible academic system, and takes care of every type of student..."

"If Comrade Zhong Jingtong hadn't had to take care of his children and work part-time to make money, he might have been able to complete what others have studied for seven years in two and a half years!"

"Otherwise, why do you think the factory provides him with such good benefits?"

"Why do you think he can lead the factory to develop better?" Everyone was so excited when they heard this. At the same time, they felt regretful. If they had known this, they should have killed Zhong Jingtong when he first stepped into the factory gate. How can Xu Anyang take advantage of me again if I introduce it to my sisters?
Zhong Jingtong didn't care about other people's opinions. He held Xu Anyang's hand tightly and looked at Mrs. Xu: "As the team leader responsible for the development of the factory, I think Mrs. Xu's ideological consciousness represents the majority of people in the factory, so I have to trouble Sister-in-law Xu writes articles that break the old feudal marriage customs, and leads by example to advocate freedom of marriage for the younger generation..."

"When the national flag is raised next Monday, you have to go to the podium to give a speech!"

Sister-in-law Xu's legs were weak and she fell on the chair next to her, and said quickly: "Third brother-in-law, I was joking just now. You and Third Sister don't have the same experience as me."

"I will teach Xu Jialiang a lesson when I get back, and I will never cause any trouble to you. I will spare you this [-]-word article..."

"When I was in high school, a [-]-word essay could kill me half of my life..."

Zhong Jingtong was unmoved, "A gentleman's words are hard to follow, and everyone has heard it. If I save you from writing an article, I will give you a demerit. Otherwise, how can I explain to everyone?"

"After all, I am a member of the labor union and also serve as a team leader... I can't cover up your low awareness just because you and my wife are related... Why is the factory not very competitive, except for technology and Sales is the core of the factory—the ideological consciousness of the workers!”

"Sister-in-law Xu, you should feel honored and proud to be able to stand on the podium and speak as a representative."

It was either a demerit or a speech. For the first time, Mrs. Xu wanted to slap herself twice.

Even her difficult parents-in-law had to compromise and allowed Xu Anyang to marry Zhong Jingtong, and even wrote a letter of dissolution.

Everyone said that Xu Anyang had bad character, but he was beautiful. No matter how smart and capable Zhong Jingtong was, he was the hero who couldn't pass the beauty test. He was very jealous of his new wife and could not tolerate being bullied by others.

Why is she still taking a chance, thinking that adults won't be as knowledgeable as children and letting her stupid son take advantage of her?
Gradually, the crowd dispersed, and everyone once again witnessed the extent to which Zhong Jingtong protected Xu Anyang, not only showing off his impressive academic qualifications, but also using his trade union status to suppress others.

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "Jing Tong, you were so manly just now! I like it."

Being protected like this is a very happy and lucky thing.

Zhong Jingtong glanced at her and sat down calmly, "Eat quickly. It's okay to eat more. The worst we can do is go around the playground twice more."

Xu Anyang nodded with a smile, ate a steamed bun and a half, ate a lunch box of vegetables, and drank a large bowl of porridge.

They went home and rested for a while, then went out for a walk.

Xu Anyang has not yet adapted to being a mother very well. She always feels that she is not holding a son, but more like a younger brother.

And Zhong Jingtong is the patriarch of the family... Of course she will not say this, otherwise she is afraid that he will immediately revive her husband!
"Changchang, have you learned anything in kindergarten?" Xu Anyang began to have a heart-to-heart talk with his son.

Zhong Yongchang shook his head: "I learned an ancient poem, but I know it well."

Xu Anyang glanced at Zhong Jingtong and knew that this was taught by a man. He chuckled and asked again: "Then Changchang is very powerful. Tell your mother, what do you know?"

Changchang freed his hands, clasped his hands like a little adult and started counting.

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