Xu Anyang had a serious expression on his face, and nodded with curved lips, "Okay, my husband also said that he can't wait to meet my friends and colleagues in my circle, saying that only in this way can he be considered secure. Location."

Che Xiaoman's smile almost broke, and she pretended to be sour: "Hmph, I see it clearly, you are just a little bad guy who forgets his friends after seeing sex... My husband came before me, and who doesn't know how outstanding Comrade Zhong Jingtong is? Man, there are not as many graduate students as there are in the entire factory."

"Then please Miss Anyang, hurry up and bring your husband to us to see what kind of handsome man has married our school beauty..."

Xu Anyang felt that she was definitely really upset. He smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will arrive on time with Jing Tong."

Che Xiaoman was afraid that she wouldn't remember it, so she emphasized it several times, "At two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, we said we would meet in front of the hotel. In fact, we went to the town cultural palace first, roller skating and playing billiards, and then we went to eat after five o'clock. …”

Xu Anyang hummed.

After saying goodbye to Che Xiaoman, she went back to the office to get her bag and went to the workshop to look for Zhong Jingtong.

"Comrade Xiao Xu is here? Mr. Zhong is in the convoy. There is a problem with a truck. We can't repair it. Please take a look at it."

A young man chuckled, scratched his head, and said with his big white teeth.

Xu Anyang smiled and thanked him, then turned and headed to the motorcade.

When she arrived, Zhong Jingtong was wearing work clothes and lying under the car repairing the car.

She had seen Zhong Jingtong walking in the fields. He was obviously thin and slender, but he had endless energy. Others couldn't tell how hard he was working. Moreover, his speed and quickness were comparable to those of the farmers in the fields. .

At the beginning, she was just holding on to work, and when she was most afraid of sowing and robbing, she was about to collapse from exhaustion.That year, she happened to be unwell and had a severe stomachache. Her face was pale and she was working in the bright sun.

Just when she was about to lose her strength, a young man stood silently in front of her, blocking the sunlight and working in silence.

Usually no one helps her, but Xu Anyang knows that no advantage is in vain. What can she give in return?She didn't want things to get out of control.

Therefore, even if she hides in bed and cries when she is tired at night, she will not accept any help from others.

But looking at his resolute and cold look, Xu Anyang felt very complicated, thinking that he would never be able to go back in his life, and he was a particularly outstanding existence among all educated youths, even among young people in the city.

Seeing him working for her, Xu Anyang made a decision in her heart. After finishing the autumn harvest, she found him and mentioned the matter of marriage.

Zhong Jingtong was stunned for a moment and asked her if she was serious. When she nodded, he agreed.

When he was doing farm work, he would at most roll up his trouser legs, and his legs and feet would be stained with mud, but he would basically look clean and fresh.

It was the first time that Xu Anyang saw him repairing equipment in such a shabby manner.

She waited quietly, thinking about the two of them in the countryside from time to time.

Maybe they didn't go through the normal love process of ordinary people, and they just reached an agreement and chose to get married, so they just opened the certificate and went to get the certificate the next day.

They rarely communicated with each other. Now that Xu Anyang thought about it, they were more business-like, so why didn't they spark any sparks?She was a little confused. If she didn't remember all the details, she would have thought she was watching a movie.

"Okay, Master Hong, go up and try again," Zhong Jingtong climbed out from under the car, wiped the sweat with his arm, and said with a smile.

Master Hong responded, climbed into the driver's seat, started the car, and circled the open space in front of the garage, "That's enough, the car is no longer swaying, good job Zhong Gong." However, as soon as the car drove away, Zhong Jingtong Then he saw his smiling daughter-in-law standing not far away.

The muscles on his face were a little stiff, and he stretched himself to wash his hands, face and neck at the water pipe. He washed all exposed skin several times.

"Daughter-in-law, how did you find yourself here?" He didn't dare to look at her. Women like gentle young men, not dirty and rough men.

He was afraid that she would be disgusted by his appearance, so he asked in a low voice.

Xu Anyang smiled and said, "Have you forgotten what you said last night? I said I could complete the task this morning, and you said you would take me to the city."

Zhong Jingtong roared in annoyance, "Oh, I was distracted by them calling me just now, and I forgot such an important thing!"

"My dear wife, I'll borrow a car and we'll drive to the city to save you the hassle of running around and waiting."

Xu Anyang asked in a low voice: "Isn't this good? Will people say you are using the bus for personal use?"

Zhong Jingtong raised his eyebrows, "I'm going to say hello to the director, and I'll pay for the gas later. There are a lot of cars in the factory, and it's a waste of resources to park them here. There are no broken cars, only broken ones!"

What nonsense, Xu Anyang smiled and said nothing more.

Sure enough, the man went to the office, got the car keys, and led Xu Anyang to drive out of the factory avenue in a classic car.

Xu Anyang was afraid that people would see him, so he sat in the back row with his body bent slightly. He waited until he was far away from the factory and passed the platform, then he breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

Zhong Jingtong narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, I think our factory is a bit far from the city. From now on, when we take Changchang out to play on weekends, do we have to take buses and transfer constantly? Some places are not even open to traffic. , we need to walk..."

"It's okay to borrow a government car once or twice occasionally, but you can't borrow it every time, right?"

Xu Anyang also frowned and nodded: "That's true, then why don't we bring our bicycles with us when we take the bus?"

Zhong Jingtong choked and smiled sullenly: "Daughter-in-law, can't you open up the situation a little bit?"

"Think about me, your man's daily income is several hundred, how much does it cost per month? Can our family use a different means of transportation?"

Xu Anyang followed his words and slowly turned her head. Suddenly she was stunned. She looked at the car she was sitting in and couldn't help but swallow: "Jingtong, you mean, we want to buy a car?"

Zhong Jingtong nodded: "I asked, you can buy an ordinary car for more than 2 yuan."

"What we are talking about is practicality. We don't need to consider appearance or quality... As for the appearance of the cars, they are all similar. Wife, what color do you want our car to be?"

The corner of Xu Anyang's mouth twitched, what does it mean not to consider face and class?
Isn't buying such a big item for your family a good thing?
The two of them originally planned to buy three pieces of gold, but they ended up with another purchase item!
Zhong Jingtong first went to the bank to withdraw money, and then drove to the department store.

The two arrived in a hurry. They were both wearing work clothes. One had been drawing a blackboard newspaper all morning and had a thin layer of dust on his body. The other was repairing a car and his clothes were also wrinkled.

But compared to some people wearing patches, they were wearing work clothes, which was pretty good.

"Is there anything missing at home? We drove here, just in time to bring..."

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