Xu Anyang has been fed by Zhong Jingtong for more than a week. The three meals a day are not only nutritious, but the amount of food she eats is also close to hers. She also eats extra meals in the morning and afternoon, and occasionally eats a late-night snack at night.

As a result, her body has grown up visibly, and with Zhong Jingtong pulling her to practice in the morning, she has a good figure and a well-proportioned figure.

Xu Anyang is young, has good nutrition, keeps getting fruits, and has fair and smooth skin, as if he can squeeze out water.Every time she smiled, her fox eyes narrowed, and there were two shallow dimples at the corners of her mouth.

Zhong Jingtong couldn't control his hands and always pinched her.

The late spring cold in April has passed, and the weather is getting warmer. Xu Anyang always takes a bath at home.

She stood on tiptoe and looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't expect that she had a good foundation and had made up for it so quickly. Although she was still a little thin, she had all the meat she should have, and she was full of flesh. She no longer saw ribs and ribs at first glance. of the spine.

Xu Anyang's face was flushed, and he looked at the silk pajamas he secretly bought at the supply and marketing cooperative last time, with a slight curl at the corners of his lips.

After she took a clean bath, she listened to the movement outside the door. She must have fallen asleep.

The child is full of energy, but he sleeps more when he is growing up. In addition, he is raised by Zhong Jing and has a regular life. Basically, he is snoring at nine o'clock.

Xu Anyang changed her clothes. The silk pajamas were soft and smooth, and the wine red had a rose-like romantic mood. The straps were tied to outline her exquisite figure.

The curvature above the knees makes her fair legs look long and straight, and the feet wearing slippers are a lovely pink color.

As soon as she opened the door and went out, Zhong Jingtong, who had poured water to drink, suddenly squirted.

He was coughing, but he couldn't bear to look away, his eyes so hot that they could burn someone.

Zhong Jingtong wiped his mouth, suddenly stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, breathing heavily, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Daughter-in-law, when did you buy this dress? Why didn't I know?"

Xu Anyang circled his neck and chuckled: "Of course it was the day we bought three times and one ring. We bought a lot of things. You must not remember everything, right?"

What's more, she naturally wanted to hide such a private matter from him.

"Like it?"

The man growled and eagerly told her the answer through action.

The spring breeze blew all night...

It is said to be a kindergarten, but it is actually a nursery. The children's schedule and rest are coordinated with the parents' time.Because the machines in the factory are in operation every day, employees take turns to take breaks. Some people go to work every day, and some people take off work every day.

So Zhong Yongchang was sent to kindergarten again by his unscrupulous father.

After returning from getting food in the cafeteria, Zhong Jingtong dug Xu Anyang out of bed.

After the two became more intimate, their eyes wished they were glued to each other, and there was a sweet smell in the air.

After a restful morning after lunch, Zhong Jingtong drove Xu Anyang to town in his new car.

The textile factory is five or six stops away from the town by bus, or about ten minutes by bicycle.

Sitting in her car, Xu Anyang wore a black puff-sleeved knitted dress, a blue denim vest, bodybuilding pants, and two short braids.

Different from other people's regular braids, she pulled them loosely, and with those foxy eyes, she exuded a kind of lazy leisure.

Zhong Jingtong wore black casual pants, a navy blue shirt, and a denim jacket.

The two of them also wore sunglasses, looking very modern!
On the road, there were several people fully armed, riding motorcycles with their female companions, and passed them with a roar. The buzzing sound spread far away, and clouds of dust were raised.

Xu Anyang had good eyesight and immediately saw that one of them was Che Xiaoman. "The one in the red skirt is Che Xiaoman!" Xu Anyang pointed to the front and said.

Zhong Jingtong smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Daughter-in-law, let me just say that we bought the right car, right?"

"Dual-career jobs are no longer popular these days. There are many people who get rich overnight by doing business. I guess they want you to see the life of the rich."

"After all, although I am a graduate student in the eyes of others, I have just graduated and started working. How much money can I have?"

“They want you to realize that a degree is not your only option for a good life.”

Xu Anyang blinked his eyes, "They must have never endured hardship, so they have the energy to focus on me and think about these things all day long."

Zhong Jingtong held her hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, you have endured hardships, but you have never fought with others. You don't know how ugly people can be when they are bad."

"So, if anyone asks you to meet in the future, no matter what their reason is, just tell me, you know?"

Xu Anyang nodded repeatedly, "That's for sure, you are my man. You and Changchang are my only relatives. I won't hide it from anyone, and I won't hide it from you either."

"You would never sell your wife!"

Zhong Jingtong kissed the back of her hand and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, I married you so that you can enjoy life to the fullest. Let me clear out all the evil spirits for you!"

"Grab it!"

As he spoke, he stepped on the accelerator, shifted gears neatly, and the car sped out.

"Slow down," Xu Anyang grasped the door handle with one hand and the seat belt with the other, staring nervously ahead.

This road is relatively open, with endless wheat fields on both sides of the road.The newly repaired asphalt road was not bumpy at all, and within a minute, they caught up with the motorcycles.

Zhong Jingtong pressed the horn.

The motorcycle has reached its maximum speed, and several cars are being driven by Zhong Jingtong like lambs.

They couldn't slow down even if they wanted to, and they couldn't go fast. Three motorcycles were driving side by side. Even if they were brave, they couldn't help but feel timid. They were afraid that they would drive into the ditch on both sides without paying attention, or get into trouble with their companions next to them. Fight it.

The three female companions also screamed and were frightened to death. The speed was so fast that they did not dare to turn their heads for fear of affecting the rider's sense of balance.

Zhong Jingtong pressed the horn from time to time, causing the people in front to curse, but when they opened their mouths, the spring breeze filled their mouths with dust.Kyoto is dry and has mostly sandy weather.

Xu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled sullenly, "Jingtong, you are a bad boy!"

Zhong Jingtong smiled and said: "Men are not bad, but women do not love them."

In just three to five minutes, they entered the town.

There were not many pedestrians on the road at this point. When several riders were going crazy, Zhong Jingtong finally slowed down and parked the car in the backyard of Quanjulai Hotel.

Several riders drove off a street because they failed to control their speed in time.

When they turned around angrily and came back, the car was nowhere to be seen!
They stopped the car, took off their helmets, and then they all said angrily: "Where was that car just now? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Cars like this are rare, and there aren't many in the factory. They can roughly tell who the leader is just by looking at the license plate number.

(End of this chapter)

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