Not to mention Su's father and Su's mother, even Aunt Sun couldn't stand it, "Huang Chengkun, you are really nothing! Anyang was tricked by you. She is a good girl. If you hadn't pulled her here, she would Can you participate in these mixed-race places?”

Huang Chengkun gritted his teeth angrily, "Aunt Sun, that's not what you said just now."

Third Aunt Sun frowned and said, "Then I was misled by you!"

"You said that you, a man, can't even protect your own woman, and you plot against your partner for money... The matter has become clear. If you hadn't been involved, would you have known so clearly?"

"You probably think that Wang Hu succeeded, right?"

Huang Chengkun shook his head: "I didn't. It wasn't something I did. Why should I admit it?"

Su Anyang could only cover her face and cry, "Mom and Dad, it's because I don't know people well, how come I met such a man whose roots are rotten in the smelly mud."

"I have suffered so much with him in the past few years. I could only say some words to encourage him and prevent him from continuing to be decadent, but all I got in exchange was his punches and kicks..."

"And, he, he used your life and your brother's life to force me to take money... This time he actually wanted to sell me... Well, if I continue to indulge him, I don't know what is waiting for me..."

"We must call the police..."

Huang Chengkun looked gloomy. Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to kick Su Anyang away, so that the Su family, which values ​​​​the reputation most, would be disgraced and take a small revenge to relieve his hatred.

Who would have thought that Su Anyang would react so strongly and bite him like a mad dog.

He took a deep breath. Anyway, this woman seemed smart, but in fact she was hypocritical, stupid, and vain. Third Aunt Sun was present, and his eyes were icy. If he risked his face and knelt down to beg for mercy, would it be because of the face of the Su family? Promise to give him another chance?
Before he could figure it out, two big-cap comrades knocked on the door, "Who called the police?"

Su Anyang was stunned for a moment, and realized that it must be Tang Xiaolong who was afraid that they would suffer a loss, so he asked the big block comrades to save the situation.

She pointed at Huang Chengkun angrily: "Comrade, it was Huang Chengkun who drugged me and sold me to Wang Hu... Moreover, he also used violence against me for a long time and threatened me with the lives of my relatives to give me money. Four years from graduation to now Time and all my money were wiped out by him..."

"I hope I can go to the hospital for a blood test to see if I've been drugged!"

Huang Chengkun was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat. In his last life, there was someone who followed Tang Xiaolong and was lurking around him, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.

When he became the richest man, his company grew bigger and stronger, and he was resting easy, he was exposed by that person to all kinds of tax evasion, major project problems, and shady transactions in private.

As a result, on the day of his birthday, several big-cap comrades suddenly broke in at the banquet and took him away and locked him in a cold cage.

When he woke up again, he returned to this era.

So he was naturally afraid of Comrade Big Block, and he was trembling all over.

"Comrade, please come with us."

Huang Chengkun subconsciously wanted to run, but was pushed back by Comrade Big Block.

"Comrade, I was wronged, this woman deliberately framed me!"

Su Anyang's face was pale and without any blood, which made the bloody scab particularly scary.

She was wearing a goose-yellow floral skirt with dried blood stains all over it, making her body even more slender and thin.

"Huang Chengkun, where have you been wronged? Did you not drug me, or did you not take a wine bottle to vent your anger and smash my head?"

"Or maybe you just ran away with a guilty conscience? Have you never hit me before? I have broken ribs, and the hospital has a diagnosis report. Oh, by the way, a friend of mine suggested that I make an injury witness report, but I always "I didn't take it out..." "And you didn't steal money from me to bet?"

"If you say anything wrong, I will twist off your head and let you sit on it!"

Huang Chengkun was over 50 years old before he was reborn, but now his mind was confused and he couldn't fully grasp what she said. He could only shake his head and said: "I didn't... you can't arrest me..."

A group of people went to the bureau. Su Anyang asked Su's mother to go home and get her injury forensic report. The people in the bureau also extracted Huang Chengkun's fingerprints from the wine bottle and tested it in her blood. to the ingredients of the drug.

Huang Chengkun defended himself, saying that Su Anyang threw the bottle to him, so he left his fingerprints on the bottle, and asked Aunt Sun to testify.

Third Aunt Sun said repeatedly: "Comrade, I don't dare to testify blindly. Who knows whether he has touched the bottle before. If I exonerate him with just one sentence, wouldn't that cause harm to the stability of society?"

"Besides, I didn't see anything!"

Su's father and Su's mother also shook their heads calmly and said that they only cared about their daughter, so they didn't see when he took the wine bottle.

However, there were witnesses and injury forensic reports about his previous violent beating of Su Anyang, so he could not escape.Su Anyang said that he was robbing money, and the matter could be big or small, depending on whether it was an internal or external conflict.

But Su Anyang insisted that Huang Chengkun used the Su family to coerce her.

Not to mention, Tang Xiaolong was wandering out at this moment, wearing a floral shirt, white pants, a gold chain hanging around his neck, and hair like instant noodles.

He shook his sunglasses in his hand and said calmly: "Hey, everyone is here?"

When he saw the marks on Su Anyang's forehead, he stepped forward angrily and beat Huang Chengkun: "Hey Huang Chengkun, are you asking Anyang for money again?"

"Are you still a man?"

In view of Huang Chengkun's behavior of escaping just now, he was tied to a chair at this moment.

Tang Xiaolong has been around since he was a child, and he knows where the pain is. Huang Chengkun grinned in pain and couldn't even moan.

Everyone hurriedly pulled him away, "This is the situation!"

Tang Xiaolong nodded, glanced at Su Anyang, then straightened his clothes, took a deep breath and said:
"I know."

"I'm so happy that this polite scum can come to visit the Bureau one day!"

"I just held a welcome ceremony for him, and he was so happy that he was speechless..."

"By the way, comrades, I want to report the case. I lost 2000 yuan when I was eating at Guanyi Garden last night."

Early in the morning, it was a leisurely time for everyone to drink tea and read newspapers. Today, two people showed up unexpectedly, and another one was obviously joining in the fun!

One of the fair-skinned comrades came from behind and asked helplessly in a low voice: "Brother Xiaolong, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"You're not still thinking about Su Anyang, are you? After all these years, she is not worthy of you..."

Tang Xiaolong glared at him and hummed: "Anyang is a good girl. She and Huang Chengkun have only been engaged for so many years, not married. They work and come home regularly. The two of them can only hold hands and remain innocent."

No one knows this fact better than him. Thinking about it, he wants to skip a paragraph.

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