Father Su and Mother Su knew that this was their daughter's filial piety, and thought that the old couple had indeed not had a physical examination for five or six years. They often felt uncomfortable here and there, so they just took this opportunity to have a comprehensive examination.

They have money in their hands. Even if they have two children and the younger son is not married yet, they definitely don't need Su Anyang to pay.

There was nothing wrong with the wound on Su Anyang's forehead, it was just that the healing process looked hideous.

Su's father and Su's mother went out without eating because of her, and it was time for a physical examination.

Although the current medical level is not as good as it was 30 or [-] years ago, it is no longer helpless against various chronic diseases.

After coming out of the hospital, Su Anyang kept reminding Su's mother: "Mom, remember to ask Xiao Yue to pick up your report form tomorrow."

"Let's see what the test results are like. Xiao Yue and I have grown up. We are going to get married and have children. It's too late for you to accept your old age. You are not allowed to give up the opportunity for a test in the future."

"You guys are just too soft-hearted. Why don't you just give in when someone cries?"

"There are so many villagers, some of whom have never had a physical examination in their lives. We are the only ones with delicate relatives. Do rural people pay more attention to health than urban people?"

"To put it bluntly, parents, those people are here for our family's money. If you leave one day, do you think they will support me and Xiaoqiu?"

"Not only will they not do it, but they will think that we are easy to bully. When the time comes, the house, car and money will all be theirs, and they will have nothing to do with us siblings!"

"Raising tigers is causing trouble, and you are the culprits..."

Not only are Su's father and Su's mother stupid, servile by nature, and have to endure being bullied by their relatives, but so is their adopted Su Anyang.Otherwise, why would she have been bullied like that by Huang Chengkun in her last life, and she didn't propose to separate until she couldn't bear it anymore.

After experiencing a lifetime, Su Anyang never wanted to wrong himself again. How much face did he lose?

That is just a stupid act of dedicating yourself to benefit others!

After Su's father and Su's mother sent her home, they hurried to the work after dinner.

They work in a clothing factory, mainly taking orders for various school uniforms and uniforms. Because the company has a good reputation, business has been tepid, barely above the passing mark.

However, not long after, a fire broke out in the warehouse, burning hundreds of thousands of goods in the garment factory, causing heavy losses to the garment factory and requiring it to pay twice the liquidated damages.

The factory simply couldn't come up with so much money, so it had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

More than 2000 employees are facing layoffs!

It was Huang Chengkun who bought a clothing factory without spending a dime, drew a lot of fashionable clothes patterns, and started competing with the Tang family...

It can be seen that the job that everyone originally regarded as an iron rice bowl is not reliable and will be gone at any time.

It was impossible for Su Anyang to watch the factory fall into Huang Chengkun's hands and use it against the Tang family.

She was the only sick person in the family, but Su Anyang didn't know if it was a benefit of rebirth. She felt strong all over after eating, all fatigue and sleepiness disappeared, and the wound on her forehead didn't hurt at all.

She took out a pen and a notebook and wrote down the important things that happened in her previous life. She took advantage of the enthusiasm of her new rebirth to recall and write on them until she was poisoned to death...

The steamed buns Huang Chengkun left for her contained a new type of rat poison.

The person who designed the rat poison was definitely a cat. He would not give the rat a good time, but would make it writhe on the ground in pain for a long time before being tortured to death.

The dose of rat poison in the steamed buns was very large, and it was exactly in proportion. She had tasted the sour and refreshing taste.

Su Anyang really didn't understand where he had offended Huang Chengkun. Did he dig his ancestral graves, cut off his life, or sharpen his sword against his parents?
Did he have to kill her from the beginning?
After going through so much, Su Anyang didn't dare to take any chances, and had to devote [-]% of his energy to planning what would happen next.

Su Anyang was extremely grateful to be able to be reborn to a time when nothing happened.Moreover, she had Tang Xiaolong's cooperation in the first battle, and she fought very beautifully.

Su Anyang knew that Huang Chengkun had been reborn at this time. No matter how many false and true charges they accused him of, he would definitely be able to come out early.

But Su Anyang was satisfied that he could delay him for a while, and this period of time was particularly important!

By the time she sorted through all her memories and checked again and again to find nothing missing, it was already time to get off work.

Su Anyang was in a trance, looking sideways out the window. In summer, the tree crown was lush, and the branches stretched across the third floor, blocking the summer heat.

The dappled sunset poured out from the leaves, and the entire room was dyed orange.

Cheerful music played on the loudspeaker, and the host read the news impassionedly.

The sound of bicycle bells, cooking, children chasing each other, and people chatting with each other after get off work all give this era a sense of warmth, warmth, and security that will not be found in later generations.

Su Anyang locked the pen and notebook in the table, boiled a pot of hot water, and filled two thermos bottles.

I also prepared a large vat of boiled water for my family.

The Su family came back one after another. Mother Su bought four portions of fried noodles and two bags of corn soup.

Everyone is very tired after a long day of work and basically eats three meals a day in the cafeteria.

After dinner, Su Anyang called to Su Yueyang who was about to enter the house, "Xiao Yueyang, come to my sister's room to talk."

Su Yueyang said oh.

Their house has two bedrooms and one living room. During the renovation, Su's father asked the second bedroom to be separated by wooden boards and windows. The two siblings had one room each. The room was not big and could only accommodate a bed, a table and a living room. A self-made wardrobe.

They have to use their beds as chairs and study at their desks.

The bottom of the table is only [-] centimeters wide for feet, and the rest of the place is filled with things.

The wardrobe is divided by the bed. The four legs below are also filled with various things. The upper part is where clothes and bedding are stored.

It can be said that when you enter the door, you will see the table and wardrobe on the left, and take a step forward to reach the bed.

The room layout of the siblings is the same.

Su Yueyang responded, but went back to his room first, and then rushed to Su Anyang's room half a minute later, closed the door cunningly, and took out two bottles of soda from his arms.

"Sister, what flavor do you want to drink?"

He grinned, but where was the numbness and decadence after his broken leg?
The two siblings are top academics. This year, Su Yueyang performed exceptionally and was able to get admitted to Imperial University.

Who in the factory doesn’t envy their family?

He is between boys and men, embracing youth and looking at a bright future.

But his world suddenly collapsed. His parents were gone, his sister's reputation was ruined, and his legs were amputated. Each of these blows made him unwilling to face reality. He refused to cooperate with treatment and recovery at all, and allowed his condition to worsen, leading to kidney failure. Death from exhaustion.

Su Anyang chuckled and pointed to the apple-flavored soda. (End of chapter)

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