The rough stones were of different sizes, and Su Yueyang quickly reported a number: "A total of 27 pieces."

"Sister, what do you want such a stone for? There are a lot of them on the hills on the outskirts of the city, especially in the moats. There are smoother and more beautiful ones than this..."

Su Anyang twitched the corner of his lips: "Silly brother, this is not an ordinary stone, it is called a rough stone. If you can cut it with a machine, there is a certain chance of finding jade."

Su Yueyang sneered unhappily: "Sister, I don't have much knowledge, but it doesn't mean that I don't have a brain and can't think. The rough stones that can be used to produce jade are very rare, at least they won't be sold for a few 11 yuan. Are the odds of winning the lottery about the same?”

Mr. Xu was responsible for collecting money and issuing notes, and nodded: "It's true, it depends on luck."

"There is a saying in the industry, one knife will make you rich, and the other will make you rich... These are all scraps from the rough stones. The chance of finding jade is very low, and even if it is found, it will not be of much value."

"27 yuan, I'll give you 240 yuan."

Su Anyang blinked and looked at Su Yueyang, "Xiao Yueyang, you also know that your sister's monthly salary is not enough to spend on her own, and she has to rely on her parents to subsidize me from time to time."

"The few hundred yuan I paid just now are already beyond my budget. What do you think I should do?"

Su Yueyang took a deep breath, took out the money from his pocket, counted out 240 yuan, and handed it to Mr. Xu to complete the transaction.

"Do you want us to help you cut it on site?" Mr. Xu asked according to the procedure.

Su Anyang nodded, "It needs to be cut open."

She picked out a heart-shaped jade stone from the pile of two hundred stones and looked at Su Yueyang with a smile.

Su Yueyang paid with a sullen expression.

Su Anyang smiled and stood on tiptoes and touched his head, "Hey, here, take this and let me cut it off, maybe there will be a surprise!"

"Take the heart-shaped rough stone. There is a small chance that it will grow like this. I believe there must be gems inside!"

She was the only one who believed this. The other four old men in the room were just talking about it.

Mr. Xu was too lazy to tell them how to choose rough stones, and continued to watch the excitement with his arms crossed.

The second brother has been helping in the shop for five or six years and is very familiar with cutting rough stones.

This piece of rough stone is not big, and the second brother observed it while cutting it, but the jade stone was cut from the middle, and there was no green color at all.

Su Anyang smiled and said, "Keep cutting, maybe it's hidden in these two petals."

The second brother didn't say anything. As for women, just shut up and do as they are told.

He cut half of the original stone open and then cut it, and found nothing.

But Su Anyang still didn't give up and waited quietly.

The younger brother looked at Mr. Xu helplessly.

Mr. Xu nodded and asked him to continue. It is estimated that this girl also knows a little about raw stones.

Buying a rough stone is gambling on luck, and he can understand her unwillingness to not get the rough stone.

Suddenly the second brother was stunned for a moment, and immediately adjusted the angle and force of the knife in his hand, and cut carefully, and soon he saw the beautiful green color.

Mr. Xu stepped forward in surprise and stood next to the younger brother to watch.

After the jade was cut out, Mr. Xu took it into his hand first and looked at it with a flashlight. "The little girl is lucky. This piece of jade is of good quality. It can be regarded as commercial grade. There is some cotton wadding inside..."

"Fortunately, this piece of jade is not small and can be used for many ornaments. I estimate that it can be sold for 10 yuan conservatively."

Su Yueyang was stunned when he saw jade coming out of the stone. Now he heard one hundred thousand and was even more excited: "Mr. Xu, how much did you just say?"

Mr. Xu glanced at Su Yueyang, a little confused, "The rough stone you just bought for 200 yuan was offered for 10 yuan for jade." "Do you want to take it back and give it away to others or make jewelry yourself, or do you want to give it to yourself?" Our Jubaozhai recycles it for [-] yuan?"

The muscles on Su Yueyang's face were a little stiff.He rubbed his face, looked at Su Anyang, and giggled: "My sister asked me to buy it, and I listen to my sister."

Su Anyang said with a smile: "Our family is an ordinary two-income family. We usually do laundry, cooking and housework. If we can't bring jade with us, it's better for you, Mr. Xu, to live in Jubaozhai."

Mr. Xu nodded, "Okay, I will sign the contract and fill out the check for you right now."

At this moment, the waiter in the store continued to open the rough stone that Tang Xiaolong bought for 10 yuan.

Su Anyang didn't see the green, so he was sure that there was jade in the rough stone, and it was worth about 50.And this is also the second gambling game between Tang Xiaolong and Huang Chengkun.

Tang Xiaolong felt that as long as he could guess that there was jade in the rough stone, they would win.

Who would have thought that Huang Chengkun spent 200 yuan and offered 10 yuan of jade, with a ratio of 1:500!

A hundred times higher than Tang Xiaolong's.

The jade stone that Tang Xiaolong carved out could only be given to Huang Chengkun as a bonus...

Not long after, the second brother completed cutting the rough stone.Mr. Xu also gave an accurate estimate. This jade is small in size, full of water color, and can reach the level of high-quality jade.

Su Yueyang looked at Tang Xiaolong with admiration, "Brother Xiaolong, you are so amazing. In just a short time, you made 40?"

This is money that many people, such as his own sister, cannot earn in 30 or [-] years.

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "I'll go back and make a set of accessories for your sister to play with."

Su Anyang hummed: "We can get some good jade later."

The probability of being picked up by her once is already very small. No one believes that these 27 rough stones can produce high-quality jade.

The second brother moved faster, and the rough stones were cut into almost the size of pebbles, just as they thought, and there was still no green color visible.

Su Yueyang hit Tang Xiaolong with his arm, "Brother Xiaolong, why don't you try to persuade my sister?"

"The money spent on those stones was wasted. I, the one who paid for them, haven't done anything yet. How did she get into trouble with these stones?"

Tang Xiaolong shrugged, "I don't dare to care. If she wants to be idle, just play, and I will make up for you later."

Su Yueyang quickly shook his head: "No, Brother Xiaolong, that's not what I meant."

"I just feel like my sister hasn't had such a childish attitude for a long time, and I'm afraid you won't like her."

Tang Xiaolong chuckled: "I like whatever your sister is like."

"I have always been sure of her my entire life!"

Suddenly Su Anyang exclaimed: "It's green! I knew there would definitely be jade in it."

Mr. Xu was surprised.Since I opened my own shop, the price of this piece of rough stone has always been the same. The jade that can be sold is no more than a thousand pieces, which can only be obtained in a few months.

Unexpectedly, Su Anyang's jade was extremely green and had no trace of impurities. It was the first time that Mr. Xu had encountered such a perfect jade in so many years!

His hands trembled with excitement. He picked up the jade and put it down carefully, for fear of breaking it.

"It's so beautiful. If it were made into a set of accessories, I can't even estimate the real price!"

(End of this chapter)

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