Tang Xiaolong jumped behind Su Anyang as if he had encountered a madman, "Daughter-in-law, I didn't provoke this shameless woman, she came here herself."

"You are not allowed to wrongly accuse me of my loyalty to you, and you are not allowed to be angry with me... I will feel bad if you are so angry..."

When a man doesn't speak, his arrogance is enough to seduce her.

His lively appearance, doting on women and sweet words made Murong Qinqing unable to take his eyes away, with a look of intoxication on his face.

"Mr. Tang, the Murong family is very powerful. Our five-star hotel chain is open in all provinces and cities in Xiahua, and is being rolled out to prefecture-level cities..."

"If you marry me, I will take care of the fact that your Tang family will reach a higher level, not only in Nanshi, but also in the entire Dongshan Province..."

"As a man, career is the most important thing... You don't want to have the Tang family ruined for a woman, right?"

Tang Xiaolong had goosebumps all over his body when he was so concerned about a woman.

"The Murong family has some influence, but in business, it's like a mountain across the street... not to mention that a strong dragon cannot defeat local gangsters. Can you, a lesbian, represent the entire Murong family?"

"If this is true, I'm afraid that before the Tang family falls, your Murong family will be tortured by you and ruin their great future."

Tang Xiaolong said coldly.

Murong Qinqing looked at him, feeling that his cold appearance was particularly attractive, and she didn't take his words to heart at all.

However, she looked at Su Anyang with disdain in her eyes, "Are you Mr. Tang's female companion?"

"You're not here to bet on football, are you? Oh, no, you are just an ordinary person. I'm afraid you don't know what gambling is."

Su Anyang smiled, turned to Tang Xiaolong and said, "It seems that this sister knows how to bet on football. We will be right to follow her."

Murong Qinqing's eyes widened, she didn't want to play like this!

"You, why are you buying with me?"

"I bought it blindly. I bought it for fun when I had money... Everyone knows Brazil will win, I just bet just in case..."

she stammered.

Su Anyang didn't care and pushed Tang Xiaolong gently, "Didn't you ask me what I bought just now?"

"Go quickly, the finals are about to start soon... buy as much as you have..."

Tang Xiaolong nodded and walked to the cashier with a black card, "7000 million buys France and Brazil three to zero!"

Speaking of which, he is the heir to the Tang family and only has 5000 million in cash in his card.

And this money was earned bit by bit by his thick skin and his elders over the years.

Then some classmates or friends wanted to start a business after graduation, and he invested based on his feelings.

Basically, [-]% of the investment has been paid back, and profits have started to come one after another.

Otherwise, he would not have so much cash in his hands.

But compared with his wife, he is still far behind...

Murong Qinqing couldn't help but shook her head, and when she regained consciousness, she turned her head and asked Zhang Aimin in disbelief: "How much did the man named Tang say he wanted to buy?"

Zhang Aimin was also stunned and said with difficulty: "7000 million."

Murong Qinqing looked at Tang Xiaolong even more crazily. He was indeed the second ancestor of the Tang family, and he had so much money!
She walked over and couldn't help but persuade him: "Mr. Tang, Xiao Bei Yiqing, you can just play with a few million, how can you squeeze so much?"

"Your female companion is not from our circle, so what can she understand?"

"If you lose in betting, how will you explain it to your family?" Tang Xiaolong glanced at her, "I listen to my wife. She believes that you, the young lady of the Murong family, know how to play football."

Zhang Aimin said unbearably: "Mr. Tang, I think you should be more sensible."

"Su Anyang recognizes me and knows that I have a good relationship with Kunzi. Just now she heard Miss Murong bet 100 million on Kunzi's behalf, so she deliberately asked Mr. Tang to follow the money..."

The corners of Tang Xiaolong's mouth twitched at these words.

If he hadn't known that his wife had originally planned to buy this, it would have been easy for him to be led around.

He is very narrow-minded and cannot see his wife still thinking about other bad men.

Tang Xiaolong sighed slightly: "My money is my wife's money. I don't think she will joke with her own money."

"Besides, you all dare to buy something worth 500 million, why can't I buy something worth 7000 million?"

"What makes you think that I, the future heir of the Tang family, can't even afford this money?"

Murong Qinqing and Zhang Aimin were speechless.

The fans present felt that the world of rich people was not something they could understand.

They trust their own judgment and understanding of each team more.

The three old men also spent more or less money to buy France versus Brazil [-]-[-].

Zheng Jiuqian raised his eyebrows.He is the underground king of Nan City, and Guanyi Garden can be regarded as his main asset to attract money.

No one thinks too much money, let alone he knows Tang Xiaolong.

This brother looks carefree and unconvincing on weekdays, but in fact, Tang Xiaolong does everything properly every time his relatives and friends ask him to do it.

So Zheng Jiuqian recruited an assistant and whispered: "Go and see how much money there is in the book, and buy it all for me with your Lord Long..."

Soon the finals began, and everyone stared at the TV nervously.

Su Anyang was also nervous. He grabbed Tang Xiaolong's arm and almost couldn't breathe.

Tang Xiaolong didn't care. He used the dim light very calmly to pinch her arms, touch her paws, or poke her cheeks.

Su Anyang was engrossed in watching TV and was so annoyed by this man's troubles. When his finger poked her again, she turned her head and bit her.

She was definitely reluctant to exert herself, and said dissatisfiedly: "Tang Xiaolong, can you be quiet..."

Tang Xiaolong was indeed quiet. He just stared at her with green eyes and was reluctant to take his hand back, especially when she was talking... He breathed heavily and gritted his teeth to restrain himself from rushing towards her.

In 27 minutes, France scored a goal!

The fans inside and outside the TV went crazy, and then another goal came with 46 points...

The game was coming to an end, and everyone was so happy to see it. However, someone couldn't help but whisper: "There are still 2 minutes left and the game is over. France is a dark horse this time. Two to zero is already very good. It is impossible to score again." The ball is over…”

"Tsk, tsk, that lesbian is still betting 500 million... What's even more confusing is that the second generation of the Tang family bet 7000 million... knowing that he will lose, why is he so reluctant to let it go?"

"If he doesn't want it, he can give it to me. I'll help him spend it..."

Murong Qinqing's heart felt cold.She was really stunned. How could she believe Huang Chengkun's words?

This was a World Cup match. How could he, a small person, know the result?

Maybe Huang Chengkun hated her for not fishing him out and was deliberately playing tricks on her!

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