Tang Xiaolong frowned slightly, "Anyang, if you can say that, it means something happened to the Jiang family in the last life, right?"

"The tires of the Jiang family were punctured, and then the members of the Jiang family who participated in the auction were ripped off?"

Su Anyang shook his head: "I actually don't know much about it, but the person from the Jiang family seems to have a lot of influence in the Jiang family."

"Anyway, their tires were punctured. A group of gangsters who roamed the provincial highways seeking money and killing people disappeared without a trace. Of the Jiang family's two cars, only one driver was seriously injured, and the rest were all killed... Just this news It was concealed and not reported.”

"After that, the Tang family's business began to experience turmoil..."

Tang Xiaolong snorted coldly: "It seems that the Jiang family's affairs are very serious and they can no longer take care of the Tang family... The wealthy people in Nanshi and several nearby cities have long been eyeing the Tang family... Naturally, they will not miss this opportunity. …”

"All companies, especially extravagant companies, have every link interlocked with each other. If there is a break in one place, it will easily affect other links..."

"The Tang family is just the richest man in Nan City, and their ability to withstand risks is average. If they attack us in groups like this, bankruptcy will happen sooner or later."

"Unless the Tang family breaks out of the comfort zone of Nanshi and develops in the provincial capital or even the whole country!"

But the most important thing right now is to prevent the Jiang family from arriving in a private car.

Tang Xiaolong said a few more words to Su Anyang, then went to an open place and took out his mobile phone to call his cousin.

"Xiaolong, why did you remember to call your aunt today? Are you causing trouble?" Yan Pengyu teased with a smile.

Tang Xiaolong snorted coldly: "Sister-in-law, do you think I'm the kind of playboy who needs help from my family to clean up my mess?"

"I'm calling you, of course it's business!"

Yan Pengyu asked curiously: "You haven't taken over your family's company, what can you do to me?"

Tang Xiaolong didn't answer and asked instead: "Sister-in-law, who is participating in the Jiang family's antique auction in Nanshi tomorrow this time?"

Yan Pengyu shook her head subconsciously and looked at the man who had just come out of the bathroom. "I don't know, is this question important? I'll let your uncle tell you."

Tang Xiaolong hummed: "It concerns the future of the Jiang and Tang families, do you think it's important?"

The man who was named raised his eyebrows and stepped forward, just in time to hear these words.

He stuffed the towel into Yan Pengyu's hands, squinting his eyes slightly to enjoy his wife's service.

"Xiaolong, it's me, your uncle, what's wrong?" The man didn't even have time to raise a smile before he was made serious by Tang Xiaolong's words.

Tang Xiaolong repeated the question again: "Uncle, who from the Jiang family will attend our antique auction in Nan City tomorrow?"

Jiang Zhecheng thought for a while and answered without any concealment: "After dinner, grandpa just decided that my third uncle and I will take your sister-in-law with us."

"Third aunt may not follow, but my third uncle's secretary will go with her..."

"We'll leave early tomorrow and arrive in the afternoon, just in time to wash up and attend the three o'clock auction."

Tang Xiaolong's breath was stagnant, no wonder.

If according to Su Anyang's statement, only one driver of the Jiang family survived this time, wouldn't my sister-in-law also be killed by the bandits?
With her sister-in-law gone, how can the Jiang family take care of the Tang family anymore?

Tang Xiaolong said in a hurried tone: "Uncle, will you take a flight instead tomorrow?"

"Our Tang family is responsible for the pick-up and drop-off. Recently, there have been traces of bandits on the road between Kyoto and Nanshi... Especially this antique auction is very popular, and some people may take advantage of it to have their own ideas..."

Jiang Zhecheng knew that Tang Xiaolong was not a random person, and he must have gotten some information. "It's difficult to buy air tickets to Dongshan Province...and my third uncle is quite stubborn and has high requirements for everything. It's because he doesn't like to fly, so we can only stay with him in the car for six or seven people. Hour."

"A total of four of us went, taking a jeep and a van. There were six bodyguards alone... Although my third uncle and I are businessmen, we are more or less skilled... Besides, we are traveling during the day. Even if there are bandits, they wouldn’t be so blatant, right?”

"Wouldn't it be more eye-catching if there were more of them? As long as we delay and make a phone call, comrades from the bureau will soon come to support..."

"By the way, our Jiang family has a good relationship with the Song family, so we should go together... They also have bodyguards with them..."

Yes, shopping malls are like battlefields, and many people use them for profit and conspiracy.

The men and women of the Jiang family will be equipped with one or two bodyguards, and even the family's drivers will be given priority to those who can box and kick.

They pay special attention to personal safety because the Jiang family has encountered extortion and kidnapping frequently.Under such strict precautions, the chances of something happening to the Jiang family are getting lower and lower.

Therefore, Jiang Zhecheng also had a sense of luck in his heart.

If Su Anyang hadn't mentioned it, why wouldn't Tang Xiaolong think so?

"Little uncle, it's always right to be cautious. Those are desperadoes, their methods are even more despicable than we imagined, and they don't care about human ethics and laws."

"We don't have to take such big risks just for the sake of a temporary settlement."

Tang Xiaolong was afraid that he wouldn't be able to convince them, so he added: "If my uncle doesn't want to fly, let my sister-in-law take the flight, or let her stay in Kyoto."

"I have already said what I should say. Whether you choose life or death is up to you."

Jiang Zhecheng choked, "How much do you expect us to be bad?"

"Do you think your sister-in-law will wait at home honestly if she knows I'm going to Nanshi?"

"How can we, a couple, take two modes of transportation?"

"Okay, I know you are not a random person. This time I will try my best to persuade the third uncle and the Song family to take a plane instead. As for whether they will listen, I can't control it."

Tang Xiaolong hummed: "I can't care about other people. Anyway, the message has been delivered. As long as my little aunt is fine, it will be fine."

Jiang Zhecheng gritted his teeth: "What's going on? If I make a mistake, you will let your sister-in-law remarry?"

Tang Xiaolong laughed: "So uncle, you should be more careful."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Zhecheng played with his phone.

Yan Pengyu was close, so she naturally got the general idea: "Zhe Cheng, let's listen to Xiaolong. He looks like a fool, but he is quite reliable in dealing with people."

"The chance of a plane accident is small, we..."

Jiang Zhecheng patted her and said with a smile: "I know, I'm thinking about how to convince the third uncle and the Song family."

"If the two of us take a plane and leave our third uncle and the Song family behind, if something happens to them, we will not be able to escape responsibility."

Yan Pengyu rolled her eyes: "Go and tell the old man. The old man is quite superstitious. You and the third uncle are both important people in the family, so there can't be any mistakes..."

(End of this chapter)

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