At this time, someone couldn't help but suggest: "Can we ask experts to identify it again?"

"Yes, you can't be vague about whether it's true or false..."

"What this comrade said is not unreasonable. Many painters have completely different styles when they are young and when they are old, and their skills have also improved..."

"There are not many authentic works of Tang Zhonghu, and we don't want to miss a chance..."

With everyone clamoring like this, the person in charge of the venue could only invite a group of treasure appraisal experts again to conduct a second appraisal of the painting.

They had a reference direction and studied one by one with magnifying glasses.

For about half an hour, they discussed for a long time, repeatedly raising doubts and looking for answers in the painting, and finally came to the conclusion: "This painting is really authentic!"

Hearing these words, everyone was excited. They were still thinking about the friendship of the group photo just now, and they raised signs one after another.

Huang Chengkun smiled provocatively at Tang Xiaolong.Since he couldn't pick up Tang Zhonghu's authentic work, he would never allow Tang Xiaolong to successfully pick it up!
However, Tang Xiaolong didn't care at all. Instead, he stopped holding up the sign and continued talking to Su Anyang with his head on his head.

Huang Chengkun himself was very angry. ,

He was impulsive. If Tang Xiaolong took the picture and the Tang family went bankrupt, wouldn't this authentic painting be cheap again?
Huang Chengkun took a deep breath and concentrated on the next collection.

This time he didn't take action easily because he really didn't have much funds in hand.

"This is an ancient sword salvaged from the mud of the Mother River... The rust on it is too serious. Even after polishing and cleaning, we still don't know the exact year it was made and the specific information..."

"But it is indeed an antique. Its shape can be roughly locked in a thousand years ago..."

"The starting price is [-]."

Everyone is interested in antiques and antiques, but for such a humble guy, there are very few people holding signs.

Huang Chengkun raised the sign at this time and followed the bidding.

However, his bid was quite satisfactory, and he wanted to blend in among the crowd and not be discovered by Tang Xiaolong.

At this moment, Su Anyang secretly poked Tang Xiaolong again.

Huang Chengkun was frightened, seeing only one boss competing with him for the photo.

Tang Xiaolong actually made a bid!

Huang Chengkun took a deep breath, turned his head and looked over, and couldn't help grinding his teeth and asked: "Is Mr. Tang going to have trouble with me today?"

Tang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows: "Huang Chengkun, are you being too narcissistic?"

"What do you mean I can't get along with you today? It sounds like I can't get along with you someday!"

"Once again, everyone here has the right to hold up a sign and call for price."

"That's right. It's your first time to participate in such an occasion. Do you think everyone is joking and you're going to auction things in a humble way?"

"I agree with your bid and I hold up the sign just to get in trouble with you?"

"Okay, you did make it right, I just can't get along with you, what's wrong?"

"I give money openly and I don't steal or rob. What can you do to me?"

Huang Chengkun was trembling with anger.

He was reborn and was still being bullied by Tang Xiaolong.

But he really can't hold Tang Xiaolong at the moment!
The only thing he can do is to bid within the price he can afford.

Oh, there are many opportunities to make money. Sooner or later, he will annex the Tang family. When the time comes, he will enjoy Su Anyang's service. Well, he will also have to let Tang Xiaolong lick his shoes!
Only by thinking this way could his angry and knotted intestines be soothed.

I happily photographed the sword.Su Anyang wrote a few words on his palm.

Tang Xiaolong stood up with a smile, "I'm very curious about what's so magical about having you, Huang Chengkun, say such harsh things to me."

Huang Chengkun sneered, this is a sword within a sword, and the rusty part on the outside is the sword shell.

It's just that the sword shell is very well made and has excellent sealing properties. It uses the mortise and tenon method of Xiahua wood to skillfully seal the famous sword.

To open the sword shell, you need to be lucky enough to touch the mechanism.

After the sword shell rusts, the mechanism becomes more hidden and requires effort to move.

While he was secretly despising Tang Xiaolong's ignorance and stupidity, Tang Xiaolong had already opened the mechanism and pulled out a cold sword from it!

At this moment, the setting sun shone in from the window, and many people's eyes were stung by the light refracted by the sword.

Everyone gasped. This was an ancient sword that had been sunk under the river for who knows how many years. It was so well preserved and so sharp that even today's society couldn't produce it.

Tang Xiaolong chuckled, raised his arm and raised the long sword in his hand. When everyone subconsciously shouted not to hit, he actually cut the rusty sword shell in two, but the sword body was not damaged at all.

Cut iron like mud!

These four words popped up in everyone's mind. Is there really such a divine sword?

Now there is no need for experts to appraise it. Everyone is asking whether Tang Xiaolong sells it exclusively, and they are also competing to bid.

Until someone offered [-] million, Tang Xiaolong saw Su Anyang touching his ears and nodded in agreement with a smile: "My grandfather likes antiques, but he is just like Mr. Ye who loves dragons and knows little about antiques."

"This good sword naturally needs an owner who understands its value..."

The person who took the picture of the sword was the owner of a taxi company in the south.

Huang Chengkun clenched his fists.This was his [-] million sword, and it was sold to Tang Xiaolong easily.

For him, this auction is not a stage where he can leap over the dragon gate and increase his wealth tenfold or a hundredfold.

It was the execution ground where he was so angry that he suffered cerebral infarction and heart disease!

He understood that Tang Xiaolong was staring at him closely.

Huang Chengkun would rather not be able to take pictures himself, but would also publicize the special features of the next two inconspicuous treasures. Anyway, Tang Xiaolong is no longer cheap!
The auction on the first day is just a warm-up, the good stuff is coming later.

Therefore, the opportunities to pick up leaks are mainly concentrated in this afternoon.

Although Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang only took photos of two items.But the combined value of these two items is astonishing.

When they came out of the venue, the Tang family's butler greeted them with a smile.

"Young Master, the old lady has booked a private room at Jinse Manor and invites you to have dinner with the Su family."

Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

They haven't told the adults about their relationship yet.

Originally, they wanted to do it step by step, but today's situation was special. In order to take a photo with the Chuanguo Jade Seal and soak up the dragon spirit, the two families met in advance!

Seeing them facing a formidable enemy, the housekeeper smiled and said, "Master, Miss Su, you don't need to be nervous. The old man is quite open-minded."

"He likes Miss Su very much. He said that Miss Su can handle the young master, and they are a match made in heaven."

"However, young master, this auction is quite grand. In addition to the old man, other members of the Tang family are also here... They said they would check for the old man and you..."

"after all……"

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