Han Yiming leaned on her neck, "I don't dare to look at her, for fear that she will hate me... If I can't marry her, I will watch her spend the rest of my life sleeping with other men. I might as well sit in jail..."

However, there was no trace of drunkenness in his lowered eyes, and he held her greedily, piously and cautiously.

Tong Anyang hugged him back, and all the strength and grievances he had pretended to have for decades collapsed at this moment.

She sobbed and cried softly, "Why is this? Why didn't I find out at that time..."

If she had made the same choice in her last life as she did in this life, would it mean that Father Han and Mother Han were fine, and Han Yiming would not be deprived of his freedom?

And she also has a small family and a man who loves her to the core?
It's a pity that they missed each other for a lifetime. Now she is full of vicissitudes of life, she doesn't know how to love at all, and she can't bear his affection.

As soon as she cried, Han Yiming panicked. Why did he think of a drunken and cowardly way to confess his love to her?
Look, he made people cry!
He quickly frowned and said he had a headache and wanted to sleep.

Tong Anyang quickly calmed down, helped him lie on the bed, took off his shoes, and brought him a towel to wipe his hands and face.

Han Yiming, who closed his eyes and fell asleep, was not as arrogant and arrogant as when he woke up, but instead looked delicate and delicate.

Tong Anyang has never observed the opposite sex so closely.

Moreover, she felt strange.

Call this a junior, but they are actually the same age, but she in the future has returned to decades ago.

But speaking of peers, she looks young, but at heart she is already a 60-year-old woman...

Being stared at by the woman all the time, Han Yiming clenched his fists and almost pulled the woman into his arms to cherish her.

Fortunately, Tong Anyang quickly averted his eyes and sat in the chair feeling particularly peaceful.

She hadn't enjoyed such a relaxing time in a long time.

Ever since her mother left, no one has protected her from the wind and rain.She had endless work to do, and she didn't dare to stop and face a lonely life.

In a daze, she fell asleep on the table.

Han Yiming listened to the woman's breathing gradually calming down, then stood up gently, walked quietly to her side, and looked at the daughter-in-law he had brought home.

Everyone knows that Tong Zhiqing is the prettiest, but she has thick bangs and can't help but hunch over and shrink back when facing people.

This kind of beauty was greatly discounted, but Hu Laiying, who was only considered pretty, was called an educated youth together with her.

The little girl has such a small face.He couldn't help but gesture with his palm, and his hand accidentally touched her cheek.

Too gentle!
Han Yiming's breathing was a little heavy, but his eyes were fixed on her pink lips, and he couldn't help but hold his breath and get closer.

But when he was only one centimeter away from her, he stood up straight and patted his cheek.

I am taking advantage of others' danger!

Their marriage was just a temporary measure. Before she left him in her heart, he must strictly abide by his duties. Otherwise, her whole life would really be delayed by him.

He gently lifted her up in his arms.

Tong Anyang opened her eyes unconsciously, because she was too sleepy and fell asleep again.

Han Yiming put her on the bed, breathed a sigh of relief, and lay down next to her.

My daughter-in-law is so pretty, look at her eyelashes as thick as small brushes, her nose is small and straight, and her lips are pink and attractive.

He tried to hug her gently, not daring to use force.

But the woman rubbed herself into his arms and curled up against him. Her pitiful appearance made him almost burst from the torture. "Daughter-in-law..." He could only mutter in a low voice, slightly hoarse and aggrieved.

Tong Anyang had a dream. She dreamed that the Han family held a decent funeral for her, and the man who learned the bad news about her gave up fighting the disease and passed away the next day.

Everything in her previous life passed through her dream like a fleeting glance.

The Han family had repeatedly asked her to go to the bureau to see him.

But she refused, but she asked the Han family to give him some homemade food, or knitted sweaters and vests.

From then on, every time the Han family visited Han Yiming in the bureau, they always walked away from her, took away the things she prepared, and gave her a photo of Han Yiming every year.

The Han family was really too kind for her to refuse, and afterwards she felt that the punishment for Han Yiming was too severe...

Opening his eyes and seeing the handsome face so close, Tong Anyang was startled and subconsciously stepped back.

But the man who was still asleep just now quickly picked up the woman who was sleeping outside and fell down beside the bed into his arms. "careful!"

The two hugged each other, their hearts beating very fast, and the evening air seemed to be scorchingly warm.

"Let me go," Tong Anyang said softly.

Han Yiming said oh, and sure enough he let go of his hand, and then Tong Anyang continued to fall under the bed.

He fished nervously again, the two of them collided, and Tong Anyang's lips touched Han Yiming's chin.

The two froze again.

Tong Anyang quickly turned his head, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Put me on the other side!"

Han Yiming hugged her and rolled down, letting go, fearing that if he continued to make trouble, the little girl would be embarrassed and cry.

"Well, my wife, I have to show my happiness today. If I don't get drunk, others will become suspicious... Don't worry, it's enough for the mistake from the night before yesterday to happen once, so I specifically told my eldest brother to take good care of me and not to be plotted against. go……"

"From now on I will never drink or smoke!"

"Also, I will work hard in the fields. Now that I have strength, I can easily do the work of two people... Wife, you can just cook at home..."

He coughed lowly and expressed his determination to her. "We are married. If you have a man and go to the ground, it will be unreasonable."

Tong Anyang hummed.

Han Yiming looked happy, told her to wait a moment, then got up and went to the outhouse to bring in a bag.

"Here, open it and take a look!"

Tong Anyang opened the canvas bag curiously. There were a lot of money bills and IOUs inside.

"Here, you charge three times what they owe?"

Han Yiming nodded: "Yes, they are so bullying. They clearly borrowed your money, but they still bite their tongues and refuse to admit it because of their strength."

"Later, even if they admitted that the situation was wrong, many people were dishonest and underreported more than three to five times... What is this called? It's rude to come back without reciprocating. I charged them twice as much, just to teach them a lesson. , let them not treat everyone as fools in the future..."

Tong Anyang felt that he was connoting himself, and glared at him: "It sounds like you are very smart, so why are you being plotted against?"

Han Yiming touched his nose and said, "How do I know which glass of wine I drank was tampered with?"

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