However, Tong Anyang suddenly thought of a question, "Han Yiming, we exchanged the money, how do we explain it to others when we spend it?"

"For example, when buying a house in the future, you must have a source of money, right?"

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows, "Let's do it step by step. It's not difficult for the whole family to buy a house. At most, we can buy a house every now and then."

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled softly: "When you get back, you will take the big guys to study, and I will go to the market to sell some food to make money."

"I'm a person who can't sit still. I had no one to rely on before, and I was easily bullied by selling food and money... Now that I'm the daughter-in-law of the Han family, I am the source of strength for our entire village!"

Han Yiming liked what she said.Her recognition of the Han family's daughter-in-law and her sense of belonging to the village didn't make her a little accustomed to being his wife?

"Okay, but I have to follow you. Anyway, at the market, you sell your food while I sit and read."

"Many great people did not have a good learning environment, but they achieved success with their strong willpower. If they can do it, so can I."

"How can I sit back and enjoy the fruits of my wife's hard work?"

It seemed like this, if he did nothing but study at home, people in the village would start gossiping.

"But, won't your studies be seen by others?" She asked with a slight frown.

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, there are many forms of learning. We don't need to hold a book and read it all the time."

"There are some memory-related things that we can copy down and carry with us to recite all the time... Some are exercises that need to be done..."

"We strive to read books at home and make full use of the time to consolidate and memorize after going out..."

Tong Anyang sighed slightly, understanding that the news about the college entrance examination has not been restored yet. They are more or less taking a chance and will not devote all their efforts to studying.

"Then, when you get back, you can make a study plan for me, and I will give you a test, once a week..."

"It just so happens that tomorrow we will come out of the hospital and go to the bookstore to buy some exercises, as well as books and exercises on Chinese, foreign languages ​​and politics...and some stationery..."

"Now that we have money in our hands, let's buy more stationery. If we can't take it back, we will mail it back... Then I will distribute the stationery, and whoever performs well will be rewarded!"

"Those with a high school degree and under the age of 30, and those with other academic qualifications and under the age of 25 can participate in this review..."

Han Yiming himself didn't care.Growing up, the thing he was least afraid of was studying, but his relatives and friends were not so lucky.

As Tong Anyang's husband, he had to support and cooperate with her decision without hesitation.

He nodded solemnly, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely strictly implement your arrangements."

"When I get back, I'll check to see if there are any brothers and sisters who meet the standards in the homes of my seventh aunt and eighth aunt, as well as any friends I have a good relationship with before."

"I promise to make you feel the joy of being a teacher or principal!"

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, humming: "What if the college entrance examination resumes and you all get into college one by one, you don't know how to thank me."

"Even if the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination is false, it will be of no harm to you because you have learned knowledge, broadened your horizons, and exercised your brain."

Han Yiming responded with a smile: "Yes, yes, my wife is right."

His unconditional toleration and doting made Tong Anyang feel a little dazed.

When had she ever been so carefree?

She hummed softly, "I'm sorry, the other people's scores are above 230 points, but you are a hundred points higher than them!"

If she remembered correctly, Dongshan Province's admission score was 230 points, but Kyoto's was above [-] points.

Han Yiming said with a smile: "Don't say 400 points, even more than 400 points, I will still pass the test for you!" Tong Anyang glared at him: "Can you say this casually? You are not allowed to brag in front of me, you have yourself , you scored more than [-] points."

Han Yiming looked at her seriously, "If the college entrance examination really resumes and I score more than 400 points, will there be any reward?"

Tong Anyang couldn't stand his fiery gaze, fiddled with a piece of gold bar, and asked softly: "What kind of reward do you want?"

"Are you going to try your best to satisfy me if I want it?" Han Yiming confirmed.

Tong Anyang nodded: "Yes, as long as I can do it."

She was a little nervous now, as if she could guess what kind of reward he wanted.

Han Yiming smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law, you have to remember what you said. I will do my best for your reward!"

The bed in the guest house is relatively small. Even if it is a double bed, it is not very spacious. The two people lying flat on the bed can touch each other with their shoulders.

The weather is hot, who can lie still all the time?
And if they move their bodies even a little bit, the bed will make a squeaking sound, which is particularly harsh in the silent night...

However, these questions were nothing. When they were in a daze, they actually heard someone suppressing crying.

Han Yiming hugged her directly and covered her ears, "Sleep, there are still many things to do tomorrow!"

The man's embrace was hot and strong. At this moment, how could Tong Anyang dare to move?

Just when she thought she would keep her eyes open until dawn, she quickly fell asleep.

The next day they went to the hospital after dinner.

Tong Anyang's wound is recovering well, and the doctor only prescribed some topical anti-inflammatory iodine.

Then they went to bookstores and supply and marketing cooperatives, bought the necessary things, then went to the printing factory, stuffed people with a few packs of cigarettes, and printed dozens of copies of each of the seventeen books.

They had too much stuff, so they went to the post office to mail it.

Before dawn on the third day, Han Yiming went to the black market for a walk. After shaking off his tail, he and Tong Anyang hurried back.

When they returned home with many things, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Liu, where did you pick up these two iron buckets? This did you endure it all the way?"

The weather is hot in July, and there is not much work in the fields. Everyone takes a long break at noon.

When they heard that the couple was back, they all went out to see them.

Han Yiming chuckled and put it directly into the house regardless of the smell in the bucket.

Tong Anyang distributed some candies and snacks to the children.

Mother Han asked the two of them to wash up and go into the house to rest.

After the two of them were clean and fresh, they started to pack up the books and gold bars!

Han Yiming whispered: "Daughter-in-law, the number of gold bars seems to be 300 yuan, but they are small... Don't we have two boxes in the house?"

"I just calculated that about three hundred gold bars can be used to lay a layer in the box... I found some wooden boards and used a mortise and tenon structure to make a false bottom for our box..."

"No one would have thought that this box is covered with gold bars!"

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