Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and asked, "Grandma Gu, is the amusement park run by your Gu family on the edge of the moat outside the west area of ​​the city?"

Mrs. Gu and her daughter looked at each other and nodded. There was a lot of noise about the construction of the amusement park, and anyone who walked by there should know about it.

Yuan Anyang frowned and said, "Grandma Gu, I can't explain this to you, but the quality of the amusement park run by your family is not up to standard, especially the Ferris wheel's building materials are made of inferior materials. After it is put into operation, There are huge safety risks..."

A Ferris wheel collapsed in an amusement park in the last generation, and all the media reported on it at the time.

The Ferris wheel is relatively high, so you can imagine falling from it!

And because it was the first day of business, the people who could get the first move were either rich or noble. No matter how powerful the Gu family was in Kyoto, they couldn't resist the attacks of so many powerful people from aristocratic families.

Within half a year, there was no longer a Gu family in the Kyoto family.

The person who made the voice was Ms. Gu, "It's impossible. The building materials were handled by my husband. He is very serious about life and there is no way he would put his mind on the building materials.

The Ferris wheel is so high. Serious accidents will occur if it fails to pass. We all know this.

My husband is watching the construction site every day now, for fear that the workers will cut corners..."

Yuan Anyang twitched the corners of his lips: "Grandma Gu, Aunt Gu, I know you don't believe it, but actually I can't believe it either.

I always love to dream, and a lot of things happen in my dreams, and I can still remember them clearly when I wake up. There is a 70% to 80% chance that what happened in the dream will happen.

When it comes to the future development and operation of the amusement park, there is no room for sloppiness.

Isn’t there a saying that it’s better to believe something than something else?

The profits of amusement parks are huge. As long as they are opened safely, the profits from this area may be even greater than the hotels you run...

But if something happens to the amusement park, it may drag the Gu family into the abyss..."

After all, Mrs. Gu had gone through a lot of ups and downs, and her face darkened on the spot, and she solemnly said: "Thank you, Comrade Xiao Yuan, for the reminder. I will go find the relevant quality inspection department to check it when I get back.

Whether this is true or not, we thank you! "

Yuan Anyang said with a smile: "I hope this is fake."

The Gu family had something on their minds, so they left in a hurry.

When she returned to the office, the old man also smiled and said: "Comrade Xiao Yuan, I am Guan Jia in Kyoto. My family has opened a comprehensive food factory. It is all the snacks you see on the market, such as biscuits, bread, candies." and drinks, etc., are all produced in our factory.

This time I want to thank you for saving my granddaughter! Alas, this child had a hard life. He was a posthumous child, and his father contracted the disease and died before he was born.

Her mother couldn't bear the blow and gave birth to her prematurely.

She is young and likes to have someone to rely on. Her mother found a partner when she was three months old.

Her mother wanted to take her away. We thought that the child could not live without her mother at a young age, so we agreed...

Who would have thought that if a child had a fever and was admitted to the hospital, he would be gone if the adults couldn't help it? "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and said with a chuckle: "Fortunately, the child is back. You can use it more in the future. Children are blessed."

The old man nodded repeatedly: "Yes, many children have been lost recently, but few can be found in time.

We couldn't wait to sleep these past few months, and we had to travel all over Kyoto, and even go to surrounding provinces and cities...

As long as the child is well, it doesn't matter if it costs the old man my life! "

Yuan Anyang smiled and said: "For the sake of the child, you have to live a long life, so that you can protect the child."

The old man smiled and said: "Yes, Comrade Xiao Yuan is right.

The child's mother is not reliable and can't even look after her own children. If the child has no father, how can the uncle and aunt have a grandfather?

If I don’t protect the old man, the little guy will..."

The little guy is afraid that he will be kicked out of the house with some random money.

The Jiang family and the Guan family thanked them again and again before leaving.

With nothing else to do, Yuan Anyang casually found an office, took the newspaper and read it until he got off work.

The meal in the evening was even simpler. Yuan Anyang made shredded pork and cucumber noodles.

Yuan Anyang told Jin Yangyao what Deputy Station Director Liu said, and also told her that the Jiang family, Gu family and Guan family came to thank her in person.

Jin Yangyao raised his eyebrows: "Why do I hear that Deputy Webmaster Liu is deliberately targeting you?

Did anyone say hello to him? "

Yuan Anyang's eyes widened: "Yeah, I feel the same way.

But being a train attendant is indeed a good position. Although I need to travel for a few days, I can rest for a few days after returning home. I still have half a day to play at the terminal and bring some specialties to my relatives and friends...

Many of our colleagues take advantage of their work to buy their own specialties and let their family members open small shops...

I really can't imagine why they would want me to follow the car? "

Jin Yangyao said with a cold face: "Anyway, it won't be a good thing!

Wife, we rejected him. "

Yuan Anyang hugged him and chuckled, "Why did you refuse? Since they want me to follow the car, then I will go and use the trick to let them show their weakness.

However, I remembered that among this batch of new trains, one was bound for Haishi, and I applied to follow that train.

The train lasted twenty-six hours one way, so I happened to have one day's shift to sleep, play in the local area for half a day, and then another day's shift to sleep and get home.

I can rest at home for three days. "

Jin Yangyao frowned: "No, it's too risky. Since they want you to follow the car, they must have some bad ideas. If I'm not by your side, I can't protect you at all!"

Yuan Anyang smiled and said: "Ah Yao, you think that I am too weak. In fact, I know a little bit about women's self-defense.

I am so beautiful and have no means of survival, how could I put myself in danger? "

She was severely suppressed at the beginning of her last life, but she took advantage of the time she didn't come home from work at noon to practice boxing and kicking skills in a private martial arts studio.

Finally, in the fifth year after her marriage, she gained the ability to protect herself, which made Teng Xiuqi afraid to stop beating and scolding her at will.

However, her heart was severely traumatized. She had been PUA by him for a long time. She had little hope for life and was on the verge of death at any time.

At first she practiced martial arts for self-protection, but later it became a way to release her suppressed feelings.

In the past two days, her body and soul had become more in tune with each other after her rebirth, and it was still possible to protect herself and escape.

"If you don't believe it, let's make a show of it?" Yuan Anyang was a little eager to give it a try.

Jin Yangyao raised his eyebrows, "Okay, as long as you pass my assessment, I won't stop your decision."

The two of them had sex in the living room without going out.

It should be said that Yuan Anyang pursued Jin Yang Yao unilaterally.

Originally, she thought that with more than ten years of experience in martial arts, she had a good chance of winning against Jin Yangyao, who was good at reading and had a strong physique.

No matter what she was thinking, it was difficult for her to even touch the corner of his clothes, she was emo!

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