Yuan Anyang smiled and introduced himself to everyone, "Good morning everyone, I am honored to stand here and teach you.

My name is Yuan Anyang. Including the month of training, I have been working for a month and a half.

My qualifications are less than those of everyone here, and even your seniority is older than mine.

Many people don’t know what I know, so let’s play a little psychological game..."

As she spoke, she yawned slowly, and then everyone in the audience started yawning one after another.

She chuckled: "See, this is a particularly common way of hinting in real life.

Whoever pays attention to me and sees me yawning, this highly contagious behavior will also appear in you. "

Everyone was a little surprised. In their opinion, psychology is like a half-wit, with no scientific basis. Things like hypnosis and face reading are all illusory. It is difficult for people to catch the rules and it is not easy to learn. and mastery.

I never thought that psychology would be so common.

Yuan Anyang introduced many implicit and explicit examples to everyone, "...Look, do you think what I just said is amazing, and do you particularly agree with it?

When I speak, I nod my head, which will make you subconsciously think that what I say is affirmative and correct...

A person who is proficient in psychology can use many methods to hypnotize himself and thus escape the lie detector..."

Yuan Anyang showed the wonders of psychology to everyone, making everyone have a strong interest in psychology.

Only then did she get to the point and start explaining from theoretical knowledge.

Her courses are very relaxed and enjoyable. One theory will be followed by many cases to help everyone understand and deepen their memory.

Most people think that when they come to attend a meeting to study, they usually just listen to people talk in general terms and just take the time to memorize a few sentences.

Unexpectedly, what they learned was all practical knowledge. Three hours passed by so quickly that they were all in a daze.

After coming out of the classroom, they subconsciously look at all kinds of people around them, and they can't help but use what they learned in the class to make an overall judgment about people.

It's like a veil has been lifted from the world, and their ways and perspectives of looking at people and things are different.

When he came out of class, Yuan Anyang was blocked by the Gu family.

"Comrade Xiao Yuan, thank you so much! The safety of the amusement park you mentioned before does exist... If we hadn't discovered it in time, I'm afraid there would have been a serious collapse accident when the Ferris wheel was fully loaded...

The people who can enter the amusement park are all above the average level, and there are many powerful people... This accident may drag our Gu family into the abyss..."

Whenever I think of the consequences of this incident, the Gu family will break out in cold sweats even after their death!

Yuan Anyang said with a smile: "I also work at the station, and occasionally I heard someone say a few words.

I'm afraid this is a rumor, so I suggest you check it out. It's a matter of life..."

The Gu family really didn't know how to thank her. Not only did she find her grandson for the Gu family, she also helped the Gu family on the edge of the abyss.

The old lady of the Gu family took out a stack of real estate certificates and placed them in front of Yuan Anyang, "My child, you saved our Gu family, you deserve this.

Compared with the losses that our Gu family has recovered, these are too insignificant, accept it, otherwise we really don’t know how to thank you..." Ms. Gu, who has been divorced, also smiled and said: "Yes, Comrade Xiao Yuan, I want it. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know what kind of person I sleep with.

I am still living in the world he created, betting the future of the Gu family, just for the ridiculous family happiness...

Anyone who can give us suggestions on the safety of playground facilities will be richly rewarded.

You deserve this..."

Yuan Anyang did not refuse this time and thanked him with a smile.

Seeing that she had accepted the real estate certificate, the Gu family finally relaxed a little.

Taking the real estate certificate home, there is a difference between the real estate certificate and the real estate certificate. She opened it and looked carefully and found six real estate certificates, two for three entrances to the quadrangle, two for two entrances to the quadrangle, and two for more than 140 square meters. There are houses with courtyards on the first floor, and they are all very close to the city center.

When these properties appreciate in the future, they will be worth more than eight figures!

When Jin Yangyao came back, she smiled and showed him her house.

Jin Yangyao said with a smile: "It seems that I will really have to rely on my wife to support me from now on."

Yuan Anyang was stunned for a moment, hugged him and smiled sullenly: "I just put these things here, and there will be room for appreciation at most, but you are different, Yao. If you open a law firm, the money you will make will be more and more in the future. More and more are coming.”

She also knew that Jin Yangyao was not only an excellent lawyer, but also had many properties, all of which the Teng family was particularly coveted!

Large supermarket chains, entire villa development areas, commercial buildings, etc. were all projects that Jin Yangyao developed and founded in partnership with his clients using the money he earned. Each project was particularly profitable.

It can be said that he has become a noble man in the Kyoto business circle by virtue of his own abilities.

After dinner, Jin Yangyao was washing the pots and dishes when there was a knock on the door of his home.

Yuan Anyang walked out and looked at Jin Yangyao. This was the first time there was a knock on the door at home.

They are very busy at work on weekdays and are only at home during meals, so they have little contact with their neighbors.

Jin Yangyao wiped his hand on his apron, opened the door, and saw the Teng family couple outside the door. They sneered and leaned on the door frame with their chests crossed, obviously not ready to let anyone in.

Pang Danqiu wiped away tears and said: "Yang Yao, what happened to your brother? Why did you send your brother in for a woman?

I know you have always complained about me, but I took your mother's place after she died of illness...I haven't treated you badly in so many years, right? It's because you don't get close to me...Xiu Qi is your biological brother, you Your only blood relative in this world, how can you bear to ruin him for the rest of your life?

Don’t you know what kind of child he is?

You can't condemn your brother just because of a woman's one-sided words..."

Teng Xueyi also said angrily: "Yang Yao, I thought you were the most mature and sensible and didn't need us to worry about you.

Why are you so confused when you meet a woman? She obviously wants to take revenge on your brother.

Your brother doesn't know that you have a friendship with that woman, otherwise he wouldn't hold a wedding with her no matter what.

The two of them were talking well the day before, but who would have thought that she suddenly changed her mind..."

Jin Yangyao sneered: "You two think that I am confused as a lawyer. Can't I tell the difference between truth and lies, truth and illusion?

I only believe in evidence, and the evidence is that you are a family of three, and Teng Xiuqi is not my brother at all.

Furthermore, Anyang and I have never told each other that we are in love, so how did you know? "(End of chapter)

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