Yuan Anyang glared at him: "I'm not that scary thing!"

Jin Yangyao nuzzled her with a sullen smile: "Yes, yes, my wife is sweet and soft, she is my interpretation flower."

He said with a serious look: "The fact that Teng Xueyi and Pang Danqiu deceived my dad and the big guys back then shows that he is not a simple person.

On the contrary, he has strong anti-detection capabilities and is good at taking advantage of people's emotions. For example, he knew that my dad was affectionate, so he appeared as a lifesaver; another example was that he investigated and took over the case that I took over, and amplified the hidden dangers... Same thing. , he is ambitious and narrow-minded...

His only son was sent to the bureau by me, and it will be difficult to operate in the short term.

If I hinder his career again, will he jump to the wall? "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips and nodded: "We were able to escape this time and let them get some information feedback. The danger we face may be even greater next time!"

Jin Yangyao said coldly: "So, we must change from passive to active!"

The next day's Beijing News, which has the largest circulation in Kyoto, printed a quarter of the second page on a statement announcing the break-up of marriage.

When Jin's father passed away, Jin Yangyao was only sixteen years old, so his guardian automatically became Pang Danqiu.

Even if he later obtained his household registration after he turned eighteen, Pang Danqiu was still his nominal mother.

It's just that in this declaration of divorce, he also included Teng Xueyi, which contained stories that everyone knew. For example, Teng Xueyi saved Jin's father, but within half a year of Jin's father's death, the two got married. , and Teng Xiuqi changed his surname.

It was covered with a paternity test report, and Teng Xiuqi failed to marry Jin Yangyao's girlfriend, and he tried to do something wrong on the train but was caught by Jin Yangyao.

These are all things that many people have witnessed. Jin Yangyao didn't add a single word, leaving room for everyone's imagination!

Jiuli Beverage Factory is still well-known in Chengdong District. The profits from its drinks are huge, and their factory also has two or three drinks that everyone must drink in summer.

Regarding the gossip about the boss of the beverage factory, everyone had a great time eating.

In particular, all offices in the beverage factory subscribe to this newspaper.

Seeing the news above, the light of gossip shines brightly in everyone’s eyes!

By the time Teng Xueyi realized something was wrong, a newspaper in the factory had been circulated through countless hands, and it looked like a year-old newspaper.

"At that time, I felt that there was something wrong with these two people. They were flirting with each other. If Teng hadn't had a child for so many years, how could we believe that he was a decent person..."

"Decent? Ha, can a decent person take care of someone else's wife and children, and take care of them as a family? Now there is irrefutable proof that they are a real family, tsk tsk, that woman named Pang came here just for the money of our former boss... Is this because she is afraid that Jin Yangyao will divide her son's property and directly change the child's father?"

"They are so disgusting. Our factory is led by them. Isn't this going to be a joke to the entire Kyoto?"

"Maybe this factory was stolen by someone named Teng... Why did he save people? How could he appear so coincidentally... And if you look at the date, Pang Danqiu was pregnant with a child at that time, right?"

Jin Yangyao gave everyone key information. As long as everyone has some logical thinking, they can put the whole thing together.

The power of public opinion cannot be underestimated, especially since Pang Danqiu has become the wife of a director and is a high-profile person who often attracts jealousy.

No matter how well Teng Xueyi pretends to be on weekdays, his snobbishness, patronizing and scorning others still make ordinary workers more or less dissatisfied. When he got off work at noon, Teng Xueyi’s tire was punctured, and Pang Danqiu slipped on a piece of gasoline and fell to the ground, breaking his tailbone. Paint was splashed on their door and big-character posters were pasted.

The employees protested the next day, accusing the two of them of being rich and unkind, and that the welfare benefits given to the big guy were too low, and asked him to make up for the big guy's salary in the past few years.

Many merchants returned the goods one after another, saying that there was nothing unique about Jiuli Beverage Factory's drinks, but the people were unwilling to pay the bill. Who made the old director of Jiuli Beverage Factory have bad conduct, and they were disgusted after drinking it!

There are also some shareholders who withdraw their capital directly. Even if they make less money, they cannot cooperate with such people.

For a while, Teng Xueyi was extremely busy.

The old workers had all been favored by Jin's father, and they had deep feelings for the old factory director who led everyone to find a way out.

Therefore, they were very united in carrying out this strike, and Teng Xueyi was bound to give an explanation.

And at night, Teng Xueyi was put in a sack and beaten severely!

Ever since he became friends with Jin's father, when had he ever been so angry? Especially since he has been in a high position for a long time, he cannot bear such insults.

And all this is because Jin Yangyao brought the matter to the sun.

Teng Xueyi understood that things had just begun.

Many employees in the factory are together because of Jin's father's righteousness. Even after more than ten years, these people's temperament has only increased.

Anyway, there are many of them, so they can always force Teng Xueyi to come up with a satisfactory solution.

What's more, Jin Yangyao has already guessed how much money and assets Teng Xueyi and Pang Danqiu have. With his help, Teng Xueyi must spit out what he has eaten if he does not want to give up the Jiuli Beverage Factory and face huge compensation. It's something that the law can't do.

In just one month, Teng Xueyi lost more than 20 pounds, and even Pang Danqiu, who had always been bright and beautiful, became sallow and lifeless.

When they were almost vomiting and wanted to take action against Jin Yangyao and Yuan Anyang angrily, Jin Yangyao, who had already predicted their actions, just closed the net!

Even though Teng Xueyi and Pang Danqiu lacked key evidence for murdering Jin's father, the fact that they hired a murderer to murder Jin Yangyao and his wife was irrefutable. This alone was enough to cost them the rest of their lives.

Jiuli Beverage Factory went around in circles and returned to Jin Yangyao's hands.

Yuan Anyang has provided many improvement methods, so that the beverages in the factory have been greatly improved and enriched in terms of variety and taste.

The Teng family collapsed. The Yuan family knew more or less the whole story and were frightened. It was not necessarily a good thing to have a lawyer around.

On this day, Jin Yangyao came home with a stack of information and hugged Yuan Anyang who was busy, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I only found out that your mother had a stillbirth and was judged to be difficult to have children in the future... When they came home , I picked you up at the entrance of the hospital... shall we post a missing person notice?"

Yuan Anyang smiled and shook his head, "No, I'm past the age where I need my parents. Maybe my parents are not close.

With you by your side, and... and the children, it is enough for our family of three to be together happily! "

Jin Yangyao looked down at her flat belly in disbelief, and stammered: "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law... we, we have a child?"

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