Diary of the Prince Regent's Favorite Wife

Chapter 121 Serving the Three Princes

Chapter 121 Serving the Third Prince

Seeing this, Master Huang also knew that the usual means would not work, he yelled at his brother and walked out without forgetting to leave a harsh word.

"If you don't see the money after three days, don't blame us for smashing the Jiang family's good plaque."

It took only a moment for the movement in the front yard to spread to the back yard. Since Nangong Chen left, Jiang Caixue hadn't thought about eating and drinking, and the people who sent to invite Nangong Chen often returned without success.

"Where is Linglong, go find out what's going on in front?" Jiang Caixue stood up weakly, her small face was a little gloomy because she didn't eat and thin.

The little maid's calves were trembling, her eyes were erratic, "Miss, Linglong, Linglong, she hasn't returned from delivering a letter to the Third Prince's Mansion yet."

"Why did it take so long?" Jiang Caixue frowned dissatisfiedly, but there was some secret expectation in her heart. Could it be that Nangong Chen agreed to take her back.

Thinking of this, she didn't care about the front yard anymore and got off the bed.

"Break up for me." Jiang Caixue sat eagerly in front of the dressing table, maybe Nangong Chen would come over in a while, and she had to greet him with the best posture.

"Miss—" the little girl picked up the comb hesitantly, looked at Jiang Caixue's expectant face, and finally gave it up.

"Actually, Linglong was picked up by the third prince early in the morning. He said he wanted her to serve the third prince, and asked you to hand over Linglong's contract as soon as possible."

After saying this, the little maid closed her eyes and waited for Jiang Caixue to curse.

Jiang Caixue's fingers rested on the emerald head, and she blinked her dry eyes for a long time.

Jiang Caixue's head, which was carefully locked in a box, now seems to have lost its former brilliance, and there is only a little darkness in the empty eyes that continues to spread until Jiang Caixue's mind is dizzy.

The little maid didn't wait for Jiang Caixue's scolding, she sneaked a look up, only to find that Jiang Caixue rolled her eyes and fell back.

"Come here! Second Miss fainted again!"

There were medicinal herbs coming in and out again, and the door curtain was turning up and down making a disturbing noise.

The news here reached the old man Jiang, and he was so angry that he didn't even eat.

As the saying goes, you can hide past the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day. No matter how Mr. Jiang reneges on his debts, the debt collectors are coming more and more urgently.

For a while, the accusations of impeaching Mr. Jiang for his lax family management were thicker than the accusations of the disaster in the south.

Before the affairs of Jiang's family were settled, the emperor directly sent a memorial, ordering Mrs. Jiang to think about his mistakes at home and not to participate in the state banquet.

The old man Jiang was so frightened that he couldn't sleep all night, and he got angry at the servants early in the morning with black eyes.

"Master, the debtors are here again!" The boy looked embarrassed, and he couldn't find anyone to solve the problem, so he could only find Mrs. Jiang's room.

The old man Jiang became even more angry when he heard the words. He really didn't expect that his son would be instigated by Du Lili to get into the bad habit of gambling, and even lost most of his family fortune. In addition to the money stolen by Du Lili, their Jiang family would also fall into the trap. so much.

"You bastard! I said that when I pawn the ancestral Buddha statue, I will have money. Tell those people to get out, and don't blame the old man for sending them to the Yamen."

The boy could only nod bitterly and say yes, the old man Jiang said nicely, but how could the Jiang family be willing to put down their face and go pawning? It’s not because they are relying on the official authority to refuse to pay back the money, but the debtors don’t know which line they have climbed , not afraid of the remaining prestige of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family on this side suffered repeated setbacks, while the other people on the other side went to the state banquet with a smile on their faces, regardless of whether they were happy or not.

The gorgeous palace is decorated extravagantly today, golden ribbons are wrapped around the jade pillars, large and small dishes are placed on the yellow wooden custom-made tables, and many court ladies shuttle between the dazzling array of decorations.

Outside the imperial gate, carriages marked with the names of aristocratic families slowly drove in, and then stopped according to the instructions.

The Xie family's carriage waited in line for a long time before it stopped. Today, Jiang Sesur was wearing a long purple dress with a sand gray blouse, and a pair of milky white jade bracelets on her wrists.

She walked down slowly holding Qin Xin's hand. The palace lanterns were so brightly lit at night that even the texture of the stone slabs on the road could be seen clearly.

Mr. Xie walked in the front, whispering to Mrs. Xie from time to time, and the two young couples behind followed the little eunuch obediently.

When he walked into the palace, Jiang Sesur smiled softly at Xie Chengyun, "I'm going to the ladies' seat."

There is only a wide corridor between the male and female seats of the Great Yan Dynasty.

After that, she took Chen Chunjiao's hand to find her own seat. Chen Chunjiao embarrassedly pushed the patient Jiang Sesur's hand, but she didn't really push the person away.

"I haven't seen these young wives for a long time, and I just realized that I'm a lot older today." Empress Fu sat next to the emperor at the top, laughing and joking with the sister-in-law of the Fu family.

The queen said that she was old, no one dared to respond, and the words that praised the queen for a while became more and more beautiful.

"Empress, my servant has heard that the beauty cream sold by Mrs. Xie Er has miraculous effects. I wonder if the empress has used it?" A girl in a yellow dress stood up gracefully, and tilted her head towards the empress with bright eyes. Ask, looks very playful and cute.

Chen Chunjiao heard goosebumps on her hands. What kind of attention-grabbing physique is Jiang Sesel? She was even mentioned when she came out to attend a state banquet. She really scared herself to death.

"Oh, is Second Madam Xie here?" Empress Fu scanned the venue with interest.

The girl in the yellow skirt nodded her head directly to where Jiang Sesur was sitting, "Mrs. Xie Er, you don't mind if I recommend your things to the empress?"

For a while, all eyes in the arena fell on Jiang Sesur, she could only put down her teacup helplessly, and stood up gracefully, "Naturally I don't mind, if the empress likes the minister's wife's carriage, there will be one."

"The queen mother should try it. I think it works very well." Princess Huayang smiled and sat beside Queen Fu, begging for a glass of wine coquettishly.

"Hua Yang has already said that, so I will ask Xie's family for some." Empress Fu looked at her daughter dotingly.

Seeing that this topic seemed to be taken lightly, the girl in the yellow skirt asked inadvertently, "My little girl heard that Mrs. Xie's second wife is very skilled in medicine, but could this doctor not be able to heal my arm?"

As she said, her eyes fell on Jiang Sesu's arm wrapped in soft cloth, and then she covered her mouth awkwardly, "I forgot, isn't this the injury caused by going to Jiang's house that day? "

As soon as the words came out, many ladies on the field looked at Jiang Sesu gloatingly.

The news about the division made everyone in the capital laugh and talk for several days.

Jiang Sesur also remembered who this girl was, and it turned out to be Mrs. Zhang's distant cousin.

Since Mrs. Zhang was disgusted by Princess Huayang, their Zhang family has withdrawn from the capital circle, and they are not eligible to come to the state banquet now.

 Today's Wenda was only released at night, so I'm sorry everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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