Chapter 142
The birth date of the fifth princess can be checked by outsiders, it is something that the palace dare not reveal too much.

Immediately, the attitudes of the concubines became exciting. If Jiang Tangshui really figured it out by himself, could it be that the fifth princess is a scourge?

How could Concubine Shu not know what these people were thinking, that's why she took the initiative to recognize them, otherwise it would be even more difficult to explain when Concubine Zheng had to compare them one by one.

"Tell me, who did you bribe, that it's the fifth princess's birthday?" Concubine Shu said coldly, condemning Jiang Tangshui as such a swindler.

The Jiangtang sailor in the center of his line of sight clenched tightly, and he glanced gloomily across Jiangse's neck.

Good job, it's because he underestimated Jiang Sesur too much. He said that people should look at each other with admiration for three days, and if they don't see Jiang Sesur for three years, it's more than admiration?
But how did she know that she would make trouble in this way?
How could he have thought that Jiang Sesu had already experienced similar moves, so it was easy to prepare in advance.

But now that the crisis is ahead, Jiang Tangshui can't tolerate Jiang Sesur's affairs anymore.

"Damn me, it's because I'm not good at technology, I made a mistake, and it's my fault that I hurt the reputation of the fifth princess, I beg you to punish me."

One sentence was said by Jiang Tangshui and hated him in his heart.

Concubine Shu is unwilling to let Jiang Tangshui go, if she doesn't explain clearly today, it will be Ning'er who will be in trouble in the future!

"Don't think that you can cover up the past with a word of lack of skill, tell the truth!" Concubine Shu grabbed the wine glass in hand and threw it at Jiang Tangshui's head, making him stagger and still not relieved.

Jiang Tangshui pursed his mouth tightly, his fingers on the ground, and stared at Jiang Sesur from the corner of his eye.

"Since Mr. Jiang made a mistake, can it prove that the minister's wife has nothing to do with this disaster?" Jiang Sesur received the other party's eyes, and looked back without fear.

"Yes, it's really irrelevant." Jiang Tangshui could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. Even if she was so powerful, she let her escape this time, and next time she would kneel down and beg herself.

Jiang Sesu got the answer she wanted, and her eyebrows and eyes frowned.

The compassionate monk lowered his eyelids calmly. This lady is so powerful, she turned her back in just a short while, and forced the other party to have nowhere to go.

Concubine Xian, who had nothing to do with the incident, chewed on melon seeds, looking at this and that with a smile on her eyes.

It's really a big show, I really don't know if Queen Fu can take the opportunity to get rid of some bad things.

"My minister is willing to do the calculation again in order to atone for the crime." Jiang Tangshui kowtowed vigorously. He has never suffered today's humiliation since he walked the rivers and lakes.

"Shut up! Does this palace need you to make up for it?" Concubine Shu scolded coldly, who knows what he will figure out.

Instead, she looked at Empress Fu aggrievedly, "Your Majesty, I see that this great master is out to embarrass us. Today is the wedding ceremony for the fifth princess. He first talked nonsense that the fifth princess was destined to be married, and now he is holding five What is the horoscope about the princess' birthday?"

Concubine Shu became more and more sad as she talked, and knelt on the ground, as if she would not get up unless Jiang Tangshui was punished.

"I see, it's better to give the Grand Master a chance, after all, he is the one His Majesty likes." Concubine Zheng supported her stomach and stopped Empress Fu.

As soon as the word "Your Majesty" came out, some spectators were immediately intimidated.

Concubine Shu clenched her fingers tightly, it was Concubine Zheng who colluded with this great national teacher to frame her if they were not in order.

"Fortune-telling is inherently unpredictable, even if you make a few mistakes, it's understandable." Empress Fu didn't let anyone see what she was thinking, but just smoothed things over lightly.

"Your Majesty!" Concubine Shu wanted to say something unwillingly, but she had already received a warning look from Empress Fu, so she had to sit back again.

The fifth princess standing next to her had her hands in her cuffs. She looked at Jiang Tangshui with contempt. A gangster dared to plot against her.

Suddenly she looked at Jiang Sesur who was honestly kneeling on the ground with interest. From her perspective, she could only see that Jiang Sesur's eyelashes were like two small fans, and her forehead was full and smooth.

The fifth princess looked at it and felt evil. Would it be nice to let such a delicate beauty peel the walnuts for her with bare hands?

The person involved, Jiang Sesu, just knelt on the ground.

This has already involved the contention between the two major factions. Presumably Jiang Tangshui and Concubine Zheng have a good relationship. Executing Jiang Tangshui is slapping Concubine Zheng in the face.

He didn't expect to bring down Jiang Tangshui this time, but it was impossible for him to leave so easily.

"Your Majesty, since Mr. Jiang's calculation is wrong, why don't you let the compassionate monk do the calculation again, so that the imperial concubine can feel at ease."

The soft female voice seemed to have no deterrent effect, but it attracted the attention of several people at the same time.

Concubine Zheng supported her head with one hand and thought for a while and said, "The last time I saw you, I didn't ask who you belong to, but now I remember that you should be the granddaughter of the Qin family, right?"

The flower anchor on her forehead is beautiful and dazzling, reflecting different beauty according to the light and heavy accent of the master's speech.

"The Qin family is the only blood left in the capital. It's really different."

With that said, Concubine Zheng leaned lazily on the back of her chair, looking down at Jiang Sesur condescendingly, "Are you taking too much care, and now there is no Qin family to support you."

The coldness of the words approached Jiang Sesu, and Empress Fu drank tea quietly, turning a blind eye to the scene.

Jiang Sesu looked from afar, and she had sat in the position where Concubine Zheng was sitting now, and she sat more lazily and calmly than Concubine Zheng.

It's true that things are different, when she was sitting there in her previous life, Concubine Zheng's body must have stink.

"It's really the minister's wife who is worried about the fate of the country. She said too much for a while. The minister's wife is a little Mrs. Xie's family. How can she have the right to dictate to the royal family." Jiang Sesur lowered her eyes and spoke very humbly, but there was no panic in her tone .

She knelt on the ground like a white jade goddess, with a different kind of silence around her.

The fruit on the plate rolled down the table, Zheng Guifei's boots slowly stepped on it and crushed the disobedient fruit, she raised the corners of her mouth, such an arrogant Mrs. Xie.

While apologizing, she magnified the matter infinitely. If Concubine Zheng did not agree to fortune-telling today, wouldn't she become a sinner who didn't worry about the royal family.

"I have heard that you are eloquent in the past, and today I see that you are well-deserved of your reputation." Concubine Zheng turned her head to look at Empress Fu without a smile, "I will leave it to the Empress to decide whether to count or not."

Empress Fu smiled and nodded towards Concubine Zheng.

"Let me be the master. Let me listen to what Master Mercy said first." Empress Fu smiled kindly, and imitated the monk's appearance and practiced Buddhist etiquette.

"Amitabha, that old monk will do his best." The compassionate monk closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the center of the hall.

He coiled the beads in his hands until each one was smooth and shiny.

(End of this chapter)

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