Chapter 144 Can I Hug You?

Jiang Sese looked up at the other party's face that was even more annoyed because of the injury.

"I should have thought earlier, something must have changed in you." Jiang Tangshui sneered.

Since he returned to Beijing in advance, all the trajectory has changed, it's ridiculous that he thought he had the chance to win.

"So Jiang Sesur, what secret do you have?"

This sentence was said in a low voice, and Jiang Tangshui's black pupils stared at Jiang Sesur, not wanting to miss even the slightest movement of the other party.

Jiang Sesur calmly let him look at him, "Farewell."

The two words were spoken neatly, without giving Jiang Tangshui a chance to say anything more.

The purple skirt swayed in the air, and the golden silk thread embroidered with silver spring was particularly shining in the sun.

It wasn't until the person walked Xu Yuan that Jiang Tangshui pressed his brows with a headache.

When the queen's order reaches the Jiang family, it's unknown what kind of commotion it will cause.

As Jiang Tangshui expected, before he could escape from the palace, Queen Fu's order had arrived.

The little eunuch grabbed Jiang Caixue by himself, ignoring Jiang Caixue's struggle.

"Go back with the miscellaneous family, this is the order of the empress."

"No, I want to see Nangong Chen, I belong to the third prince, why do you take me away with such a mess of reasons?"

"Fuck!" The little eunuch felt annoyed, and spat directly on Jiang Caixue's face.

What, a concubine despised by the royal family dares to make a big deal in front of her.

Seeing this, another young eunuch also lost patience, and kicked Jiang Caixue's knee hard, causing him to fall to the ground in pain before dragging her out.

"Brother, save me! Mother!" Jiang Caixue cried heart-rendingly, she is not a scourge, let alone sacrifice.

"Xue'er!" Jiang Tangshui quickly jumped off the horse and helped Jiang Caixue up.

Seeing her in a mess, Jiang Tangshui's eyes flickered with gloom.

He barely held his temper, and handed a bag of silver to the two young eunuchs.

Now, the two little eunuchs relaxed a little.

"Listen to me, you only need to stay in the palace for two days. I have already made an agreement with the imperial concubine, and I will pick you up in two days." Jiang Tangshui whispered to Jiang Caixue's ear and told him carefully.

Jiang Caixue tugged at Jiang Tangshui's arm in fear, "Can't I not go?"

"Xue'er, don't be afraid, my brother will definitely save you." Jiang Tangshui frowned slightly, Jiang Caixue's grip was too tight, the long nails directly pinched his flesh, but he still endured it.

"It's time to go." The little eunuch rolled his eyes and turned Jiang Caixue's hand away again.

Jiang Caixue was angry and frightened, but only got into the car with Jiang Tangshui's reassurance.

The flower quilts belonging to Sanyueli in the inner courtyard of Xie's mansion were moved out, and the little maids shuttled around the small medicine fields wearing coarse cloths from work.

Jiang Sesur rubbed his knees, and kneeling on the cold ground in the palace really made people lose a pair of legs.

She was really only thinking about possible responses, completely forgetting that she is now a person who can only kneel and listen to others.

Next time you enter the palace, you must prepare knee pads in advance.

"Next time you enter the palace, prepare knee pads in advance."

The sudden weightlessness made Jiang Sesu hug that force subconsciously, and the moon-white silkworm brocade entered smoothly, and Jiang Sesur's fingers unconsciously climbed up the neck of the visitor.

She wondered in a daze how the words in her heart had been spoken out, and it was said in a voice she was very familiar with.

Raising her head slightly, she met a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes. The owner of the eyes seemed to be afraid of Jiang Sesur's resistance. At this moment, she pursed her lips and tentatively hugged her a little tighter and turned upside down.

The bead flower on Jiangse's head trembled.

"Can I hug you?" Xie Chengyun saw Jiang Sesur's hesitation, his eyes drooped, and his tone softened.

Jiang Sesur looked at his contrived appearance and his teeth were sour, and he endured for a long time before letting the other party go away.

She tilted her head and asked seriously, "If I say no, will you obediently put me down?"

Hearing this, Xie Chengyun's long arms circled tighter, "If I say no, can you let me hug you?"

Jiang Sesur:... Logical ghosts.

Seeing that Jiang Sesur didn't gnaw, Xie Chengyun stepped forward. He stared carefully at Jiang Sesur's face from the corner of his eye, making sure that the other party didn't show any impatient expression, and then quickly hugged her to the soft collapse.

Only a piece of cotton cloth was placed on the rug from which the fur had been removed, and the red webbing hung down to the ground.

The butt fell to the ground, and Jiang Sesur stretched his legs, still lying comfortably.

She pressed her fingers on her knee again, feeling a slight soreness.

I must have bruises on my knees, and I will have to apply ointment in a while.

As soon as this idea came to her mind, she saw that Xie Chengyun had already taken a box of ointment from her medicine shelf with ease.

He knelt down on one knee, looked straight at Jiang Sesu's legs, and opened the medicine box to give him medicine.

A pair of jade hands pressed on the back of Xie Chengyun's.

Jiang Sesur took the ointment in his hand, "I'll do it myself."

Just kidding, how can I let Xie Chengyun make an inch every day, I didn't stay here to let Xie Chengyun attack me.

Xie Chengyun glanced across the dim bimuyu in front of Jiangse's neck, his eyes darkened, and then stood up as if nothing had happened, "Then I'm going to the study."

After Jiang Sesur watched him leave, he called Qin Xin to take off his coat for himself.

Ah Fu was teasing the crickets outside, when he saw Xie Chengyun coming, he patted his outer shirt and stood up.

"Master, your books are all in the room." Suddenly, Ah Fu took a deep breath, "Hiss, master, why do you look so bad—"

"Very bad?" Xie Chengyun looked at him expressionlessly.

"Yeah." Ah Fu nodded, looking at Jiang Sesur's room with his head poking around.

Sure enough, as soon as he came out of the young lady's room, he was either overjoyed or sad.

Alas, the road to chasing a wife is long, relying on the wood of their young master can make it difficult.

"Master, where are you going?" Ah Fu, who had finished gloating, looked at Xie Chengyun suspiciously and went towards the bamboo forest.

The bamboo in the bamboo forest is still growing well, lush and green, with an elegant flavor.

Xie Chengyun walked alone to a place where there was no one, and then raised his hand, and the scent of Jiang Sesur still remained on the back of his hand.

He stared at that piece of skin for a long time, and gently covered it with the palm of his other hand.

The remaining warmth of the contact between the two made him stay for a long time, as if Jiang Sesur hadn't touched his hand for a long time.

She hasn't smiled at herself for a long time, and she hasn't even cared about her food and clothing for a long time.

How long has it been—

Xie Chengyun slowly put down his hands, it has been a full day.

One day I didn't touch hands and smile, and one day I didn't take the initiative to ask myself whether I was warm or not.

It turns out that this is what it feels like not to be taken seriously.

"Yo, have you heard about Lao Li?"

In the corner, two women chatted as they walked.

"I heard, isn't it that Lao Li's daughter-in-law went to her mother's house and returned home a day late after a long journey? She cried and made a lot of noise there. I thought Lao Li's daughter-in-law would not go back for a month!"

 The era of hard-talking Xie Chengyun has passed, and is about to enter the era of hard-talking Jiang Sesel.

  Jiang Sesur: It is completely impossible to be captured or something

(End of this chapter)

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