Diary of the Prince Regent's Favorite Wife

Chapter 162 I'm going to pick up Seth

Chapter 162 I'm going to pick up Seth

The deputy general reluctantly wanted to persuade him again, but the other party had already walked away in a big way, with half a bowl of spirits left on the table.

After leaving the barracks, Shen Cixi took out a weed from nowhere and put it in his mouth. He sat down on the ground casually, then raised his head in a daze.

The girl in the afternoon was Jiang Sesu, who he found out when he was holding her on the horse.

It is precisely because he can't always remember the faces of others, and it takes five or six times to recognize a person, so he is particularly sensitive to sounds and smells.

The unique herbal smell on Jiang Sesu's body is rare and comfortable.

But, why did she come to Guanya City?

Suspicious in her heart, Shen Cixi bit the weed hard, forget it, don't think about it, her husband is also around, and she can't let Jiang Sesu do things alone.

Shen Cixi rubbed his brows in annoyance, he had better hurry up to make arrangements for the garrison, if the supplies were not in time for today's World War I, it would be an unclear mess.

The evening wind caressed the person's face softly, and Jiang Sesu opened the window to let the moonlight slip in.

She has already washed, her body is clean and comfortable, she moved the chair and looked at the moon.

Xie Chengyun was downstairs in the street, the brown sugar in the inn was used up, so he came out to buy some.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Jiang Sesur's small head, and his heart suddenly softened.

"Let, let, let, let!" There were still some candle vendors on the street shouting.

Xie Chengyun finished shopping nearby, turned his head, his eyes fixed.

There was a trace of astonishment on his face, he hesitated for a moment, then he walked up.

The beggar in the crowd was walking staggeringly, he staggered against the wall and vomited on the ground.

Xie Chengyun raised his hand and pressed the opponent's shoulder.

The beggar trembled in fright and turned his head in confusion.

After seeing Xie Chengyun's face clearly, the beggar was completely stunned, followed by reddish eye sockets and stiff mouth corners.

He hurriedly pushed Xie Chengyun's hand away, and squeezed into the place where the crowd was the most.

"Qin Qinglu." Xie Chengyun lowered his voice and paused every word, his brows and eyes covered with frost.

Why would a dead person suddenly appear in Guanya City?

What hidden secrets and surprises were there in those years?

The veins on Xie Chengyun's forehead popped out, and he dragged Qin Qinglu to the inn involuntarily.

Qin Qinglu smiled sarcastically, he was no longer Qin Qinglu, and he shouldn't have lived in this world long ago.

"What is this young man going to do? I'm not your old friend." Qin Qinglu waved his hand, shrugging off the other party's pull with an expression of indifference.

In terms of skill, it is not that simple for Xie Chengyun to take him away.

"Surther is here too."

In a word, Qin Qinglu froze in place.

Thurse, is it the Thurse in his impression?That forever proud and lovely little sister.

"Why is Sesel here? Is someone bullying her!?" Qin Qinglu, who reacted, grabbed Xie Chengyun's collar angrily. Before he went out, he told Xie Chengyun to protect Jiang Sesel well. Why did Jiang Sesel still come? Guanya City.

Xie Chengyun didn't answer his question directly, but pulled out his collar expressionlessly, "So can you have a good talk with me now?"

After Xie Chengyun delivered the brown sugar to the shopkeeper first, the two found a hidden place to sit down.

After locking the door, Xie Chengyun sneered and punched Qin Qinglu.

Because Qin Qinglu was unguarded, this smile directly made him fall to the ground, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, he looked up at Xie Chengyun who was suddenly attacking him in astonishment.

"I want to ask why I came to beat you when we reunited after a long absence?" Xie Chengyun loosened his wrists, his expression indifferent.

"Look at how confused you are now, are you willing to be so sad and numb yourself for so long?"

"What do you know! What do you know!?" Qin Qinglu's eyes widened, and he stood up excitedly, his voice hoarse.

"You think I don't want to? The Qin family is all dead, all dead! If I go back, I'll throw myself into a trap, and he won't let me go. The Qin family is so pitiful. They let me survive like this. I don’t even have the courage, hahahaha…”

After Qin Qinglu finished laughing, he collapsed on the ground.

Didn't he never think about going back day and night, even if it was an assassination?
But the sky is big and the earth is big, the three words Qin Qinglu make it difficult for him to move forward.

Just trying to survive has exhausted all my efforts.

The scene of his father protecting him with flesh and blood back then is vivid in his memory. How many times he wanted to do everything he could to fight to the death, but he couldn't forget his father's last words.

"Lu Er, if you survive, it represents our generals of the Qin family, and the unique knowledge of the Qin family must not be lost. '

He hates, hates so much!
"You are indeed a wimp." Xie Chengyun picked up the other party, "As a woman, Sese desperately tried to reverse the case for the Qin family, but you obviously have the most evidence but you hide here and don't care about world affairs."

As he said that, he punched Qin Qinglu again in a puzzled manner.

Not only because of heartache for Qin Qinglu's self-abandonment, but also for those who do not want to give up on the Qin family.

Whether it is him or Jiang Sesur, including some friends of the Qin family, they are all working hard for the Qin family more or less.

And what about Qin Qinglu, who is the most direct member of the Qin family?If there is no way, do nothing.

Qin Qinglu closed his eyes dejectedly and let the other party vent.

He is indeed a wimp, and the only person in the world who can tell the truth for the Qin family's redress is himself, but he is living like a beggar because of some nonsense knowledge and some incense from the Qin family!
Tears streamed from the corners of his eyes, Qin Qinglu was knocked to the ground numbly, and he didn't return his hand even once.

Xie Chengyun stopped his movements.

Seeing the big movement, in fact there is no real injury at all, it's just that his face is hot.

"Go back with me and tell the whole story about the Qin family."

Hearing this, Qin Qinglu thought of something, he turned his dull eyes this time.

"You just said that Thurse is here, why, but someone bullied her and caused her to take refuge here? Could it be that Nangongchen didn't protect her? When Nangongchen was about to get engaged, he promised the Qin family that he would definitely take good care of Thurse. He How dare you go back on your word!?" Qin Qinglu jumped up and stared eagerly at Xie Chengyun's face.

The person in the world who makes me feel guilty and worried the most is Sese, who is no less sad and hopeless than herself, and she has to deal with the right and wrong of the capital alone.

Xie Chengyun subtly let go of his incomparably compelling aura just now, he cleared his cough, "Nan Gongchen did go back on his word, and married Se Se's second sister as his side concubine, and now he married a girl from the Cui family as his concubine."

Qin Qinglu collapsed and punched the stone table. Once Nangong Chen divorced, would the whole capital dare to marry Thurse?

This worldly woman not only has to be pointed out a lot if she can't get married, not to mention the Jiang family is such a good thing?First, it forced my sister-in-law to die in depression, but now how can she treat an orphan girl kindly.

"I'm going to pick up Seth, and I'll raise her for the rest of my life."

 Xie Chengyun: I'm sorry, you don't need to pick up Thurse, she is my wife now.

  Qin Qinglu:? ? ?I asked you to protect her, but you took my sister away?

(End of this chapter)

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