Chapter 309 Arrogant reply, we don't accept it!
However, based on past experience.

This kind of criticism and accusation from netizens is actually meaningless.

These institutions often have a sense of arrogance that ordinary people cannot understand.

It's like, my arrogance of "Chen has acted all his life, why should he explain to others".

Netizens questioned?

Regardless of!

Everyone condemns!

Do not ask!

How about next time?

It's still the same, never repent!
It's as if they are the real authority, and those who point and point on the Internet are just some nonsense guys, not worth mentioning at all!
There is one thing to say, this confidence is inexplicable, and it feels like shutting out one's own food and clothing parents.

In the past, there have been many situations in which awarding institutions have been questioned.

But without exception, the choices of these institutions are to close their eyes and listen.

No matter what kind of situation the public opinion has reached, what kind of consequences will it produce.

For them, these netizens are nothing more than 3 minutes of popularity.

Once the time passes, won't there be nothing left?
Therefore, when someone proposes to go to this institution to ask for clarification.

Immediately someone began to pour cold water on it.

"It's useless, they will definitely not reply."

However, these people were quickly slapped in the face.

This time the judges not only responded, but also very quickly.

The explanation content of hundreds of thousands of words seems to be edited in a second, and then uploaded directly.

"In response to many netizens' questions, regarding whether there is an inside story about not awarding the award to Ms. Bai Ling, this organization seriously makes the following explanation!"

"First, the announcement of the awards not only adopts the comprehensive traffic data of major websites, but also listens to the opinions of musicians in the authoritative circle, so as to conduct a comprehensive evaluation!"

"Second, most of Ms. Bai Ling's works "Under the Sea" and "Suffering" do not meet the requirements of this award, such as emotional value, social orientation, etc..."



"Finally, I hope that all netizens can treat this matter rationally and objectively, and don't become a sharp knife in the hands of some people with ulterior motives. Purifying the network environment is everyone's responsibility!"

When the relevant information was published, it immediately received a large number of page views.

After all, it was related to Bai Ling, so there was quite a lot of commotion about this matter.

But after reading this so-called statement, the incident showed no sign of subsiding, and even began to intensify.

First of all, this life seems to have explained it, but in fact it is still the same arrogant.

In some details, it reflects some sense of superiority.

For example, why must the award be awarded to Bai Ling?

What they refer to is not superficial data, but also passed the consideration of some authoritative people, and finally came to a conclusion.

In other words, those paper data are nothing compared to the words of this so-called 'anonymous' authoritative person.

It seems to be 'authoritative' and 'objective', but it actually tramples the actual voting rights of all audiences to the bottom.

As a work for the public, it is not enough to get the approval of the public, and it even needs to satisfy the preferences and aesthetics of these judges!
Even the importance of the latter should overwhelm the former in an all-round way, is this appropriate?

Is this reasonable?

As for the specific explanation given by the organization about Bai Ling's inability to win the award, it is even more nonsense.

What do you mean Bai Ling's works have no positive, positive value orientation and emotional value?
Bai Ling has written so many songs since his debut. Among them, are the works such as Invisible Wings and Youth Huaxia Talk not positive and positive?

Do you have to hold on to a song from the bottom of the sea?
Moreover, many of Bai Ling's works are also promoting traditional culture. Isn't this value-oriented?
What's even more ridiculous is that among the examples listed, the song "Suffering" actually encourages a girl who has lost her love to work hard to get out of sadness and despair and welcome a new life.

Such a piece of work is actually used as an example as a representative of not positive value orientation?
Many fans of Bai Ling saw a black question mark face on the spot after watching it.


Is this the judge's vision and understanding of the work?

Can this also be a judge?

They can do it too!

Besides, let's take a step back.

Even if the song Under the Sea cannot be nominated for an award, why did you choose this song for nomination in the first place?
Bai Ling's other works?

It's hard not to feel that the reviewers didn't do it on purpose.

Finally, the awards for a single work can be explained by this reason, so why are the best newcomer awards and best creation awards that are bound to the singer himself rather than the work, why are they not selected?

In short, most of Bai Ling's fans are completely unacceptable to this result.

"This explanation is better than an explanation!"

"Too many questions!"

"I can't accept this statement."

"It's still an inside story, it must be an inside story, it's almost a real hammer."

"Yeah, it's almost impossible to wash."

Many people even opened a special topic and posted it on the Internet on so many statements just now, which then aroused further discussions and rhetoric crusades.

However, this time the judges were not so calm.

Once related posts appear on the Internet, they will be reported and taken off the shelves for no reason and deleted.

The reaction and action are fast, and the top public relations team is probably no more than that.

Of course, what happened with these things were some people who didn't know whether it was the navy or really thought this explanation was quite reasonable.

"Didn't everyone give a reasonable explanation? You Bai Ling fans are still making trouble!"

"I don't think there is a problem with this explanation. There are only a few songs nominated, and these songs are indeed not qualified."

"I've said it all. It's not just the data of various clicks and broadcasts that are considered. The public is vulgar. It's really inappropriate to judge works of art just by looking at these."

"That's right, this matter should stop here, it will be ugly for Bai Ling's fans to continue to make trouble."

"How about this? I personally give Bai Ling's fans a face and present an award to Bai Ling? Hahaha!"

"It's really interesting to watch these NC fans mess around."

"At first I thought it was a little strange that Bai Ling didn't win the award, but after watching it, I didn't think there was anything wrong. These fans made me feel uncomfortable, and the road turned dark."

"I used to be a fan of Bai Ling, but now I'm a little bit annoyed. For such a big commotion, Bai Ling and her studio probably ended up personally."

"That's right, it's the first time I found out that Bai Ling's public relations team was so exaggerated, I began to doubt her previous achievements."

"Yeah, I feel like she just got the stats, that's why the judges didn't give the award!"

(End of this chapter)

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