Chapter 436 No domestic animated film?it's not right

After a whole movie, there are very few who can persist in watching it.

Most people see halfway, and then leave cursing.

There are also some people who want to get through this bad plot, and it will look better later.

I thought it was the end, but I didn't expect it to be the complete end of domestic animation.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave cursing.

Even those fans of domestic animation insisted on watching the movie and wanted to express some opinions to support it, but finally found out embarrassingly that they could not find any advantages.

Perhaps the only good thing about these movies is that they added a lot of customers to other movies in the same period.

But the reason why this group of people went to the cinema again and chose to watch anime movies was purely to support Bai Ling.

They are basically Bai Ling's true fans.

On weekdays, Bai Ling encouraged them a lot, and they also learned a lot from Bai Ling.

Now that other people's movies are released, it is still possible to spend a cigarette money to buy a movie ticket to support it.

As for the others, at most they are those with families, those with children, or those who simply like animation.

But compared with those who watch TV dramas, there are definitely not enough people of this kind.

The first batch of screenings began soon, and everyone sat in chairs and watched quietly.

To be honest, they still hoped that Bai Ling would bring a work that would catch their eyes.

After all, Bai Ling's strength is there. Even if she enters the animation film field with a very poor reputation, everyone believes that she can improve some things.

However, as the film was shown, everyone was surprised to find out.

Hey, this anime movie doesn't seem to be as bad as I imagined?
Want a plot, have a plot.

Want special effects, have special effects.

Even the dubbing is just right, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a high-quality movie.

Many people were attracted by the Monkey King in the story, and they all stared at the screen intently, for fear that they would miss one of the plots.

Those children didn't want to watch the movie at first, until the Monkey King on the screen danced the golden cudgel, they were attracted.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, they just fell into it.

He didn't even make a fuss, just sat quietly on the chair and watched with relish.

When they saw Sun Wukong beating monsters, they shouted excitedly: "Sun Wukong is so handsome!"

But usually at this time, their mother will warn them: "Hey, let's watch the movie quietly and don't disturb others."

Although the entire film lasted two hours, the people in the theater did not notice the passage of time at all. When the lights in the theater were turned on, the background music played at the end.

They realized: Oh, the original movie is over.

Soon, the first batch of viewers who finished watching "The Return of the Great Sage" had already left the theater.

Until now they can't accept the fact that the movie is over.

Because this film made by Bai Ling is really good-looking!
The blood is so hot that it explodes!
Why is there such a handsome Monkey King?

In the hearts of Chinese people, Sun Wukong is already a familiar existence that can no longer be familiar.

But the Monkey King that everyone sees in film and television works is always unsatisfactory.

I always feel that it's weird that those actors just can't play Monkey King's bohemian and chic.

But Bai Ling's film is different. The Monkey King in it really played out the Monkey King in the audience's mind.

Even though he is an anime character.

"Maybe everyone is born thinking that the world exists only for him, and when he finds out that he is wrong, he begins to grow up."

"I can't protect you in this life, but in the next life I will give you everything I have."

"If one day, you become strong enough and brave enough, you can control them."

"You forgot, the Monkey King will not die."

How could there be such a handsome Monkey King?

Rub it up!

Many people are talking about this film with their friends, and their tone is very excited.

As for those who came alone, they took out their phones and crazily told their friends Amway.

"Damn it, let me tell you, I found a treasure! This movie is so fucking good!"

"Wooooow, I'm crying! If there is a next life, I will also be the Monkey King."

"Climb over here quickly, let me watch this movie! Tickets please! Climb here quickly!"

"Hey, Zhang, don't stay in the room, hurry up and watch a movie! It's "The Return of the Great Sage". It's very good. If it's not good, I'll wash my hair with Coke on my head."

So, there really was a group of people who were fooled by their good friends to the cinema and went in to watch this movie.

They themselves are still skeptical.

Is this movie really as good as they say it is?
It's not that they don't know about animation movies, they haven't seen good-looking movies at all.

Why are they all saying that this is a pioneering work?

When they walked into the movie theater and came out of the movie theater, the expressions on their faces were completely different from when they went in.

It was an accident!It's a surprise!It's unbelievable!
Damn, the animation industry is going to change?
Does Bai Ling really rely on this movie to bring the entire animation industry to the top?
Their friends frantically asked them: "Is it? I'm right, isn't it very beautiful?"

They nodded frantically: "My brother, you really didn't lie to me, you just look good!"

At the same time, countless people began to express their views on the Internet.

"I really recommend everyone to watch this movie! It's completely different from what I imagined! This movie is definitely worth your ticket price!"

"I never blindly recommend movies to others, but the movie "The Return of the Great Sage", to be honest, I really can't stand it anymore, I have to recommend it! It's so good!"

"If the total score for the movie is [-], then I will give "The Return of the Great Sage" [-] points! It deserves this score! Bai Ling is simply yyds!"

"Who hasn't seen it yet? Subtract a 1 below, I invite you to watch it!"

"Do you know this feeling? I finally realized my childhood dream, woo woo woo, I'm so touched."

There are a lot of film reviews about "The Return of the Great Sage" on the Internet, but those who go to the cinema to watch this film are, after all, a minority.

Most people are still on the sidelines.

Their mentality is pretty much the same. They think that even if your anime movie is good-looking, where can it be better?
It's just that they didn't decide which movie to watch, so they chose to wait and see.

Unexpectedly, many comments about "The Return of the Great Sage" suddenly appeared on the Internet, and the comments were all particularly good.

At first, everyone thought it was Bai Ling who specially organized the navy to brush.

But when they saw more and more people commenting, especially when there were many people who could never become sailors, they were a little surprised.

Is this anime movie really that good?

Apart from the fact that Bai Ling may have participated in the creation of the plot, there is nothing outstanding about it. How did it happen?
If they can't figure it out, they can't figure it out at all.

But what they don't know at all is that the script is the key, this is the first, the animation team and the special effects team's intentions are also very important, this is the second, these two are enough.

And the group of black fans on the Internet wanted to see Bai Ling's liveliness and jokes.

Unexpectedly, this movie was unexpectedly popular, and the voice of Amway and publicity on the Internet gradually became the mainstream.

So much so that there was no place for them online for a while.

As a last resort, they could only sigh lightly and withdraw from the stage very helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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