Dressed as an actress and was raped by the Internet?A song from the bottom of the sea to the top

Chapter 516 The box office achievement of [-] million has been achieved again!

Chapter 516 The billion-dollar box office achievement has been achieved again!

For them, the romantic love story between White Snake and Xu Xian in the movie attracted them deeply and they could not extricate themselves.

Just kidding, the money you spend on a movie ticket can be exchanged for watching this movie three or four times. It’s really worth it!

Finally, "The Origin of the White Snake" came to the last day before it was removed from the shelves.

The background also statistics the data in a timely manner.

The final box office of this movie was one billion.

When other people saw it, they might be shocked and unbelievable.

But in Bai Ling's opinion, this result is just average.

It's not that she was in Versailles, she was just telling the truth.

Because this is not her first anime movie.

The first animated movie was "The Return of the Great Sage", which had a final box office of 12 billion.

It's a full [-] million higher than "The Origin of the White Snake".

So after seeing this result, Bai Ling didn't have much trouble in his heart.

As calm as a pool of autumn water.

But she also felt vaguely proud.

After all, the movie ticket price this time is deeply discounted.

The number of moviegoers has increased a lot.

Although the final box office failed to surpass "The Return of the Monkey King", the gold content of this box office is extremely high.

Other staff members were very excited after seeing it.

They could not have imagined that in such a sluggish atmosphere for animated movies, they could still get a billion box office.

Isn't it burning incense or something?
Bai Ling is really a genius!
Well-deserved genius!
At this moment, there are no words in the world that can describe their admiration for Bai Ling.

Because Bai Ling has already stood at a height that cannot be looked up to.

Using any words to praise her will only appear to belittle her.

The fact that "The Origin of the White Snake" grossed one billion at the box office was quickly reported by the media on the Internet.

All of a sudden, it attracted many netizens to come and watch.

In fact, everyone is quite concerned about this issue, because all of my friends have gone to see this movie.

The cinema was even more crowded, and everyone was rushing to see Bai Ling's movie.

So everyone is also curious, how much box office will Bai Ling's "The Origin of White Snake" achieve in the end?
When they saw one billion, they all took a breath of cold air.

It wasn't the billion number that shocked them.

After all, it is very common now for a movie to have a box office of over one billion, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

They were shocked that Ghost could still reach a box office of one billion despite setting such a cheap ticket price.

It's so terrifying.

Everyone can't help but think about this question: If Bai Ling's movie ticket prices were not discounted, would the final box office be higher?

The answer is undoubtedly yes.

However, it is certainly something worth celebrating that Bai Ling's movie can achieve such a luxurious result.

You know, before Bai Ling set foot in the field of animation movies, no one was optimistic about this type of movie.

What was filmed was based on the defense, and many people didn't even have the courage to finish watching it.

Occasionally there will be a director, a blind cat meets a dead mouse, and by luck, he makes an anime movie that caters to the market.

But it was just a flash in the pan, and soon fell silent.For so many years, anime movies have been in a state of limbo.

Experienced directors are reluctant to shoot, and new directors are afraid to shoot.

However, the relevant departments do not want this field to disappear from the public eye, and will still provide a certain amount of financial support every year.

High-quality movies didn't support it, but they did support a group of vampires.

Squatting in a manhole without taking a shit not only benefits oneself, but also further hinders the development of animation movies.

However, when Bai Ling came, the situation became different.

She almost single-handedly brought anime movies back into the public eye.

And tell everyone: what are excellent animation movies and what are the animation movies that everyone loves to watch.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize and wake up: Oh~ so anime movies can still be made like this?

It turns out that it’s not that they don’t like watching anime movies, but that the previous anime movies were too trashy.

Even if you switch to other types, you will still be disappointed.

This has nothing to do with the subject matter.

The first "The Return of the Great Sage" turned out, and people saw the hope of the rise of animated movies.

The second part, "The Origin of the White Snake", directly established this fact.

Bai Ling, this magical woman, single-handedly saved the animation and film industry.

Those true fans of anime movies lamented: "Finally, it is no longer a flash in the pan, sit-ups. Anime movies, this long-sleeping lion, is finally standing up!"

Yes, the unprecedented prosperity of animation movies makes them very happy.

Now, with Bai Ling's promotion, more and more directors should want to try this theme.

There will be more and more interesting anime movies on the market for them to choose from.

So for them, it's like New Year's Eve.

But there are always two sides to a coin.

When a thing is liked by many people, it will inevitably attract some opposition and even disgust.

Some people who claim to be "senior Japanese comic lovers" criticize indiscriminately.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see their purpose at a glance.

On the surface, it shouts the slogan of "maintaining the authenticity of animation and expelling bad animation", but in fact it is a dog that worships foreigners and favors foreigners.

They claimed that Bai Ling did not understand the aesthetics of animation at all, and they wanted to teach Bai Ling a good lesson.

"No, let me tell you, there are still a lot of people touting this anime? Did Bai Ling spend money to buy it, or have you never seen a really good anime?"

"Are you so poor in aesthetics? In front of Sakura Animation, can the stuff Bai Ling shoots be called anime?"

"Childish! Vulgar! Unsightly! I don't even understand how such a work can pass the review? It's simply unreasonable."

"I couldn't help but watch the trailer yesterday. Oh my god, it hurt my eyes! Fortunately, Riman was there and helped me ease the pain."

"In this world, I only recognize one kind of animation, and that is Japanese comics! What Bai Ling shot is a complete pile of garbage, and I will not accept refutation!"

"It seems that these people who are applauding have never read Japanese comics. Come on, I will recommend some to you. Take a look."

"These Japanese comics are really the best! I really like them. If anyone hasn't read them, I will explode."

These people are like a huge organization, suddenly appearing in every corner of the Internet.

They all used the same banner to launch a criticism of Bai Ling animation.

Those fans who support the Ghost movie are certainly not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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