Chapter 518: Draw lots, form teammates, what a fate!

Is this talent really something that humans can possess?

But Bai Zihao was also happy at the same time. Fortunately, Bai Ling was not someone else, but his sister.

It can be said that I am extremely honored to have such an outstanding sister.

Immediately, Bai Zihao said on the other end of the phone: "No problem, strong support! Let alone two works, even if it is ten works, I will definitely go all out!"

Hearing this, Bai Ling smiled.

If it wasn't too sci-fi, ten works wouldn't be impossible.

But she just thought about this in her mind and did not say it out loud.

"By the way, how's your game team doing now?"

"It's good. My game team is already running naturally. I don't have to worry at all, and I don't have to worry so much. I have enough energy to help your career."

When they said this, both of them couldn't help laughing.

After arguing for a while, Bai Ling hung up the phone.

With Bai Zihao's help, he indeed saved himself a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, just finding a reliable production company would be enough for you.

The most important thing is that he will not worry at all if he leaves this matter to Bai Zihao.

She firmly believed that Bai Zihao's ability could definitely complete these tasks well.

The new work has been explained, the auditions for "Ode to Joy" have ended, and the initial filming stage will soon begin.

So for now, nothing will happen without Bai Ling.

It happened that the new episode of "How Sister Was Made" was about to be recorded, so Bai Ling made preparations and went to the scene with Miaomiao.

Since this is the fourth episode of the program, the audience is relatively familiar with the program's process, so this time, the program team decided to make a small innovation.

This time the program requires two people to work in groups to perform a chorus or joint performance.

Of course, one person singing and the other dancing can be considered a joint performance.

There are so many combinations, it all depends on how you choose.

However, this selection is not a free choice, because in that case it is likely to achieve the opposite effect.

For example, if someone wants to be in a group with someone, but that person doesn't want to be in a group with her, many conflicts will arise.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary wars, the program team decided to use lottery to determine the groups of sisters.

The lot chosen for selection is actually made of bamboo.

It was painted with various designs and dropped in an opaque box.

Of course, the patterns on every two lots are the same. Two sisters who draw the same pattern form a group.

When Xiaoming announced this rule in front of the stage, more than 20 sisters became restless.

Everyone was very excited and wondered who they would be with.

Because the sisters who come here to participate in the recording of the program are all very talented. Everyone is good at singing and dancing, and they have countless talents.

No matter who forms a team with whom, they can create different sparks.

Moreover, most of the sisters have never really collaborated with each other, let alone performed on the same stage.

So everyone is very excited and at the same time looking forward to which sister they will form a small team with.

Of course, Bai Ling is no exception. She is also a little curious about which sister she will cooperate with.

However, these can only be "resigned to fate". Bai Ling came to the box in order and drew his lot.

"Uh, is this a giant panda?"

On the sign in Bai Ling's hand, he saw a naive giant panda holding a bamboo and chewing on it.

The whole body is sitting on the ground, plump and very cute.She looked up and looked around again, trying to see which sister had won the other lottery ticket with a giant panda.

At this time, all the sisters present had finished drawing, and everyone was running back and forth with great interest, trying to find the sister with the same pattern as themselves.

"Hey, what's your pattern? Mine is a marmot."

"I'm not. Mine is the moon. Which sister is the moon? Come on!"

"Mine is a star, but there is no moon above me. It's such a pity. I really want to perform on stage with you."

"Are you also a golden monkey? Wow, you really are! We are on the same team!"

"Really? That's so lucky! I've wanted to form a team with you for a long time! It seems that we are quite destined."

Everyone is in a state of joy and busyness.

Some people cheered for finding their companions, while others were still running around, trying to find their teammates hidden in the crowd.

Bai Ling was a bit unlucky, she belonged to the latter.

She took the "panda" sign and searched for a long time, but still couldn't find it.

It's really strange. There are obviously only 22 sisters here, but when I looked for them, there seemed to be as many as [-] sisters.

His "other half" seemed to be missing, disappearing into the crowd.

Just when Bai Ling was thinking about who else he hadn't found, Qin Lu walked up.

"How's it going? Did you find it?"

"Not yet, how about you?"

"I do not have either."

Hearing this, Qin Lu's eyes widened instantly.

"No way, is it really such a coincidence? Take out your signature and take a look."

Bai Ling stretched out the sign in his hand, and Qin Lu also handed it over.

I saw two identical giant pandas, both sitting on the ground quietly chewing bamboo.

"It's really you! It seems that we are really destined!"

Qin Lu was extremely excited after learning that Bai Ling was in a group with him.

In her eyes, Bai Ling has now become an idol-level existence.

Not to mention how happy I am to be in the same group as my idol.

"I asked why I couldn't find my teammates, but it turned out to be you."

"Hey, we have been missing each other. You have been looking over there, and I have been looking here. It would be strange to find each other."

Qin Lu had a pretty good personality. As soon as he said this, they both burst into laughter.

At the same time, Qin Lu sat down next to Bai Ling, discussing what show he would perform later or what kind of song he would sing together.

"How's it going? Do you have anything in mind?"

Qin Lu touched Bai Ling's arm and asked curiously.

For things like songs, she definitely had no reason to follow Bai Ling.

After all, Bai Ling's musical talent is obvious to all.

Although I also have some musical talent, if I want to show it in front of Bai Ling, it would be a bit like "dancing a sword in front of Guan Gong" or "doing the same thing".

Besides, Bai Ling is now Qin Lu's idol.

She must listen to her idol.

Bai Ling raised his little head and was thinking seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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