Chapter 93 Stop, She Shouldn't Be Bearing This

At this moment, Bai Ling felt an unprecedented disappointment.

Even after being suppressed by Xinghui Company, even if Bai Rou made a move.

Bai Ling has never been so disappointed as he is today.

This drama is not only related to herself, but also to countless immature hands and countless longing eyes.

Now, hope is completely shattered.

Bai Ling felt a sense of weakness all over his body.

Recalling the laziness and relaxation of the past, Bai Ling was a little annoyed and helpless.

Who made her this fate?

"Sure enough, it's still a copy of hell after all..."

Ouyang sighed, "I'll think of a way, I'll ask my family, maybe..."

Although his family has some background, it's hard to say whether he can help in this matter.

Therefore, Ouyang didn't dare to guarantee it.

Bai Ling nodded, "Okay, that's going to be a lot of hard work for you."

"By the way, Ouyang..."

"Anyway, thank you, you are my good brother."

Ouyang nodded, "Let's do this first. I'll let you know if there's any news."

At this time, he was completely different from usual.

It was also difficult for Ge Fenfen to adapt to this situation, "I'll go first too, I'll think about it and see if I can find a solution!"

"Bai Ling, don't give up, there is still a chance!"

Bai Ling also thanked Sister Ge, and then personally sent Sister Ge to leave.

Time passed unconsciously, and the abuse on the Internet did not know how many layers were stacked.

Those fans of Bai Ling, and those who really like the show of Princess Princess are also constantly fighting and working hard.

However, they are in vain after all.

The voice of the masses may seem loud, but it is actually very small.

Even a large number of rehabilitative cases have been suppressed inexplicably, and there are not many waves at all.

As for the so-called legitimate means and legal means, that is even more empty talk.

Is it necessary to seize the IPs of all the sailors one by one?

Is it necessary to launch a clean net campaign?
I'm sorry, let alone a small star like Bai Ling, even the king of heaven and the queen of heaven, it is difficult to have such ability and influence.

Capital is always above everything else.

This is an eternal topic.

If you want to stand up, there is only one choice, to become capital!
It's a pity that Bai Ling's plan to invest in his younger brother Bai Zihao is still in progress, and it's not yet time to reap the rewards.

However, things will eventually turn around.

When Bai Ling was suffering, Zhoujiacun, Zhoujiacun Primary School.

Teacher Zhang Ruchun browsed the information with her old computer, which was usually used for class preparation.

Teacher Zhang Ruchun's eyes turned red when he saw the constant insults and ridicule.

She looked to her side, and there was an agreement on the table on the other side.

She realized that she should do something.

So, she picked up the phone.

This mobile phone, which has been used for many years and can only be used for making calls, is the first time she has turned on the video recording function.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Ruchun, an ordinary teacher."

"Today, I want to talk to you about something, no, no, talk about someone."

"I've never seen such a kind girl who brought hope to all of us."

It seems that it is the first time to record a video, talking about an important thing face to face.

Zhang Ruchun's eyes were a little unnatural, but when she saw the agreement, her eyes became firmer.

Picking up the agreement with those rough hands seems to have power.

Teacher Zhang Ruchun continued, "What I want to talk about is Bai Ling, a singer and an actor!"

"My intersection with her was on the show. At that time, she said a word, a strong youth makes a country strong."

"I think everyone should have an impression."

"I thought it might be the only time I met her in my life, but I didn't expect that later, her agent found me and brought me an agreement."

While talking, Teacher Zhang Ruchun put the front of the agreement in front of the camera.

There are a few words written on it.

Donation agreement!

Opening the contract, the handwriting on it may not be clear because of the mobile phone. Teacher Zhang Ruchun said with a bit of a bitter smile, "I wonder if everyone can read it clearly."

"Let me read it to everyone..."

"This is a donation contract. Ms. Bai Ling, in her own name, personally donated 200 million yuan to Zhoujiacun Primary School."

"In addition, all the personal dividends from the upcoming TV series "Prince Concubine's Promotion" will also be donated to Zhoujiacun Primary School. I hope that Zhoujiacun Primary School can be turned into a place where all children in the nearby villages can attend. Schools, if there are students whose conditions are so difficult that they cannot go to higher education."

"This money will also be used to sponsor students for further education and to cover subsequent tuition and fees."

When he said this, Teacher Zhang Ruchun's voice trembled a little.

"This is the first time our primary school has received donations. Here, I am on behalf of dozens of children. Thank you, Ms. Bai Ling."

"To be honest, the maintenance of the school is not easy, and the various expenses are not small."

"Although the school is small and dilapidated, it's not a big deal. I can still persist. Every extra year of persistence can help children in this village and several nearby villages go to school for a few more years."

"However, my strength is small and weak."

"Even if I can get them to go to school, I can't make them go to school all the time."


"Over the past ten years, I clearly remember 56 children crying and saying to me, Teacher Zhang, I don't want to work, I don't want to herd cattle, I want to continue studying."

"They were all children, the youngest I remember was eight years old."

"His parents are gone, as is his grandma. There is only one grandpa in his 70s. He has good grades, is very well-behaved, and is very sensible."

"He wants to go to school, but he can't."

"I still remember that he came to say goodbye to me crying and said he would never forget my kindness."

"But my heart aches, I'm thinking, why am I so incompetent, why do I have to watch all this."

"They're all kids, what's wrong with them?"

"Is it true that poor people are not qualified to choose their own lives?"

Shaking the agreement in his hand, Zhang Ruchun's eyes were already full of hot tears.

At this moment, she was not looking at the camera in front of her eyes, nor the agreement in her hand.

But the path outside the window.

That is the back view of the children who have witnessed countless times leaving in despair.

When she dreamed back at midnight, she would be silent by her bedside.

"I heard that Bai Ling once wanted to study and had a dream. Perhaps only she can understand the helplessness and helplessness of these children."

"So, I implore everyone who can see this video, please stop."

"Stop cursing Bai Ling, she shouldn't have to bear this."

 The last few chapters have been a bit difficult, and I seem to be a bit depressed

(End of this chapter)

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