Chapter 104 Getting Rich by Selling Zerg (21)

Lin Ge stopped wiping his hand.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have never cared about the transgender bracelet on his wrist.

"There's no electricity."

She murmured, but didn't care.

It doesn't matter if her real gender is male or female.

If you are discovered, you will be discovered, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

In the past, the original owner was not strong enough to prevent the original owner from becoming a tool and slave of the Lin family.

Lin Hanwen spent a lot of money to make this gender-changing bracelet for the original owner.

It's different now.

She is not a weak chicken like the original owner, she has the strength to protect herself, so she doesn't care what other people think.

Feel confident, that's Lin Ge.

Lin Ge didn't care anymore.

But at the moment when the bracelet was completely out of power.

Duan Ling is not well.

He widened his blue eyes, which were full of disbelief, and stared at her.

" are a girl?!"

Duan Ling's whole body was burning, as if seeing the blue sky through the clouds.

His heart throbbed, beating slowly, and then gradually speeding up.

A dreamlike sense of unreality welled up in my heart.

"You lied to me?"

He didn't blink his eyes, clenched his fists so tightly that his nails couldn't help but dig into his flesh.

It seemed that he could wake up from the dream only after he confirmed whether it was true or not.

Lin Ge didn't answer.

She lowered her eyebrows and took off the dead bracelet, took out a charger from Lao Hei's belly, and connected it to the watchdog for charging.

After she was done, she slowly raised her head and looked at Duan Ling.

"Did I say I'm not a woman anymore?"

Duan Ling was slightly taken aback.


She never said it.

But what do you say?
At this time, the sky was bright, and the white light of the morning sprinkled on the girl's face, as white as snow.

Her short, fluffy hair has grown to waist length.

Amber's fiery long hair is curly, and the girl's whole face is as beautiful as a doll. A pair of dark eyes exaggerate the starlight, like the reflection of the Milky Way, attracting people's attention.

Duan Ling's eyes reflected her girlish appearance.

For some reason, the inexplicable possession that had been suppressed suddenly grew like a flame at this moment.

His blue eyes suddenly became dark, and he subconsciously leaned forward towards her.

"You really didn't say it, but Lin Ge, you really surprised me. I suddenly became interested in you."

The young man's crisp voice was as gentle as a spring breeze, whispering like a lover's whisper.

Lin Ge's long legs were bent, his palm-sized face was propped on his elbow, and he looked at him with a teasing smile.

"You're interested in me just because I changed my personality? I remember that you ignored my cuteness before. It's very fickle."

Duan Ling: "..."

If you don't say it, we are still good friends.

How did he know she was a woman back then, so he thought something was wrong with him, and he was ready to see a psychiatrist!

Now he really wants to knock this woman unconscious and erase her memory!
Of course this is not realistic.

After all, with his sick body, he couldn't beat Lin Ge.

At this time, Duan Ling was stared at by those thick black eyes, and his heart beat more and more violently.

A sense of joy and excitement spread through his limbs.

He saw that the girl's red lips were curving and shining with luster.

He subconsciously raised his hand and touched it.

Duan Ling was deeply attracted by the touch from his fingertips, and his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling for a moment.

Lin Ge slapped his hand away.

"Don't move your hands and feet."

Duan Ling blinked, tilted his head slightly, and looked innocent.

"I'm here to see something in your mouth."

Lin Ge almost rolled his eyes.

I believe you a ghost!
She didn't bother to talk to him, and was going to find a cleaner place to squat for a while.

After all, she was also tired for two days, very tired.

As for the mercenaries, after sweeping the tail, they rushed to report.

These dozen or so people and the violent humanoid giant ape screamed and rushed to kill the Zerg when they saw the Zerg.

It can be seen that they were really irritated by those few people who were raised by humans.

Who can bear the fact that humans of the same race are raised by the alien beasts and zerg as food?
Zerg are now cleared away.

The mercenaries just came to report to the young master and wanted to ask what to do next.

As a result, the young master didn't see it, but saw a girl who looked very similar to the young master.

The girl was dressed in a dark blue uniform, tall and slender, and her appearance was so beautiful that she didn't look like a real person.

The men who watched all stared.

Duan Ling frowned slightly, and stood in front of Lin Ge.

"doing what?"

Seeing Duan Ling's unkind eyes, the mercenaries scratched their heads as if regaining consciousness.

This master is stronger than them, and they dare not provoke him.

"Sorry, this... who is this lady? Where is the young master?"

The mercenaries looked around, trying to find out where Lin Ge was.

Lin Ge pushed Duan Ling away, stepped out to the side, and exposed the person.

She brows lightly and said: "Don't look, I'm Lin Ge, you go to rest for a while after cleaning up, and when Murray comes, clean up and go to Weixi Star."

The mercenaries were all stunned.


Wen Yi stood in front with a look of shock and disbelief.

Lin Ge was too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

"Things happen for a reason, hurry up and we will start after repairing, hurry up!"

Seeing that Lin Ge was really impatient.

The mercenaries were shocked to accept the fact that the young master had become a young lady.

The mercenaries went down to rest. They were also tired, and fell asleep on the ground.

Lin Ge also recharged his batteries.

When she woke up, it was already afternoon.

Duan Ling woke up earlier than her, and sat beside her early.

Seeing that she woke up, she didn't know where to find new nutrients.

This time it tastes the same as what she drank last time.

Lin Ge took it and put it in his mouth.

After tasting the same flavor, she held the nutritional supplement in her mouth and said vaguely, "I don't pick the flavor."

Duan Ling nodded and didn't say much.

Coincidentally, Murray also brought someone here.

They seemed to be in good spirits, as they had taken turns to rest on the spaceship.

Murray obviously knew the fact that Lin Ge himself was the young lady.

He stepped forward quickly and bowed in front of Lin Ge.

"Miss, there is not enough space in the spaceship. We piled up some low-quality Zerg corpses in Area 2, and the high-quality Zerg has been put into the warehouse."

Lin Ge nodded, looked around and said, "Can I put these in Area 6? If not, try to make some space. If you really can't take them, forget it."

She strode towards the spaceship.

"Release a small spaceship, and I'm going to Vixi Planet."

Murray was startled, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss, I received some news earlier that Weixi Planet is a bit chaotic, and it may be dangerous for you to go now."

Lin Ge raised his hand, "It's okay, do as I say, and I'll take care of it. After you clean up the place, find a hidden place to wait for orders. Don't be discovered by people from the academy and the military."

Knowing that he couldn't change Miss's mind, Murray could only sigh and nod.

Duan Ling was worried and planned to go with her.

In the end, Lin Ge rejected him.

(End of this chapter)

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