Chapter 106 Get Rich by Selling Zerg (23)

Murray followed Lin Ge and took notes one by one.

After Lin Ge boarded the Gemu Technology Airship, Murray made sure that the lady had nothing else to ask, and immediately left to make arrangements.

Murray contacted the college first, but Lin Ge didn't care about how to talk about it.

Lin Ge went to find Duan Ling.

Before entering the medical room, she asked the watchdog to scan Duan Ling's physical condition.

【This kid has good physical symptoms. It looks like a new type of medical cabin, which has the effect of suppressing that thing in his brain. 】

[Mechanics and therapists in the low-level world, combined with the equipment produced, the final result is not bad. ] The watchdog gave a little thumbs up.

Lin Ge was satisfied.

"It seems that the effect of this equipment is good, but the conditions are limited, and it is not easy to achieve this level."

[Yes, master, on the mother planet, this medical cabin is completely an outdated product, and it is still incomparable with the things on our mother planet. 】The mechanical voice of the watchdog is a little arrogant.

Lin Ge thought it was funny, ignored it and continued walking inside.

Duan Ling probably didn't know it, and inadvertently, he was their guinea pig.

The moment Lin Ge appeared at the door of the medical room.

When she saw the staff guarding Duan Ling, she didn't know why, but she always felt that he was a little teary.

She came back after only going out for a day, so there is no need to be so moved, right?
Lin Ge looked inside.

The man was lying in the medical cabin, his complexion much better than when she left.

Duan Ling is very alert.

Even across the medical cabin, it will reduce the perception of mental power.

Duan Ling quickly opened his eyes before she approached.

His blue eyes reflected the beautiful face of the young girl, and an unknown fire rose from the bottom of his heart.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Ge, you... are fine."

"I know I'm fine."

Lin Ge stepped forward and said with a light smile, "What? Are you doing well here?"

She reached out and touched the medical cabin.

"This is the latest medical cabin equipment that has not yet been launched in the entire interstellar world. As the No.1 user after it is about to be launched, are you unhappy?"

Duan Ling turned his head angrily, feeling that he was indeed much better, so he pressed the button to open the cabin.

The curved glass cover opens slowly.

Duan Ling sat up from inside and looked directly at Lin Ge.

"It's nothing high or unhappy. I was just worried about your accident before. Now that I'm back safely, I'm afraid your matter has been settled."

Lin Ge nodded and called the medical team who were already waiting outside to come in.

"Give him a final check. If it's all right, let's go back to the academy first."

"Okay lady."

These people were not surprised by Lin Ge's change, and it was obvious that Murray had done some ideological work.

Duan Ling obediently cooperated with the physical examination.

He looked around and said, "You have all the preparations here. You have brand-new medical cabin equipment and the top medical team. You have already made plans."

Lin Ge leaned against the side of the medical cabin, lowered his head to open the terminal, and clicked on the content of the message Lin Hanwen sent her.

While replying to the message, she said: "Well, before we left Planet Aitan, Murray brought them here together. This was originally prepared for my team. After all, the mercenaries came to wipe out the Zerg together. There are bound to be injuries, and I've got my hands full."

Duan Ling lowered his eyelids and said, "You don't treat your own people badly."

"of course."

She just didn't expect Lin Ge to use Duan Ling first.

"However, you also helped me a lot and reduced the casualty rate of my team. I am very grateful to you. When I leave here, I can pack this medical cabin for you as a reward for working for me."

Duan Ling didn't answer, but he didn't refuse either.

Lin Ge accepted this gift as his acquiescence.

After confirming that Duan Ling was fine, Lin Ge and Duan Ling got off the airship.

Murray didn't follow, and disappeared into the universe starry sky with the three spaceships.

"What are you going to do next?" Duan Ling asked.

Lin Ge: "Continue with the academy practice."

Duan Ling was surprised.

"I thought that for the next two days, you planned to find a place to stay. After all, you took away the main console, didn't you?"

He said so, but his subconscious mind was telling him that Lin Ge would never be so honest.

It is clear.

Duan Ling was not mistaken.

Although Lin Ge didn't answer his words, he was already thinking about it.

She won't say, she still has to find Lu Xiao to do something wrong.

She has been thinking about Lu Xiao since the rehearsal. He is the number one man who must be done in the main task.

Before Lin Ge left District 6, he looked at the terminal to understand the current situation.

Waiting to see it, send her some messages.

The corners of Lin Ge's mouth curled up slowly.


During the three days when Lin Ge was away.

Lu Xiao was very hard on that side.

Originally planned to stop and kill Lin Ge with Hull, but the protagonist never showed up.

Moreover, they are now being retaliated by Xinghan Academy.

Don't make him irritable.

"damn it!"

Lu Xiao couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

He never thought that those trash from Xinghan Academy would fight back so quickly!

Hull, who was with him, also had a bad face.

He was sitting opposite Lu Xiao, and his whole body was covered with scars.

Hull wiped away the blood from the scratches on his face, and said coldly: "Lu Xiao, it's been three days, and I don't plan to spend it with you any longer. For the remaining two days, let's each rely on our own abilities!"

After Hull finished speaking, he was about to leave with the only remaining people from the General Academy.

Lu Xiao immediately stood up and stopped Hull with her hand.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself and said: "Hull, we are already in the same boat. You know that Xinghan Academy is starting to fight back now. In order to keep our position in the academy, we must continue to join hands."

Mentioning this made Hull even more annoyed.

He shook off Lu Xiao's hand.

"We are indeed cooperating to deal with Xinghan Academy together, but now? Yes, we did eliminate several teams of Xinghan, but I, Puluo Academy, also suffered a lot."

Hull couldn't help narrowing his eyes when he said this.

"Lu Xiao, speaking of it, our Pro Academy is the vanguard every time. Compared with the number of people on your Terrance side, don't you think your approach is a bit excessive?"

Lu Xiao knew that she was impatient.

Originally, it was agreed to cooperate with Puluo College and wipe out Xinghan College.

It turned out that although the people on Xinghan's side were useless, after two days of adapting to and overcoming the environment.

From the third day onwards, Xinghan Academy hid and started a guerrilla war, taking revenge on the two students one by one.

There are many of them, and their goals are big and clear. They are harassed by Xinghan's students from time to time.

It also caused headaches for the two students.

The number of people in the three colleges began to shrink.

In terms of the number of people, due to Xinghan's counterattack, the loss of Puluo Academy is indeed much greater than that of Lance Academy.

No wonder Hull is cranky.

But now is not the time to tear up the face, Hull and the others must not be allowed to leave.

Lu Xiao kept his voice calm and said, "Hull, it's my fault. It's indeed my mistake in decision-making. If you feel uneasy, then I can let our people be the vanguard. How about you substitute in the back? "

Hearing this, Hull calmed down a little.
Inverted V is on the shelves, poor boy, give me a first order!
 There will be a big update today, and there will be a concentrated update in the afternoon and evening.

  Seek first order first order (‵‵)

(End of this chapter)

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