Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 109 Get rich by selling Zergs [addition]

Chapter 109 Get rich by selling Zergs (26) [addition]

Before he could finish speaking, a kind of extreme pain with a splitting headache came.

Lu Xiao couldn't help roaring and screaming!

"My mental strength! No! Lin Ge! You will die!"

He felt his mental strength draining.

With the disappearance of his mental power, his perception of the surroundings also disappeared.

Completely became an ordinary person.

At the same time, he became a waste person.

"Bitch! You bitch!"

Amid Lu Xiao's hysterical curses, Lin Ge helped him close the hatch of the spaceship.

She waved her hand and asked Murray to arrange to see him off.

At the moment when Lu Xiao was sent away.

She saw the watchdog swipe out of the mission panel.

Hunter: Lin Ge
Resentment points: 68 points

Star Power: 343
With the addition of 32 star power, Lin Ge is quite satisfied.

She told Lin Hanwen about revealing her true gender.

Get him ready and cooperate with her actions.

Lin Hanwen probably knew the purpose of his daughter, so he naturally followed her blindly.

After all, he is just a father who eats his daughter's soft rice because he has no affection.

Over there, Hull was framed by people from the General Academy, probably after treatment.

He watched Lin Ge's entire operation.

Even though he was filled with resentment, he didn't dare to do anything to her again.

He's arrogant, but not really stupid.

The previous whip was entirely because she felt that Miss Lin Ge's family should not have much strength.

Suffering for no reason, Hull could only admit that he was unlucky.

When he was brought in front of Lin Ge, he still had a complicated face and couldn't help asking.

"How did you break into my terminal?"

Here, each terminal is equivalent to an identity card.

The most stringent defense system has been set up.

He saw the content of the video that Lin Ge sent to him.

Isn't it the picture of Lu Xiao's betrayal before?

Despite getting this video, Hull has the confidence to protect his own interests.

But he was even more curious about how she managed to easily crack the transmission content of his terminal.

Lin Ge glanced at him.

"What's wrong? I'm just sending a file, and we won't have any contact in the future. Don't worry, I won't do anything to your terminal."

Hull choked.

Is he worried about not being in touch?

He is worried about his terminal defense system, isn't it too hot?
What if in the future anyone can tell him nonsense?

Hull took a deep breath and asked directly.

"I'm just worried that my terminal security defense is too weak, but just ask, if you really don't want to say it, forget it."

The more Hull spoke, the softer he was.

This area was obviously blocked, and he didn't send any news to the family before.

Combined with what she said before that you don't have to thank me, she immediately realized that only she would post this video to herself.

Now that people obviously don't want to talk about it, he can only give up.

Lin Ge nodded, not hiding her true thoughts.

"It's really weak, change to a higher-level one next time, come on."

After speaking, she left.

But what she didn't know was.

Because of her unintentional words, there will be one more senior researcher who specializes in security network defense in the future.

Day [-].

Academy practice is over.

In order to avoid the trouble of being questioned, Lin Ge changed back to men's clothes for the time being.

She and Duan Ling returned to the school grounds where they had gathered before.

Those who successfully "survived" all looked exhausted.

Everyone is surrounded by a sense of weakness of "being hollowed out".

It was time to gather and leave, when we returned to Aitan.

The teachers of Xinghan College, the people from the military, and the teachers of the other two colleges gathered together and didn't know what to say.

Their expressions are very dignified.

Later they found Hull, and after a while they found Lin Ge again.

Lin Ge was not surprised, and followed the teachers.

When leaving, Duan Ling grabbed her.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

Lin Ge laughed and said, "I'm not a child, don't worry, they won't do anything to me."

Duan Ling was really relieved about the reassurance in her mouth.

After all, every time she said, she did it.

But even if he was relieved, he still couldn't help worrying about whether she would be implicated because of Lu Xiao's affairs.

In Duan Ling's anxiety.

Not long after, Lin Ge came back as if nothing had happened.

Mu Lan followed with a frustrated expression.

He followed Lin Ge angrily and said something, obviously a lot of bitterness was about to be poured out.

Lin Ge couldn't help digging out his ears.

"Okay, okay, I've listened to it a hundred times. Don't worry, the Lu Xiao you mentioned has long since disappeared. Even if you are beaten until you are eliminated, someone will take revenge for you, right?"

Mu Lan sounded like that, but what he saw was believing what he heard was not what he heard. He didn't see Lu Xiao being beaten, so he felt bad at all.

Mu Lan wanted to say a few more words, but seeing the tiredness in Lin Ge's brows and eyes, he murmured and had to shut up obediently.

Going back in time, it takes longer than coming.

Perhaps it was because Lu Xiao could not be found.

All the teachers and military personnel had a bit of a bad look on their faces.

In order to find Lu Xiao's trace again.

There are still many people left in Heng Yunxing.

As for Hull, everyone knows that he was the last person to be seen when Lu Xiao disappeared.

But after seeing Hull take out the video, Lu Xiao turned against the water and wanted to kill him.

Hull went from suspect to victim.

Mainly in the video, the part where Lu Xiao disappears and becomes invisible is also recorded by Lin Ge as evidence that he has left at the end.

This made Lin Ge quite satisfied.

Lu Xiao said so well, if he sees her again in the future, he should be beaten twice less.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to Planet Aitan.

233 block.

As soon as Lin Ge entered the villa, he saw Father Lin coming down from the elevator next to him.

Looking at his face, he seemed to be angry.

The robot butler at the door who had been trained by her whispered to Lin Ge: "Young master, after the master came back, he called the second master Lin, and he is now angry."

Lin Ge nodded, and walked inside without saying anything.

"Girl, you are back."

Lin Hanwen rubbed his tired eyes, his expression was much older than before.

He sat on the sofa in the hall with a dejected look on his face.

"Girl, what I, the Patriarch of the Lin family, has failed."

Lin Ge nodded inwardly.


But on the surface, he still gave this cheap dad an encouraging look.

"Dad, in fact, this position is inherently difficult. Did Lin Qi start to put pressure on you after knowing my true identity?"

"It's not just pressure!" Lin Hanwen was furious when he mentioned this.

"My good brother and some old people in the Lin family want to separate me, saying that I have no successors and I am not qualified to continue to be the head of the family!"

Lin Ge was speechless.

She also couldn't figure it out.

This interstellar society is much more advanced than her first world, which was ancient and modern.

I don't know why, but I still have some old ideas.

What pass male not female.

She doesn't know about other families yet, but the Lin family has deeply ingrained this idea.

It's not worth it!
She thought for a while and said, "Dad, how did you think about my previous proposal?"

Lin Hanwen was silent.

Lin Ge was not in a hurry, sat across from him, closed his eyes and began to wait for his reply.

 I'll catch bugs after the update is over, there will be another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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