Chapter 115 Getting Rich by Selling Zerg (32)

Lin Hanwen was pumping his blood with excitement.

Let the barrage brush up all the blood.

The news keeps scrolling.

This reception was basically attracted by Gemu Technology.

The Lin Group, in the end, just became a clown.

For Lin Qi, after the reception is over.

He found Lin Hanwen and wanted to ask him what was going on.

Because the two parties held the reception at the same location.

Just go up and down.

Before Lin Qiren went upstairs, he was framed by a group of robots similar to machine butlers, who forbade him from approaching.

Lin Qi was furious.

He took out the terminal and dialed Lin Hanwen.

It is conceivable that he cannot be contacted.

Lin Hanwen had already put him on the blacklist, which was the kind of permanent ban on contact.

【Master, Lin Qi was beaten away by a robot, hahaha, his nose is crooked in anger, it's so funny. ] The watchdog gloats daily.

Lin Ge didn't care.

"Lin Qi is just a small character, don't worry about him, just keep an eye on the alliance for me first, they will definitely take measures against Lin Hanwen when they hear that Gemu Technology is going to invest in the planet."

The watchdog said: [Master, they have always opposed Gemu Technology's possession of the planetary territory. Obviously, they were frightened by our actions of confiscating Hengyunxing.Master, why don't we just educate those people in the alliance and let them know how powerful the master is, hehe! 】

Lin Ge: "Hmph dog, you've let yourself go completely now, right? The members of the Education Alliance want me to do it. I'm exhausted. It's pointless. Don't do it."

Now, the watchdog is speechless.

Master, if you don't do it, you don't do it, why do you call him "hum dog"!
It's so ugly!

Lin Ge didn't care about the watchdog.

In order to avoid encountering the scanner of the media, I am walking towards the back door of the building to a remote place.

Since the main purpose was to create momentum for Lin Hanwen, Lin Ge didn't intend to stay any longer.

She left the reception early and planned to go to Duan Ling first.

She just got inside the parking garage.

I saw Duan Ling fighting with a group of men in white.

Lin Ge just stood and watched, not intending to help.

What's more, he enjoyed Duan Ling's fight quite leisurely.

until a few minutes later.

A loud bang.

Several men in white who besieged Duan Ling fell to the ground quickly.

Duan Ling's state at this time is obviously different from before.

Ben's blue eyes had a hint of purple, and his expression was bloodthirsty and crazy.

With a cold face, he mentioned a man in white who had passed out on the ground.

The knife in his hand cut through the wrist of the man in white, he raised his head, and squeezed the blood from his wrist into his mouth.

Throughout the parking lot, only his slight swallowing sound could be heard.


He seemed very dissatisfied with the taste in his mouth, and dropped the man in white again, ran to the side, and scratched his throat with his hands.

The blood that had been swallowed was spit out again.

But because of this, his pupils, which had turned purple, were gradually returning to the blue they used to be.

The rest of the people in white on the ground saw such a scene, their eyes were full of horror and horror.

"Help, help!"

Among them, a man in white saw Lin Ge and wanted to reach out for help!

Only then did Duan Ling realize that someone was there.

He turned around abruptly and looked in Lin Ge's direction.

Those azure blue eyes were full of violence and murderous intent, as if they were about to devour everything.

His petal-like red lips were even more beautiful because of the blood.

Duan Ling froze for a moment when he met Lin Ge's calm gaze.

"You... why are you here?"

Duan Ling immediately restrained his tyrannical aura, stepped back two steps, and subconsciously hid the knife in his hand behind his back.

He lowered his eyes slightly and pursed his lips.

The smell of blood and rust filled his mouth, making him frown.

I don't know why, but he is a little dazed and flustered now.

There is a sense of embarrassment of being caught by the teacher and doing bad things.

He heard the girl's footsteps across the street.

Very steady, very slow pace.

His originally chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down under the sound of such slow steps.

Lin Ge walked up to Duan Ling.

Lowering his eyebrows, he reached out and took out his hand that hid the knife.

"What do they want from you?"

Lin Ge's tone was calm.

Pull out the knife in his hand, wipe off the blood on it, and return it to him.

Duan Ling looked at the clean blade in front of him, and took it in a daze.

He raised his head to look at Lin Ge, and mumbled, "They want to ask me who took those pills last time."

Lin Ge looked puzzled.

"Didn't you throw out a fake one at that time? These people saw my face in the end. If they didn't come to me, why did they find you again?"

Mentioning this incident, Duan Ling wanted to remake himself at that time.

At that time, he had an attack of illness, and it was difficult to grab the pills.

When I saw Lin Ge, I thought about changing the medicine and framing her.

As a result, Duan Ling felt a little awkward when he was brought up to talk about it now.

He coughed dryly and said, "They found out that we were classmates and thought we were in the same group. They couldn't find you, so they had to find me again."

Lin Ge understood.

"Oh, what's the matter with you then."

Duan Ling felt cold, thinking that she would dislike her state just now, and was about to explain.

Lin Ge immediately raised his hand to stop it.

"Forget it, it must be another tragic past. It's not important, and I'm not interested in listening to it. I'll just settle the current matter according to the result."

Duan Ling: "..."

Now, his panic, nervousness and other messy emotions are completely gone.

She just loves to spoil the atmosphere!
Lin Ge continued: "Where are these men in white based?"

In order to avoid future troubles, just go to the old nest directly.

Anyway, it's not impossible to beat.

"At Weixi Star." Duan Ling replied softly.

Lin Ge nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, this will save trouble."

Duan Ling hadn't figured out what it meant to save trouble.

Just hearing what she said next made him feel bad.

"Although it was taken over by me two months ago, the army that you asked to form before has not taken action because of the delay in processing things. Now that my father has taken over Gemu Technology, it is just time to implement the next plan."

"Tonight, we're going to set off on Weixi Planet to take down the territory, so that I can move the Gemu Technology headquarters there too."

Duan Ling: "?"


How did you start talking about fighting Weixi planet?

Duan Ling pondered for a moment, his face a bit complicated.

"Weixi Star involves a wide range of forces and is extremely complicated. Moreover, they have also cultivated a group of experimental subjects that were bred on humans with the flesh and blood of the Zerg race. The strength is extremely powerful, and it is difficult to chew them off."

Knowing what she wants to do, he can't stop him, he can only talk about the information he knows one by one.

Lin Ge had learned this information from Murray a long time ago.

She also knew that this so-called experimental body included Duan Ling.

He is the experimental subject who escaped from Weixi Planet, and he is still a failed legacy product.

(End of this chapter)

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